Rick Perry compares alcoholism to homosexuality ...

Obama's America = flood us with illegal underage children immigrants...............

BTW, the Obama administration is preventing the media from access to the detention centers................

But heck, the Obamazombies think we are on the right track !

wellendowed1911's Avatar
You respect Ex Nyer because he voted for Obama...and FYI, he isn't a conservative !

And if the only "success" Obama has going for him is the UE; then you are on slippery ground. The UE is so low NOT because of job creation but because of people dropping out of the labor force due to no recovery in certain sectors and low recovery in other sectors.

Chart: What’s the real unemployment rate?

CNBC.com staff | @CNBC
Friday, 2 May 2014 | 8:36 AM ET

A number of economists look past the "main" unemployment rate to a different figure the Bureau of Labor Statistics calls "U-6," which it defines as "total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of all civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workers."

In other words, the unemployed, the underemployed and the discouraged — a rate that still remains high.

People are dropping out of the labor market because they have become discouraged by the economy.....and that is all on Obama !


And the U-6 Unemployment rate under Bush was significantly lower than even Obama's best years; and that is with Obama benefiting from unprecedented Fed action, Obama's stimulus, and his failed "shovel ready" jobs !

By relying on the bogus unemployment numbers and promoting the phony idea that the Obama economy has been a success, you prove my point that you have low expectations for this president and in reality he is a failed presidency. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are a fucking moron- Bush spent like a liberal- his last year in office the UE was spiraling out of control- 2 wars that we couldn't afford- housing crisis- the govt expanded under Bush you fucking idiot!!!
You are just a troll- in 2008 where did your loyalty lay? You admitted that you didn't vote for the GOP in 2008- you claim to be a libertarian, but rarely do you have an Pro Ron or Rand Paul threads who are true libertarians- you are supposed to be "conservative" but Romney was surely more of a moderate- you are a flip flopping lying POS.