What Does Low Volume Mean?

burkalini's Avatar
We do all make mistakes though. lol

"and the long run on sentence made it hare to read."
We do all make mistakes though. lol

"and the long run on sentence made it hare to read." Originally Posted by burkalini
Yep. I noticed too when you quoted me
ICU 812's Avatar
Low-Volume? I am a low volume Hobbyist at once or twice a year for well below $1000/yr. I suppose that a part-time provider could see several clients a week and get by. My guess is that a full-time provider could see one client a day or that equivalent a week and make a living. That adds up to twenty a month or two hundred fourty a year. Is that "low-volume"?

Well now lets look at an Indy who is hobby-active twenty days a month, which seems reasonable to me. Also keep in mind that I am counting on my fingers, so check the math.

If she books one session in the afternoon and one in the evening (or two-a-day), that would be 40 sessions a month. Throw in a late night or pre lunch session every other day (ten additional se3ssions) brings that up to 50 sessions a month or six hundred a year. To me, tht would be some serious volume.

An Indy might do that. An AMP provider might do one an hour for however long she can take it. We might call that seven to ten a day.

I have no real experience with the business end of the Hobbyist/Provider equation from the provider's end.
, so I am just working the numbers out. Dunno what the reality is for the providers.