Biden to Give a TAPED Interview To George Staphylococcus.

biomed1's Avatar
I like this guy. One of the only ones here that gives it back the way it needs to be. Too many lies on here repeated. With no consequences. If you call them out you just get piled on and insulted. Conservative Cancel Culture in action. Originally Posted by hughjahol
I like THIS guy even better! Thanks man. I'm serious. I already got caught up a little today. But your right. So many lies and liar enablers here. Not worth it. Plus why take away the small amount of joy they get in their lives from high-fiving each other over who told the latest bestest lie? They are kind of like the people you see who hang out at Karaoke night every week. They all suck and no one would ever pay them to sing. But they all tell each other that they could have been the next Kelly Clarkson. Such wasted talent! Originally Posted by hughjahol
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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Dunno know 'bout you, but I sure do want to see the "leverage" photos they got on George Staphylococcus. Hmmmm... wonder if he has close ties to Andrew Gillum. Pure speculation. Anyway, they must be pretty potent. He went from dutiful lackey, to willing cohort in the taped interview, to speculating that the BI-DONE was a might bit peeked and frail, to - All Joe! All Day, in just two days flat.

Wonder what caused such a rapid transformation.
Dunno know 'bout you, but I sure do want to see the "leverage" photos they got on George Staphylococcus. Hmmmm... wonder if he has close ties to Andrew Gillum. Pure speculation. Anyway, they must be pretty potent. He went from dutiful lackey, to willing cohort in the taped interview, to speculating that the BI-DONE was a might bit peeked and frail, to - All Joe! All Day, in just two days flat.

Wonder what caused such a rapid transformation. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Perhaps George Staphylococcus just needed to be reminded what happens to those who plot against the Emperor.
There are huge amounts of cash at stake. Foreign entities such as China that have Biden bought and paid for want to keep it “business as usual”.
... No, the OBama people are the ones who give George Staphrinocerous
his marching orders each day... So George has NO true loyalty to
Joe Biden. ... None.

Though, to be fair - the onley way George was gonna get any
sit-down interview with Joe was that it wouldn't be a live broadcast.

'Course is ANY interview with Biden a "live" broadcast?? ...

#### Salty