Some Thoughts On Hunter Biden, “The Big Guy”, and Those that Dismissed This…..

oh sure! side with the dead one. bahhaaaaa

sorry sparky Trump's kids are choirboys and girl compared to Hunter. not one of them has anywhere near his scandals combined. and where there is a scandal .. there is usually a crime. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
... Lok how quickly and simply the liberal mates here
just ignore all of THE OUTRIGHT LIES about the laptop.

All Joe Biden's LIES about it.

Do the liberal simpletons REALLY believe that when
the liberal medias stance surely has changed, that
Hunter's "selling influence" was unknown to Joe??

Do they think that the term "Big Guy" as referenced
to Joe - is all made-up??

Poor Joe. ...

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
it's coming. and when it does it's going to fry Biden's presidency. as far Trump he's certainly more proud of Don Jr who isn't an addict, sex addict, fucker of his dead bro's widow, and who got drummed out of the Navy.

Biden named his dog Major after Beau Biden's Army rank, but he named his other dog Champ because if he named him after Hunter the poor dog's name would have been "Crack"

BAAHHHAAAHHAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
another biden is asking for a divorce. I think they got married 4 months ago, she says its more like an "arranged" marriage when she met this biden dude.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Hunter Hunter Hunter lol. He gives the cartel a big ole boner for some unexplained reason?? He is not a politician or advisor to the President. Trumpy and his cartel are trying to catch a minnow in a big big sea. If by a very slight chance he was indicted lol n omg n wtf stupid people Brandon yuk yuk could make the charges disappear with a snap of his fingers. Trumpy showed the world how to set a record on being the biggest loser ever and handing out the most pardons ever to all his corrupt cartel members

Dah...political witch hunt for no reason.. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
What I see is someone willing to be ass fucked....and smiles about it afterwards. When did Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Neil Bush, and Ronald Reagan Jr. join the government? They were all subjects to investigation and humiliation because of their relationship to their presidential relative. The difference is that they didn't blend in their bank accounts with the "big guy". For that you have to go back to Billy Carter and his dealing with Libya's strong man.
How does your ass feel now?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Reposted with OPs permission (10-29-2020)

The Biden crime syndicate prefers wire transfers of large sums of moolah, thank you very much. The below was sent to Patrick Ho on hw to wire money to the crime syndicate. In way of review; Patrick Ho is in prison for the next 3 years in the USA. The other salient point to recollect; it ain't just Hunter, it's - All in the Family - with the Biden Crime Syndicate.

Money laundering: Joe Biden’s brother sent bank “wiring instructions” to “spy chief of China”

Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” is the gift that keeps on giving, with the latest revelation being an email containing bank wiring instructions that was sent from Joe Biden’s brother Jim to Patrick Ho, the infamous “spy chief of China.”

Jim Biden, described by The Gateway Pundit‘s Cristina Laila as “Joe Biden’s slimy grifter brother,” told Ho, a Hong Kong national who was suspected of being a covert agent for the communist Chinese regime, to wire the funds to Owasco LLC, Hunter’s personal firm.

“The wiring instructions for Dr. Ho’s representation funds are as follows,” Jim wrote at the top of the email, copying it to Hunter, who also goes by the name of Robert, along with Kevin Dong and Mervyn Yan. A screenshot of the email, as shared by The National Pulse‘s Raheem Kassam,...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Crime syndicate?


Yssup Rider's Avatar
... And not to mention what THEY DID to Trump.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Did THEY hurt your feelings, mate?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Just a friendly reminder that while the 50 intelligence expert were claiming Russian dis-info and social media sites were banning users for mentioning the laptop from hell and the LambSCREAMMedia was ignoring the Biden World-Wide corruption network or saying it was Russian dis-info - the internet was wide awake, aware and doing it's job - and some did not even acknowledge it, pooh-poohed it or stayed steadfast and true to their puppet masters and decried the racsyyst, Alt-Right, klan folk, supremacists - clinging to their guns and religion - just as they were programed to do by their betters, masters, tenders,bosses writ large

Which raises the question: If your government and media lied to you for 2 years plus (and you fell for it hook, line and sinker) - WTF do you do now that you know you have been lied to, hoodwinked, tricked and/or bamboozled for 2 years and now know the truth? What about next time they tell you a story or the time after that? And what about all those pole dancers and fact checkers too?

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me know..the thing...come on man

Very small sample of some memory lane hits, in no particular order:

Twitter Deplatforms Website That Released Audio of Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Discussing FIRING VIKTOR SHOKIN Who Was Investigating Hunter Biden (8-21-2020)

Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad (10-14-2020)

HUGE! EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL: Documents Released by Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s Office Reveal MILLIONS Funneled to Hunter Biden and the John Kerry Family (11-13-2019)

It All Comes Together: Hunter, Burisma, Kolomoisky, Zelensky and the “Children Burned Alive in Donetsk” (3-25-2022)

New Hunter Biden Emails Show Sales of Influence to Chinese Interests – Millions Paid to Biden Family for “Introductions” and Legal “Assistance” (10-15-2020)

New emails from Hunter Biden associate who flipped in prison reveal massive China influence-peddling effort (10-17-2020)

Politico Spins Hunter Biden Email Story as Possible Russian Disinformation (10-17-2020)

Report: Forensic Analysis Shows ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email Is ‘Unquestionably’ Legit (10-30-2020)

Secret Service says it doesn’t have Hunter Biden emails from some years, his laptop says otherwise (3-16-2022)

Judicial Watch Obtains Secret Service Records Showing Hunter Biden Traveled to 29 Countries, Including Five Visits to China (6-26-2020)

Election Meddling?!? You damned right it is!!

bambino's Avatar
Crime syndicate?


hahahahahahahahahahahah! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your commitment to stupidity is impressive
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Crime syndicate?
hahahahahahahahahahahah! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-02-2022, 06:26 AM
Again....nothing has come out about Joe Biden.

That he has a fucked up son that has traded on his family name is without question.

The other son seemed to be head and shoulders above any of the Trump kids but this is not political, talking about their kids is more akin to gossip.

Under the category of who gives a fuck
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
and Al Capone was just a barber...
and trumpy was just an honest real estate developer
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
another biden is asking for a divorce. I think they got married 4 months ago, she says its more like an "arranged" marriage when she met this biden dude. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Meghan King says her relationship with Joe Biden’s nephew felt ‘like an arranged marriage’

The “Real Housewives of Orange County” alum gets candid about why she was so quick to marry now-ex Cuffe Owens.

this chick seems like a professional marriage whore lol

Personal life

Edmonds has two daughters from his first marriage, to Lee Ann Horton, who died of cancer in 2015.[18]
He has a son and a daughter from his second marriage, to Allison Jayne Raski, which lasted from 2008 to 2014.[19]
Edmonds married Meghan O'Toole King on October 24, 2014. She joined the cast of The Real Housewives of Orange County in 2015; Edmonds appeared on the show. They welcomed a daughter on Thanksgiving Day 2016[20] and twin boys on June 5, 2018.[21] On October 25, 2019, the day after their fifth wedding anniversary, Edmonds filed for divorce.[22]
Edmonds and his family live in Frontenac, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis.[23]
Did THEY hurt your feelings, mate? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Of course they did. ... Didn't they hurt yours??

... I'm Australian - but have good citizenships here now.
So one would EXPECT that the rules and laws here in
America are surely the SAME for everybody. And that
when rules and laws are broken - then the lawbreakers
would be held to accounte.

You have a news media here that purposefully distort
the facts and then OUTRIGHT LIE - just to push a
political narrative. ... And the DNC is always at
the centre of it.

THAT would surely be bad enough.

Then you got a FBI and DOJ who are so corrupt that
it has morphed into a two-tiered system of justice.
Corrupt agents who also outright lie and distort
the truth.

... They rigged the election - and stole it away
from Trump... You really believe that there's
no voter fraud - you'll surely SEE the evidence
this time next year - once the Republican Congress
controls the investigations.

WHY do ya think all the Biden laptop shit is all
front and centre RIGHT NOW - because the Dems KNOW
that INVESTIGATIONS will be coming next year.
And they're scared to death!

So they're searching for a "deal" for the Bidens NOW.

Get ready for President Kamala - she's coming. ... unless...

... So, yeah, to answer yer question - me-own feelings are hurt.

But I'm surely enjoyin' the RESULT.

#### Salty
i thought al capone's father was a barber

now perry como was a barber