AT LAST, Republican Senators stand up to Trump on the trade wars

  • Tiny
  • 06-07-2019, 06:22 AM
Gentlemen, Trump said "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." He's right. He can come up with something that Randall Creed should love, like taxes that will cost $1000 per family and kill hundreds of thousands of American jobs unless he gets his way. And his core base will applaud. That's exactly what's happened. Trump did a huge amount of good with his tax cuts and deregulation, and now he's threatening to undo it, just in time for the 2020 elections.

Thanks very much for all the links to the help that Mexico is now giving us on immigration. I've said multiple times if he frees up Chinese markets, protects our intellectual property, and shuts off the flow of immigrants WITHOUT keeping tariffs in effect he's a genius. If it doesn't play out that way, and we end up with 25% tariffs on all Chinese and Mexican goods, steel, and auto imports, and the rest of the world responds in kind, we're fucked.
bambino's Avatar
Gentlemen, Trump said "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." He's right. He can come up with something that Randall Creed should love, like taxes that will cost $1000 per family and kill hundreds of thousands of American jobs unless he gets his way. And his core base will applaud. That's exactly what's happened. Trump did a huge amount of good with his tax cuts and deregulation, and now he's threatening to undo it, just in time for the 2020 elections.

Thanks very much for all the links to the help that Mexico is now giving us on immigration. I've said multiple times if he frees up Chinese markets, protects our intellectual property, and shuts off the flow of immigrants WITHOUT keeping tariffs in effect he's a genius. If it doesn't play out that way, and we end up with 25% tariffs on all Chinese and Mexican goods, steel, and auto imports, and the rest of the world responds in kind, we're fucked. Originally Posted by Tiny
And what exactly is your proposal to deal with China and the immigration fiasco? Like Congress, you don’t have one. Discussing the effects of tariffs is like discussing climate change. There are people on both sides of The argument. The Mexican Diplomat just told reporters that he will speak to them after he makes his deal today.
first the title is off

"at last" they stand up to him?


its here-to-fore they all agreed with him on most of the important stuff

what is happening now is they have some fear and pressure, from their constituents, that their businesses might be harmed

they are pressured from important (read monied) constituents and supporters,

even the gov of texas has come out asking that trump find another way to protect the border, why? because of business

so there you go
bambino's Avatar
Hey Tiny, Mexico arrested 2 leaders of the Caravan operation today. Just keeping you appraised of Trumps tariff strategy paying dividends.
Last Ride's Avatar
Everyone is above Trumps pay grade....even minimum wage workers...Trump takes no wage as POTUS!!
Again TINY...think before you post!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I guess his conflicts of interest are paying him well????
Redhot1960's Avatar
Clivus Multrum (@ClivusM) says:
June 7, 2019 at 9:12 pm

So PDJT returns from charming the Queen to winning a Mexican standoff against …….Mexicans.

Not a bad week….

I B Hankering's Avatar
Clivus Multrum (@ClivusM) says:
June 7, 2019 at 9:12 pm

So PDJT returns from charming the Queen to winning a Mexican standoff against …….Mexicans.

Not a bad week….

Originally Posted by Redhot1960
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I guess his conflicts of interest are paying him well???? Originally Posted by Last Ride

what conflicts? America First or the Globalists?

keep this on the down low ... Trump IS colluding with Putin .. against the Globalists.

and they are WINNING!

lets dance

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what conflicts? America First or the Globalists?

keep this on the down low ... Trump IS colluding with Putin .. against the Globalists.

and they are WINNING!

lets dance
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Not sure about america, but Putin is certainly colluding with China on a cuba/venezeula.
  • Tiny
  • 06-07-2019, 09:18 PM
I hate fucking crow
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not sure about america, but Putin is certainly colluding with China on a cuba/venezeula. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
let them. it's a losing bet and they will bleed themselves out trying to prop up both Cuba and Venezuela. Cuba nearly tanked with the USSR fell and they lost their lifeline.

like China and North Korea. who here thincks North Korea would exist as it is today without being propped up by China? China is playing a dangerous game. they absolutely DO NOT want North Korea to provoke a US/South Korea military response. they do not want this to the extent that China will ... WILL .. take out Kim if it comes to it.

they will to avoid a renewed conflict. they can do it without firing a shot. if tensions due to Kim's erratic behavior get to a tipping point, they can just summon kimboi to Beijing on the pretext of a summit and then just cap his ass. game over.

they will of course have to annex North Korea as a Chinese province but if that leads to a permanent end to the "conflict" why would Trump and the US oppose that?

the only other way this stalemate ends is if Kim himself goes too far and the military performs a coup on him. and they can. if that happens it opens the door for Korean unification. Under South Korean rule. If China opposes that then guess who they have to contend with? the US.

and China most certainly does not want that. in fact they will do almost anything to avoid it.
I hate fucking crow Originally Posted by Tiny

At least you owed up to it
I hate fucking crow Originally Posted by Tiny
Did you write a review...
bambino's Avatar
I hate fucking crow Originally Posted by Tiny
One of the few times someone admitted they were wrong in this forum. Kudos! Wash that crow down with a couple of Coronas!!!
  • Tiny
  • 06-08-2019, 07:18 AM
One of the few times someone admitted they were wrong in this forum. Kudos! Wash that crow down with a couple of Coronas!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Thanks for not gloating. No Coronas, they remind me of Mexico. I need to forget. Maybe gin and tonics