True the Vote Wins Stunning Court Ruling Against IRS in Lois Lerner Scandal

  • Tiny
  • 06-10-2019, 09:33 PM
These 501's should not get tax exempt statue....none of them in the political arena. Lorreta should have gone after all of them! Free fucking speech my ass... Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, Both 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations are tax exempt and should continue to be. "Tax exempt" means the entity doesn't pay tax on money it receives from contributors, like a for profit corporation would. Tax exempt does NOT mean contributions are tax deductible.

Neither type of organization can primarily exist for the purpose of "political campaign intervention" activities. They're organizations of like minded individuals that come together because they believe in a common cause or because they want to promote some good to society. I think most U.S. charities, like American Red Cross and United Way, are 501(c)(3)'s. Anyway, it would not be fair to tax either type of organization like a for profit corporation.

I don't know, but would suspect that neither of the political parties benefits more than the other from these types of groups.

The 501(c)(3) is an organization that exists for charitable purposes, thus the contributions are tax deductible. A 501(c)(3) can't engage in lobbying or in a political campaign.

A 501(c)(4) is a "social welfare" organization. Contributions to a 501(c)(4) are NOT tax deductible. The 501(c)(4) can "engage in political campaign intervention activities so long as such activities do not represent their primary activity."

How this might work - a group like Citizens for Tax Justice might have a 501(c)(3) that engages primarily in research. They would have a staff that's left of center in its biases, maybe people like Paul Krugman. Contributions to the 501(c)(3) would be tax deductible.

Then they might have a 501(c)(4), and its primary mission would be to educate politicians and the general public on why their taxes should be higher. Contributions to the 501(c)(4), again, are not tax deductible.

Btw, if you mean that contributions to 501's that engage in political activity should not qualify for tax deductions, I think you've got a strong case. And they're not supposed to.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
wtf you're off topic on your shrill attacks on everyone.

you have not made any reasoned opposition regarding the IRS claims.

It's a shame Lois Lerner, Odumbo, Elijah Cummings, etc., are all for an unconstitutional and unlevel playing field which allowed David Brock to thrive while simultaneously using the power of a police state to shut down conservative sites like True the Vote which Lerner, et al, audited 23 times and tried to take the CEO's children away from her. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It is a damn shame the Obama Administration weaponized the IRS against citizens who merely wanted to enjoy the freedom our founding fathers died to create.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just another example of the doj against citizens for odumboos gain ,
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-11-2019, 07:58 AM
It is a damn shame the Obama Administration weaponized the IRS against citizens who merely wanted to enjoy the freedom our founding fathers died to create. Originally Posted by friendly fred
We all die...the founding assholes are no different.

They founded this country out of selfish reasons. not for your cheap ass. Or do you think our Founding Fathers had Israel in mind?

  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2019, 09:42 AM
Tiny - thanks for a reasoned post.

SomeOne is just up to the same antics as some banned DPST's - guess that One feels all the pressure to represent the DPST POV is on themself.

No sense trying to have a cogent debate with those dedicated to throwing insults, bombs, and one-line posts with foolish cartoons.

As IBH noted - no cogent response to the thread -

might as well just laugh and move On!
txdot-guy's Avatar
Tiny - thanks for a reasoned post.

SomeOne is just up to the same antics as some banned DPST's - guess that One feels all the pressure to represent the DPST POV is on themself.

No sense trying to have a cogent debate with those dedicated to throwing insults, bombs, and one-line posts with foolish cartoons.

As IBH noted - no cogent response to the thread -

might as well just laugh and move On! Originally Posted by oeb11

OEB11, I would agree with you if only you would stop using the acronym DPST in every post you make. That is in itself an insult and you use it all the time.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-11-2019, 12:11 PM
OEB11, I would agree with you if only you would stop using the acronym DPST in every post you make. That is in itself an insult and you use it all the time. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Correct...they insult and they complain about insults.

To those , I throw their shit back at them twice as fast...
  • oeb11
  • 06-11-2019, 12:15 PM
Shoe Fits - Wear it
If not- so what
Those posters who are Marxist worshippers - enjoy the DPST label - you earned it

Wear it Proudly!!!!
Your gods - marx - lenin-stalin-mao-kim-pelosi,schumer,nadler,schiff are taking offerings of fealty to the DPST religion. You may kneel and prostrate (no- that not your gland) yourselves.
including fake Liberaltarians.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
OEB11, I would agree with you if only you would stop using the acronym DPST in every post you make. That is in itself an insult and you use it all the time. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

hm, do you know what DPST is?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
We all die...the founding assholes are no different.

They founded this country out of selfish reasons. not for your cheap ass. Or do you think our Founding Fathers had Israel in mind?
Originally Posted by WTF

you rather us remain under British rule??? under the Rum, Sodomy & Lash regime????

yeah, I think founding fathers had Israel in mind. they wanted U.S. to be the New Jerusalem.
Or do you think our Founding Fathers had Israel in mind? Originally Posted by WTF
I think they had Israel far more in mind than the USSofA(United Socialist States of America) that many current day lefties want.
txdot-guy's Avatar
hm, do you know what DPST is? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
According to OEB11 it stands for
Democrat-Progressive-Socialist-Totalitarian DPST

The problem I have is that not all democrats are socialists, not all socialists are totalitarian, not all progressives are democrats.

That's like saying all republicans are racist, homophobic, pro-life, gun loving nra members.

What OEB11 is doing is trolling the message board looking to make people angry. I wish he would stop it and have something of substance to say.

When I search the political forums for the word DPST it shows up 425 times. Of those 425 times it was mentioned by OEB11 424 times.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
According to OEB11 it stands for
Democrat-Progressive-Socialist-Totalitarian DPST

The problem I have is that not all democrats are socialists, not all socialists are totalitarian, not all progressives are democrats. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

ok.. just checking. LOL!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 07:16 AM
you rather us remain under British rule??? under the Rum, Sodomy & Lash regime????

yeah, I think founding fathers had Israel in mind. they wanted U.S. to be the New Jerusalem. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
HaHa...friendly fred would love that!