
You're fairly new and obviously not from around here. Annie is the pimp. Christopher's Cuties is her agency. She doesn't work them. Originally Posted by pornodave69
Soooo what are you saying Dave...because there are other agencies also in NOlA, are they also "Pimps"...??

Last I checked NOBODY IS FORCED to work for any AGENCY, they often gravitate to doing so because they are too lazy to do their own screening... and half of them are ...well you know...
Most BEG to work for agency then STEAL clients or money from AGENCY,( or both) then when caught they run and HIDE...

But EVENTUALLY they all come back BEGGING for work...

Back on track hope you feel better soon. Sorry you needed to cancel....
You always keep us on task Mel. Cheers to you doll. Keep it up!,,
albundy's Avatar
LOL, Bundy has scarred me for life, I can't look away though, he truly is a dirty old dog.

I love facials, never cared for still images of them though, I guess its all about the reaction for me, good or bad. I also could never do it with a girl if she found it the least bit degrading, I personally don't see it as degrading, I see it as very sexy. But to each their own. Originally Posted by radio109
You want to be scarred!!! LOL! I can post that one picture from my Trouble review. My balls banging from that point of view will haunt you!!! BWHAHAHAHA!!!!

On a side note. I'd like to add that Lolahhhhhh chick's gorgeous face to my face painting collection, that's for sure. If it ever happens, I'll make sure to put that picture as my avatar.
annie@christophers's Avatar
There is 1 pimp in these agency sections in nola. However Heidi can tell. She brought up the #1 girl anyway. Lol... there's a reason they stay downwind. Piggy just haa a big mouth. far as this chick goes. I believe we all made up our minds. Xxoo ann.... p.s.. Dave. Don't ever refer to me as a pimp. We both know better at this point then that. P.s. want your bundle sent to me by chella. I seriously have no need for it and told you when happening. Regards.

Now Dat's a Pimp...LMAO
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
Ok seriously, Annie i respeck yo pimp game... But I really don't understand a lot of what you are saying. And it's not that you are using slang terms I don't know. It's your Syntax or something... Like your sentence structure makes it hard to read and understand does anyone else know what I'm talking about?
albundy's Avatar

I hope you feel better soon, Lolahhh. Take care.
mrredcat43's Avatar
LOL, Bundy has scarred me for life, I can't look away though, he truly is a dirty old dog.

I love facials, never cared for still images of them though, I guess its all about the reaction for me, good or bad. I also could never do it with a girl if she found it the least bit degrading, I personally don't see it as degrading, I see it as very sexy. But to each their own. Originally Posted by radio109
It's cool, Bundy has scarred me too, but I'm pretty sure I've scarred him too, good stuff. I'm not a fan of facials, I'd rather baptize her mouth. Carry on!
LOL Bundy. Whats scary is the consistency looks like that might be from one dude, or fake. I know there is an injection trick they use in porn now though. Impressive load, cant even tell if shes hot or not.
Discreet referrals's Avatar
What does this have to do with me? It appears someone is having a breakdown of some sort and continues to attempt to drag my name into her own shit/drama.
It doesn't hurt my business, it hurts yours. Stop embarrassing yourself, stop harassing me.
The girls I screen for are classy, the pics are tasteful. Why am I even mentioned in this thread other than desperation and jealousy?
Summer isn't slow btw!
I know this is weird but hear me out a second. What is that smell around here? Jasmine? I've been a lot of places and never smelled this, in before sewage and swamp.

Seems to be strongest once the heat dies down and for a few days after a full moon but its always subtle and barely there. I've searched but its tough to identify a smell with research. Also seems the strongest around August but can start to smell it around now. Its gotta be Jasmine, but whenever I smell the plant directly its different.

I ask because I want the plants. Beautiful night btw, at least on the north shore, its rare to have nice weather here. Even my kids were enjoying some telescopes tonight. I tease a lot but nola is one of my favorite places. Anyway the smell seems very distinct to this area.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Shut up piggy. Again u started it and can't finish. Period. I mean jealous. Again? Umm. Remember I have the proof also dumbass. U already played,your stupid ass hand the way you always do. Came up zilch. Big tale tale piggy. Lol. Ouch your,killing oh and as a courtesy I should let ya know another of the 2 girls,ya actually got called. I don't need her but I'll take her just to bug ya.. oh and YOU brought Stella up. And we both know what,thats,about. Yep...blk man..2 Lil white girls.. so go figure how your never responsible. I hope his number 1 fucks ya up. Your mouth got her here. Maybe when back from touring them. Lol. But ya are right bout 1thing. Those pics are nasty and radio another. That has to be fake.. but I'm not interested enough to go back and look. Good morning. Except the phone call from Heidi last nite I slept like a peach. To bad this is the morning joe. Xxoo Annie. Oh and radio. I'm sorry I lost ya. Yes I know,I got some nerve after making ya decipher my shit (by the way thats funny) but all I got was northshore and jasmine is on it??
I'm glad I got a laugh out of you Annie. I was just trying to figure out what a flower or plant is because my kids and I love the smell. I'll figure it out eventually