What are some ~fun things to do over the holidays?

DallasRain's Avatar
yea now its snowing really hard!!! Im in springfield Mo.

have fun in SA this new years babe!
Doc_rob's Avatar
A couple of things : 1) my daughter in Cedar Park and my little one use my Moms Christmas cookie recipies. I end up with way too many cookies. 2) I take my dates out to the hill country on a wine tasting trip. 3) a tour of the missions.
Doc_rob's Avatar
Dreams of Sonya dancing in my head.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I'm going to watch some great old Christmas movies such as Die Hard and Lethal Wepon! Classics!!! Then plan my Cancun vacation. Originally Posted by Doc_rob
I hope that you enjoyed your old Christmas movies. Have an amazing Cancun trip!! ;-)
My favorite Christmas movie... Originally Posted by Mokoa
Awesome movie

Originally Posted by Nutting Buckeye

I would say an Angel sucking the blood out of Jr....boy oh boy Originally Posted by chacal7781
Sounds very naughty!
But fun at the same time

Baking oatmeal muffins, cookies and banana nut bread, watching old Christmas movies while snuggling! Originally Posted by Hatt64
Banana nut bread is the best..
+1 on snuggling

Sweet DallasRain!
I'll have lot's of fun
You too
[QUOTE=Daktari;1056166635]Although is quite a drive north, I've go see the Lights Festival at Marble Falls and Main Street Bethlehem in Burnet, for a combination of new times and old

Did you take your family there? Sounds like fun ..thanks for.sharing with the lovely ladies nice things to do
Wow that sounds fun!
Did you take your family there?
Thanks for sharing with the hobby community