Bar says Trump was spied on!

Odumbers doj was spying on us cits ,and didn't inform dumper ( because of the spying) the Russians were buying fb ads ? Originally Posted by rexdutchman
The Russians still can buy FB ads. All they have to do is check a box saying "Not Putin" and not pay in rubles.

The whole "Russia interfered in the US election" clickbait is the biggest bunch of bullshit perpetrated by the US/Dim Media machine in the last two years. Every state supervisor of elections said "no interference by Russia."
LexusLover's Avatar
The Russians still can buy FB ads. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Or uranium from the Clintons.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The Russians still can buy FB ads. All they have to do is check a box saying "Not Putin" and not pay in rubles.

The whole "Russia interfered in the US election" clickbait is the biggest bunch of bullshit perpetrated by the US/Dim Media machine in the last two years. Every state supervisor of elections said "no interference by Russia." Originally Posted by gnadfly
It’s not like the Russians illegally crossed the border and voted for Trump.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Odumbers doj was spying on us cits ,and didn't inform dumper ( because of the spying) the Russians were buying fb ads ? Originally Posted by rexdutchman

what's worse is that the FBI didn't inform the Trump Campaign that the Russians were spying on them.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by gnadfly

thats a good one!
comey was so full of disingenuous camouflage the other day

he said he didn't know what barr was talking about

that the fbi only did "court ordered" surveillance

seemingly trying to fool americans into thinking like the court went to them and ordered them to do it

what a terrible, pretentious, faux self righteous, liar
LexusLover's Avatar
Bar says Trump was spied on!
Do they like "stalked" better?

J. Edgar did that shit all the time … especially for LBJ.

He would just send a box of files over to the White House!

Particularly when Lyndon wanted a bill passed fast!!!!!!
Whisky_1's Avatar
Trump and members of his campaigned were not spied on. That's just political spin to dismiss incompetence and unethical conduct. Allegedly, Trump and members of his campaign reached out to known Russian diplomats and spies and failed to disclose those meetings in their security clearance applications and associated paperwork. Subsequently, members of the Trump campaign aledgely came on the FBI's radar screen during routine and ongoing counter-intelligence survillence of Russian diplomats and counter-intelligence operatives. On the other hand, foreign policy is the exclusive domain of a sitting President. As a result, Trump and members of his campaign had no valid reasons to secretly reach out to the diplomats and hostile counter-intelligence operatives especially before assuming office. Consequently, guarded and undisclosed contact with hostile foreign diplomats by members of the Trump campaign could possibly rise to the level of treason.

Next, members of the Trump campaign were unmasked and amended statements previously made to the FBI as a result of the discovery. Secondly, an unrelated FBI investigation revealed Russian nationals were operating a criminal enterprise out of Trump Tower. Subsequently, the FISA court approved FBI warrents to gather evidence within the counter-intelligence realm rather than routine criminal or civil court systems. Hence, the FBI did not spy on Trump or his campaign. One could argue the appearance of impropriorities by the Trump campaign and global business operations seem to unfairly enrich the Trump family at the expense of the American taxpayer. Consequently, a critically thinking person would not dismiss the probablity of racketeering as well as treason without a through FBI investigation.

Finally, the Trump family appears to have conflicts of interest between their business operations, their role as national strategic political leaders and their personal relationships with high office holders of hostile nations (Russia and China). This along with inappropriate contact with Russia counter-intelligence operatives before assuming office raises even more questions about treason, unethical conduct and abuses of office in violation of the emollients clause to the Constitution. Last of all, why would Trump attempt to suppress an FBI investigation and the subsequent report that aledgely exonerates him and his camaign of any wrong doing and risk obstruction of justice office. I'm just saying.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump and members of his campaigned were not spied on. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Is that sort of like saying the below is "not a wall" so Trump failed on his campaign promise?

You people are sadly hilarious!
bambino's Avatar
what's worse is that the FBI didn't inform the Trump Campaign that the Russians were spying on them. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The Russians weren’t spying on Trump, the FBI was.
Whisky_1's Avatar
The FBI was not spying on Trump. The FBI monitors hostile counter-intelligence activities like Russia. When members of the Trump campaign met with Russian diplomats they became visible on the FBI radar. Had they not met with the Russians and/or reported the engagement accurately it would have been a nothing burger instead of chaos.
LexusLover's Avatar
The FBI was not spying on Trump. The FBI monitors hostile counter-intelligence activities like Russia. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
And they should, and leave their political opponents alone.

The SCOTUS opinions are full of cases opposing efforts to justify searches by LE based on fabricated facts and spurious claims whether a court order is issued or not .... if you desire to review some of them they will most likely be discovered using the search term ...

....... "pretextual" .........

What the following investigation will demonstrate is these LE frauds fabricated bullshit, floated it to the media, and then used the media reports based on "anonymous sources" that were protected by the alleged 1st amendment as a "pretext" to establish probable cause for the court to sign an order.

Now ... if they did that to your UTR p4p fuck ... you'd be all up in arms and indignant ... wouldn't you????

But since the LiberalSocialistAntiTrumpers don't like Trump, in THEIR weak minds it's "ok"!
bambino's Avatar
The FBI was not spying on Trump. The FBI monitors hostile counter-intelligence activities like Russia. When members of the Trump campaign met with Russian diplomats they became visible on the FBI radar. Had they not met with the Russians and/or reported the engagement accurately it would have been a nothing burger instead of chaos. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Bar is going to find out isn’t he?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Russians weren’t spying on Trump, the FBI was. Originally Posted by bambino

actually the Russians did but spying wasn't their aim, disruption of the election campaigns was their goal. what they did was disruptive.