Looking for SW's everywhere. Can't seemto find any.

singleagain45's Avatar
A guy told me a story once about about him driving down Lancaster and/or Rosedale late at night. He didn't have a single dime of cash on him, but because he was driving a recent model car, and because he was fairly well dressed, and white, he was pulled over by FW police and harassed, and given a $500 ticket for solicitation of prostitution ? He even said the cop cuffed him, put him in the squad car, and pretended to call his wife with his cell phone the cop took away from him, just to mess with him.

Why was he really there you ask? He was on his way home from a Maverick BB game, and he had heard about SWs in that area, and wanted to know what they looked like. He didn't fight the ticket because when he found out he wasn't going to have a police record, he paid it off with his rainy day money and made it go away so his wife wouldn't find out.

I would stay away from FW if I were you because of LE
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 01-01-2012, 12:00 PM
The service roads (both directions) between Lamar and Ave J. It is very hit/miss but the action has gotten a little heavier the last few weeks.
For all you new guys. I would just stay out of Arlington. PERIOD. These are THE MOST aggressive cops by far. It is not worth it. STAY OUT OF ARLINGTON. Never pass 360 looking for girls.

Grand Prairie is good but be safe....

Fort worth is so big there are girls everywhere if you know how to look ive had success on beach/lancaster area.

I think Dallas is to dangerous and the cops are insane so ive never trolled Dallas.

A few tips for new guys.

- dont mean to sound racist but avoid spanish, latin, mexican women. ive had more problems with them then white or black combined. so i dont pick them up anymore. white and black women are good and very submissive. latina women ARE NOT submissive and dangerous.
- Agree on price before you let girl in.
- Try to minmize driving with hooker in your car. Have a spot picked out. Go to ASAP.
- It is best to troll just before dark or in the morning. Never graveyard unless you know what your doing.
- NEVER have sex with SW in your car. Oral only.
- dont ever get angry with girl in your car remember shes is in YOUR CAR. let her win. try to get her out as quickly as possiible when act is done.
- remember your cant reason with hookers or women in general.... only thing that talks is money.
- tint windows if you plan on doing this for a while.
- dont ever go to her "spot" or while your "driving"
- dont talk to much or they will think your soft and get aggressive and cause problems.

have fun ive been doing this since 2007 no problems. just a few close calls.
daty/o's Avatar
Ok, somebody enlighten me on why SW pussy is so much better than provider pussy. Let me see, how many times have I shown up at a providers incall and been busted by le? Oh, I remember. Never.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 01-05-2012, 06:47 PM
And how many times have you gone to provider pussy and gotten a good BJ for $15 or $20? Never? I thought not!
daty/o's Avatar
True enough. Wonder if that was Hugh Grant's logic.
seventonine's Avatar
Hugh's deal may have been a combination of a) the so-called "rush" associated with picking up a SW and b) the belief that no one would believe a SW if she ever went public about the encounter.

Obviously, there was a serious flaw in his logic. Perhaps he didn't know about or didn't want to engage one of those low profile businesses that provide discrete encounter services to the super wealthy.

Personally, I enjoy trying to spot the SWs, but I've never been inclined to pursue them. In my younger days, a certain supermarket near Greenville Ave and Lovers was a prime pickup spot for real-world chicas.

Logan's exploits on the other hand always provide an epic account of what is possible.
- Agree on price before you let girl in. Originally Posted by tornado
Cardinal Sin and the BEST way to end up in jail. Never discuss anything until AFTER she gets in!!! A cop will never get in your car!
Closed Cab Royal and went down WH for old times sake. Saw a thin blond and heavier black girl in the parking lot of the 7-11 at HH. Both had short shorts but were just standing around. Looped up HH a way to kill time and when I came back they were still standing around. Thought it might be a set up but went down to NW and came back up and they were walking west on WH. They met up with two more black girls and worked their way west on WH and headed back east to HH. Last time I saw them they were standing against a Dallas PD van in the parking lot of the 7-11 at 3am.