What’s wrong with America ? American T V is the answer

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Cendell M's Avatar
Texas is a mere hop, skip and jump to Florida.

If you ever find yourself in Miami, I would be happy to extend my hospitality to you. Mi casa es su casa. Drop me a message if you get the urge to see Miami. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Will do….

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I start my big brother binge tomorrow! Hope it’s exciting
oilfieldace's Avatar
Will do….

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I start my big brother binge tomorrow! Hope it’s exciting Originally Posted by Cendell M
What bunker have you been hiding in not to know who wom?

I believe you will find it very exciting
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^ Lol idk I just don’t
HedonistForever's Avatar
What's wrong with TV? Not enough breasts in the sequel to Game of Thrones, House of Dragons. I miss Daenerys perky breasts, but on House of Dragons, it's looking like a helluva battle is coming instead of winter.
Cendell M's Avatar
Has Kanye West “Ye” gone to far? I may have spoke to soon, looks like Adidas, Balenciaga and a number of his endorsers have dropped him For his recent outburst on the Jews. I don’t think he hates Jews how can you if you’re a man of God this is what he does to rile people up.

Me personally I still love Kanye West but I think he’s really done it this time.

Somebody else will pick him up or he will start his own company either way he’ll be fine but I think he put his foot in his mouth this tim!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Kanye is a Trump supporter; therefore, anything stupid he says or does never surprises me.

He's been acting like a weirdo ever since his mom passed away years ago. And yeah, his big mouth did cost himself 100's of millions of dollars but he's still rich so it's not like he will be homeless and living under a bridge.

I think marrying a Kardashian probably didn't help either. Those reality TV whores seem to suck the life out of their men.