Contacting Favorite Provider not for app't

fun2come's Avatar
do you guys contact your favorite provider occasionally outside of appointment times? in other words a text or call to say "hey whats up or how you doing?" thought about you or see u soon? nothing annoying or stalking, just a stay in touch moment..
how about you providers, do you like hearing from one of your great clients occasionally? just a short note or message about how hot you are or youre on my mind?? i'm sure there are providers who have those favorite guys they really look forward to seeing... Originally Posted by NativeTexson
Only with the ones who do the same ....

... usually takes to have known the provider for some time and having hung out socially or at parties.

But really is more the exception than the expectation...
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I agree with fun2cum. Generally it takes about a year of knowing a hobbyist before I start really being friends with the person and doing things socially with them. Im truly sorry that the thread got side tracked a bit. Hopefully this tirns in a real adult conversation that will yield helpful tips for hobbyist to try and become true friends with a provider. Just know that isn't always possible though.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-01-2016, 07:40 PM
Only with the ones who do the same ....

... usually takes to have known the provider for some time and having hung out socially or at parties.

But really is more the exception than the expectation... Originally Posted by fun2come
I agree with fun2cum. Generally it takes about a year of knowing a hobbyist before I start really being friends with the person and doing things socially with them. Im truly sorry that the thread got side tracked a bit. Hopefully this tirns in a real adult conversation that will yield helpful tips for hobbyist to try and become true friends with a provider. Just know that isn't always possible though. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

A couple of pretty level headed posts in my opinion. As with almost every question, the answer is, "it depends". Mostly it depends upon whether BOTH people are open to a degree of friendship, and whether the two individuals mesh.

I agree it is not the norm, and I agree that not everyone is open to the non-work-emails/calls. But to pretend it doesn't happen is foolish. To assume that it only happens to the inept and socially deficient is stupid.

I have a number of ladies I will drop a short e-mail to, or call for their birthday, or just let them know if I will be close to their town. Most of them I have known for much longer than a year. All of them feel quite comfortable reaching out to be "for no special reason" as well. Or when they need an ear to bend an ear and vent about some of the tougher aspects of this business. Or when they need help with their math class. Or for a good hiking trail.

But if it is going to work for two people, underlying it all must be good communication--about what they allow, what they don't, and when/if/how it is OK to contact. There also needs to be a level of mutual trust as well--and nothing will destroy that trust quicker than the lady thinking your communication is a pretense to try and get OTC sex.

Again, not saying it's the right option for everyone, but it certainly does happen. A lot more than some here would admit. In my cases, almost always initiated by the ladies.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-01-2016, 08:10 PM
Nope they don't want to hear from you except when you are setting an appointment to give them money.
Poor little Richie-poo hasn't learned much of anything since I last saw his pouting. Since no self respecting lady--in or out of the business--is likely to want to spend one more second with him than absolutely necessary, well, he makes himself feel better by trying to believe they don't care to hear from anyone else either.

They are hookers renting their time, not your friends.
Some are, some aren't. But then one has to wonder if you have friends of any type.

Perhaps you feel you're special and they should want to hear from you on their time off
I assure you there are 50 other misguided clients all hogging up their time when they are not working.
Just got off the phone with one. You are right, she really didn't want to talk with me--that's why she called. I am sure she called from her home number just to tell me she didn't want to talk.

Do you actually think these girls you find attractive, do not have someone in their lives they actually want to spend time with?
Actually, I know I am quite average looking--on my good days. I suspect you are not much better, but your narcissism wouldn't ever let you admit that.

I know I know, they are hookers and couldn't possibly have normal lives outside this hobby, because in your universe you are that cool.
On the contrary, it is exactly because they have "normal lives" that we go out for dinner, hike the Rocky Mountains, go to shows, dog-sit, talk about how teething really cuts into sleep time, etc., etc.

A sure sign a hooker wants to talk with you on her off time is, SHE will call you. Originally Posted by moonshiner
Sure enough does. Quite a few of them in fact. The most relevant (to this thread) e-mail I received this evening was laughing at your post and pointing it out to me. She also wondered why they keep banning CJOHNNY who is basically a harmless satire, while allowing you to come back over and over to spew your chauvinistic pig philosophy (her words, not mine--though I agree).

Swing from that clowns nutsack all you want, it doesn't make it fact any more than when Bandle Boy cries it.
And you, trying real hard to be James Dean with a psycho attitude, dosen't make your swill fact either. By the way, you ain't worthy to undo James Dean's sandal strap.

In case you haven't notice your leader has flown the coop.
If you find him, climb up his gaping asshole and die tired old whore.
Thus spake Little Rickie, so everyone should take heed. Wouldn't want any ladies to think they had the right to work here if Little Rickie thinks they shouldn't. After all, he IS the expert in all things. Ask him.

Shove that stalking talk up your fat ass bitch!
And somehow you continue to have immunity from any punishment for personal attacks. I wonder why you get special rules.

Ain't nobody stalking you tired old ass, you decided to start calling me a bandle, you started running your big mouth, now you have to live with what you started. Originally Posted by moonshiner
Someone else started tossing insults? Hard to believe. I though you had pretty much cornered the market on that low form of communication. Called you a stalker, did they? Sure seems to fit you. And I would have thought something like that would be a faux badge of honor for you.

Better to be easy than SIMPLE like you nuggie.

Your lack of ability to read is why your wife was munching the box of a barebacking whore that you brought home to her.
Sure hope that turns out alright...okay I'm lying, I hope you pay the price. Originally Posted by moonshiner
More of the Little Ricky we have come to know and love. Mouthpiece for the mob. Wisher of hate and discontent to any who question his divine right to sit at W's right hand and/or grovel at his feet. The moon-shining rocker dude--can't you just hear the Deliverance theme every time you have the misfortune to read one of his belches?

It's been a while since I was wandering through the Austin Co-Ed threads, but the only thing that has changed about you is your handle.

Carry on little man. The masses need more of your posts to laugh at.
inspector farquar's Avatar
I will agree completely with the Old-T.
nuglet's Avatar
Better to be easy than SIMPLE like you nuggie.

Your lack of ability to read is why your wife was munching the box of a barebacking whore that you brought home to her.
Sure hope that turns out alright...okay I'm lying, I hope you pay the price. Originally Posted by moonshiner
See? told you that you're easy. LOL at ease sonny.
moonshiner's Avatar
And I told you that you are SIMPLE gramps.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Depending on the medium you are using other people you meet online might have an actual interest in meeting you or someone else where as a whore is really just here for the money and you are fooling yourself in thinking it is more in most instances. Originally Posted by Whispers
So Whispers continues to hold the opinion that providers are a subhuman species only capable of greed and addiction.
Shepherd King's Avatar
Nope, not really. There is absolutely no need to unless I'm wanting to schedule something.
These girls have their lives outside the hobby and so do I.

Never have...well I did once after she hit me up but that's a different story.

As a good rule of thumb, I would not as you are not the only one and you are not "special". If you are "special", then it's probably in Carlos Mencia's Dee Dee Dee way.

Originally Posted by Skip_8
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... Carry on little man. The masses need more of your posts to laugh at. Originally Posted by Old-T
Am I the only one hoping for a (however feeble and flailing) rebuttal? Old-T was in the express lane and bringing heat!
Whispers's Avatar
nothing like hijacking a thread with a self absorbed topic like yourself Whispers, you seem like a real asshole...I hope every provider in Texas reads this and sees what you stand for. Originally Posted by NativeTexson
All any provider I ever want to see cares about is the cash in the wallet.
Whispers's Avatar
Hey "Whispers" why are you been a Bully and attacking FIREPHOENIX & GALAXON00! Every Provider here have the Right to do what ever they want or like, before work or After Work! They Are Humans been Not a piece of meat! Stop harassing people! Just because you hide behind the phone or the computer. You think you have the right to bully or harass people. I bet if someone from here meet with you! You be a Coward were with your tail between your legs & run! Originally Posted by BadBoyForLife69
Actually I'm rather social, go to a lot of parties and meet people from here pretty regularly. I've met literally hundreds and have no problem expressing my opinions to someone in person.

None of my comments are personal attacks. Simply observations of the business aspects of the points being discussed.
moonshiner's Avatar
Speaking of Narcissism

Do you actually think these girls you find attractive, do not have someone in their lives they actually want to spend time with?

Actually, I know I am quite average looking--on my good days. I suspect you are not much better, but your narcissism wouldn't ever let you admit that. Originally Posted by Old-T
Dear Old Fucktard,
If you were capable of reading, you would read that no where in the quote does it say anything about my looks or your looks retard.
It says the girls YOU find attractive.
Quite simply put retard, an attractive girl that doesn't have a boyfriend is one of the rarest things you will encounter, so why would a stupid fucktards assume she has nothing else going on you feeble old man?

So who is the real Narcissist?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-02-2016, 04:18 PM
Speaking of Narcissism

Dear Old Fucktard,
If you were capable of reading, you would read that no where in the quote does it say anything about my looks or your looks retard.
It says the girls YOU find attractive.
Quite simply put retard, an attractive girl that doesn't have a boyfriend is one of the rarest things you will encounter, so why would a stupid fucktards assume she has nothing else going on you feeble old man? Originally Posted by moonshiner

Look at that! Little Ricky-Poo is absolutely correct! While I was laughing so hard at his bumbling rant I read "you find" as "find you". Shucky darn, I didn't manage to throw a shut-out after all. One point for Ricky. All the significant points for me. That dyslexic moment will shame me forever.
moonshiner's Avatar
Your points are nothing old man, you blather on completely ignorant.
You can't even read, let alone make any points.
Shall we talk about your narcissism now?
First with the illiterate "mistake?"
Then you actually thinking that you're scoring points?
Classic narcissism.