The Real Definition of Terrorism

LOL! You don't even know how stupid you are. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
My name is not Comrade StupidOldLyingFart. That name belongs exclusively to you!

If the shoe fits, wear it. You fukin' Anti-American Commie lover!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BTLD. If I loved communists, you and I would be on the same side, supporting Obama. You really don't know how stupid you are.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We are not required to support the "duly" elected president of the United States. Only in fascist countries are you "required" to support the great leader.
BTLD. If I loved communists, you and I would be on the same side, supporting Obama. You really don't know how stupid you are.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Comrade StupidOldLyingFart, every worthless thread you start is yet another in an exceedingly long line of Anti-American rants. This thread is no different. Even JD finally had a belly full of your bellyachin' & bullshit and called your stupid ass out. As well he should have. For the life of me, I don't know what took him so long.

I have said before and I will continue to say, we need to ship your sorry fukin' ass to Beautiful Downtown Damascus so you can get a flavor of what the rest of the world is really like. You sit here in the safety and comfort of your Bitchita, Kansas living room and support no one while bitching and moaning about everyone.

You are a worthless pile of shit! And that's on your best day! It's all downhill after that!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not anti-American, I'm anti-tyranny. You refuse to see the difference because, well, because you're stupid. What else can I say?
I'm anti-tyranny. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If I was so concerned about a tyrannical government taking over in MY nation's capitol, (which I'm clearly not), I would get off of my ass and fight for what I believe in as opposed to waiting for someone else to fight my battles for me.

The story of Comrade StupidOldLyingFart's worthless life is he constantly bitches and moans about anyone, everyone and everything. All the while, he supports nothing and no one! When it comes time to fight the battle he's perfectly content to allow someone else to fight his battles for him. Yikes, we wouldn't want the Comrade to get his itty, bitty pinkie hurt!

Fukin' Wuss!
Comrade StupidOldLyingFart, every worthless thread you start is yet another in an exceedingly long line of Anti-American rants. This thread is no different. Even JD finally had a belly full of your bellyachin' & bullshit and called your stupid ass out. As well he should have. For the life of me, I don't know what took him so long.

I have said before and I will continue to say, we need to ship your sorry fukin' ass to Beautiful Downtown Damascus so you can get a flavor of what the rest of the world is really like. You sit here in the safety and comfort of your Bitchita, Kansas living room and support no one while bitching and moaning about everyone.

You are a worthless pile of shit! And that's on your best day! It's all downhill after that! Originally Posted by bigtex
I doubt COG is Anti-American. If anything you are. Instead of debating the issues he post you bash him personally. Thats usually what extremist nutjobs like you do.You can't claim to be a Patriotic American when you're clearly in leaque with leftist political view points that aim to tear down the very fabric that this country was built on. Unfortunately the Leftist wingnuts like your self are the majority in this country. COG and guys like COG are the minority.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tex I think we have a difference of opinion here. I generally support much of what COG says but he is a libertarian and I am a conservative. Where it seems he mistrusts all countries and government, I am American, this is my country but I watch my government with the eye of a skeptic. I really have to take acception with what you wrote a couple ago about supporting the duly elected President...that is really a problem and I don't think you believe it at all. Tell me that you supported George Bush when he was president. We are not required to support any leader. We should obey the legitimate laws unless they violate our own sense of values without harm to anyone else. In fact that is the core of freedom. We don't have to worship or support anyone and I reserve the right to disagree with anyone.
I'm not anti-American, I'm anti-tyranny. You refuse to see the difference because, well, because you're stupid. What else can I say? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Then try to find something good about this country if you want to convince anyone you aren't Anti American. Biggest share of the posts are anti Obama or anti government.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Here you go, Eva. America is a great country because we may be able to peacefully rid ourselves of Obama and many in Congress with the proper non-violent methods of communication.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Then try to find something good about this country if you want to convince anyone you aren't Anti American. Biggest share of the posts are anti Obama or anti government. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The GOOD is bho only has 3 years and 11 months to destroy the country
Yssup Rider's Avatar
anything that Unawhiner posts that has the word REAL in the headline indicates that he's keeping secrets.

How disingenuous.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BTLD, Timmy, Assup, sorry to hear this.

Here you go, Eva. America is a great country because we may be able to peacefully rid ourselves of Obama and many in Congress with the proper non-violent methods of communication. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We finally agree, "America is a great country." And it would be even greater if you would take me up on my kind and generous offer of you taking a one way trip to Beautiful Downtown Damascus.

Let me know when you are leaving you sorry, Anti-American sack of shit!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's anti tyranny piece of shit to you, BTLD. You're the anti-American piece of shit.