The man who would destroy the Republican Party

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The anti-white policies you reference are a figment of your overly paranoid imagination.

Apparently your mind is consumed with hate and a false sense of entitlement.

Until you get over that shit, you're of no use to anybody in 2016.

BTW -- you had me at "I am not JL"

Your vote for the 0zombie really closed the borders... NyRINOer Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
And your vote for Romney really closed the border, too, didn't it?

I voted Obama as a protest against the stupidity of the GOP establishment nominating another "go-along to get-along" empty suit.

But you voted for the GOP establishment empty suit, didn't you, toof-less? And yet you pretend to be overthrowing the GOP establishment.
Shove this up your ass and then get back with me, NyRINOer... Ted is my 2nd choice... but at least I would never vote for a 0zombie, like you did...

https://tiburoncalifornia.wordpress....venient-truth/ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Really? You're reduced to bashing Cruz's wife based on her government lawyer job?

Do you have any idea how many liberal skeletons Trump has in his closet? You only think he is a conservative because he appeals to immigrant hatred.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Really? You're reduced to bashing Cruz's wife based on her government lawyer job?

Do you have any idea how many liberal skeletons Trump has in his closet? You only think he is a conservative because he appeals to immigrant hatred. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Don't be so hard on Donnie. He's not a one-issue candidate. He's fucked up on pretty much all of them.
lustylad's Avatar
I voted Obama as a protest against the stupidity of the GOP establishment nominating another "go-along to get-along" empty suit. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You're not making sense. Folks who oppose the so-called "GOP establishment" are tea party sympathizers. If they didn't like Romney, they may have stayed home as a "protest", but NONE of them would have voted for Odumbo, who stands for everything the tea party is revolting against.

And if you're genuinely tired of the so-called "GOP establishment" why do you hate Trump so much? He is the most anti-establishment candidate running.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now is as good a time as any to destroy the Republican Party. They are not that much different than Democrats. We essentially have one party rule now. We need to open up to more parties. Both the Libertarian Party and Green Party are on the ballot in every state, but the Establishment Republicans and Democrats refuse to allow them to be part of the national debate. No one is going to be elected unless they receive the Establishment imprimatur. That's why nothing ever truly changes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I agree with you, whinybitch. This country will never move forward while every political viewpoint is forced into one of two cans of Crisco.

See how the splintering of the GOP is girding the Repubs for more disaster? Just like the splintering of the Democratic Party led to the current GOP led "do nothing" Congress.

You gotta believe that a legitimate Green, or Lib, or even Tea Party, with representation in Congress, would keep the partisan bickering to a minimum.

That requires a level of thinking, logic and imagination that most of our posters can't grasp.
You're not making sense. Folks who oppose the so-called "GOP establishment" are tea party sympathizers.. Originally Posted by lustylad
No. SOME people who oppose the GOP establishment are tea party sympathizers. Other opponents of the GOP establishment have a working brain.

And just what does "Tea Party" mean at this point? It was always a mish-mash of multiple groups that sometimes had conflicting agenda. They were united only in their dislike of Obama. It is nearly impossible to say what they stand for except that they hate Obama. That is one reason I never followed them. Half of them were cranks and crazies - gold standard currency nuts, tax cutters who thought they could balance the budget by cutting "waste" - which they never specifically identified, conspiracy theorists, open border libertarians side-by-side with closed border anti-immigration advocates, gay marriage opposing Bible thumpers. Aimless stupidity masquerading as a movement.

If they didn't like Romney, they may have stayed home as a "protest", but NONE of them would have voted for Odumbo, who stands for everything the tea party is revolting against. Originally Posted by lustylad
Again, thank you for clarifying that the Tea Party is really just anti-Obama. They don't have a real coherent platform.

And voting for Obama - as opposed to staying home - drives home the point by increasing the size of the Obama margin of victory. A slim loss because of people staying home would send entirely the wrong message to the GOP establishment. They would think they just needed to tweak their campaign strategies instead of rethinking their platform entirely.

And if you're genuinely tired of the so-called "GOP establishment" why do you hate Trump so much? He is the most anti-establishment candidate running. Originally Posted by lustylad
You just committed the classical error of thinking "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".

That type of logic frequently blows up in your face - like thinking we could work with Saddam Hussein because he was an enemy of the Iranians and the Ayatollah.

Or thinking the Muslim "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan in the 1980s were our allies because they were fighting the Russians.

Trump is worse than the GOP establishment. No thanks.

Trump is worse than the GOP establishment. No thanks. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Well when Donald Trump gets the nomination, you can vote for Hillary... You'll really show the GUP* then...


*Government Uni-Party
And what does THAT mean, mope?
lustylad's Avatar
No. SOME people who oppose the GOP establishment are tea party sympathizers. Other opponents of the GOP establishment have a working brain.

Your snark doesn't work since I'm a tea party sympathizer with a working brain.

And just what does "Tea Party" mean at this point? .... They don't have a real coherent platform.

Well, you could start with the TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY part - that's pretty coherent in its opposition to what the tax-and-spend libtards keep shoveling out.

And voting for Obama - as opposed to staying home - drives home the point by increasing the size of the Obama margin of victory. A slim loss because of people staying home would send entirely the wrong message to the GOP establishment. They would think they just needed to tweak their campaign strategies instead of rethinking their platform entirely.

Ok, lemme see if I can figure out this deluded line of thinking. You hated the GOP establishment because in 2012 they served up Romney who wasn't conservative enough for you. So you cast your vote instead for the guy who is diametrically opposed to ALL conservative principles - an arrogant lawless libtarded free-spending Alinsky socialist ideologue. And you say you did this just to spite the GOP establishment so they will wake up and nominate the perfect conservative candidate next time? How the fuck does inflating Odumbo's margin of victory (with its message that the country is too liberal for a Romney) convince the GOP it needs to put up a more conservative candidate to win? A sane person would conclude just the opposite.

You just committed the classical error of thinking "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" ... Trump is worse than the GOP establishment. No thanks.

I didn't say Trump had to be your candidate or your friend, only that his anti-GOP-establishment attitude should resonate with you. If you think this is outweighed by his admitted flaws and weaknesses elsewhere, then you could elaborate. Otherwise I will just assume the Donald either outsmarted you in a real estate deal or fired you on The Apprentice back when you still lived in New York. Which is it? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Tea Party is irrelevant on a national scale -- angry white folks being angry white folks -- but that hasn't stopped them from totally destroying the national GOP.

Trump is merely the coup de ASSHOLE in the angry white folks' journey into political oblivion, both nationally and globally.
lustylad's Avatar
Tea Party is irrelevant on a national scale -- angry white folks being angry white folks -- but that hasn't stopped them from totally destroying the national GOP.

Wishful thinking. That's why you libtards are so alternately fascinated and frightened by the tea party. And why your bitch Nancy Pelosi was quick to call them "astroturf" - when it was obvious to everyone they are a genuine authentic grass-roots political movement beholden to no one.

Trump is merely the coup de ASSHOLE in the angry white folks' journey into political oblivion, both nationally and globally. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
More wishful thinking. The only part you got right is he's an asshole. Here's a dirty little secret for you, porkchop - Trump appeals to a lot of dimocrats. It's not just Republicans who are in a foul mood this year. The entire electorate is ornery and volatile. But keep clinging to your tired old libtard talking points. They make you feel relevant, huh?
Originally Posted by ExNYer No. SOME people who oppose the GOP establishment are tea party sympathizers. Other opponents of the GOP establishment have a working brain.

Your snark doesn't work since I'm a tea party sympathizer with a working brain.

And just what does "Tea Party" mean at this point? .... They don't have a real coherent platform.

Well, you could start with the TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY part - that's pretty coherent in its opposition to what the tax-and-spend libtards keep shoveling out.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Thanks for demonstrating my point about Tea Party sympathizers not having a working brain and NO coherent platform.

As a plain point of FACT, taxes are not particularly high compared to historical averages or to other countries around the world. The Grover Norquist assholes think that no matter what the current tax rate is, it MUST be reduced in order to grow the economy and raise even MORE revenue from the lower rate. Following their argument to its logical conclusion, even if the tax rate was 1%, you should cut it to 0% and the economy would grow so much that the lower 0% tax rate would raise even more revenue than the 1 % rate. Clearly NOT.

There is a time to cut taxes and there is a time to raise taxes, depending on how the economy is doing. If the economy is in a slump and the tax rate is 65%, then you should cut it to 40-45% (and cut capital gains rate too) to get the economy moving again. When you are in a boom, you should raise rates and cut spending and pay down debt. When you are in a slump, you should cut rates and borrow to stimulate the economy.

But the Democrats LOVE to spend and the GOP has NOT been able to make a dent in the entitlement mentality in this country. If the GOP cannot get a majority to support big spending cuts, then they have to live with a higher tax rate and go for smaller spending cuts or at least let spending grow slower than inflation and revenue increases.

Instead, we BORROW and spend. All the time, NOT just during recessions. Which is why the national debt always goes up and the interest on the debt is becoming crippling. There is NOTHING conservative or fiscally responsible about that. Or coherent. But yet, that is what one group within the Tea Party advocates. Cut those taxes! And eliminate waste! As if "waste" represents anything more than a rounding error in the budget.

We spend far too much on entitlements and the military. And nobody can sell to the public the idea that we have to cut both to get our fiscal house in order.

We are borrowing for retirement. Which of course you cannot do.

Young people now are being burdened with crippling debt from the current generation of people 45 (or 40) and above. It is absolutely immoral what we are doing.

But TP people think we can cut taxes and still balance the budget by eliminating the minuscule amounts of money we spend on foreign aid.

Originally Posted by ExNYer And voting for Obama - as opposed to staying home - drives home the point by increasing the size of the Obama margin of victory. A slim loss because of people staying home would send entirely the wrong message to the GOP establishment. They would think they just needed to tweak their campaign strategies instead of rethinking their platform entirely.

Ok, lemme see if I can figure out this deluded line of thinking. You hated the GOP establishment because in 2012 they served up Romney who wasn't conservative enough for you. So you cast your vote instead for the guy who is diametrically opposed to ALL conservative principles - an arrogant lawless libtarded free-spending Alinsky socialist ideologue. And you say you did this just to spite the GOP establishment so they will wake up and nominate the perfect conservative candidate next time? How the fuck does inflating Odumbo's margin of victory (with its message that the country is too liberal for a Romney) convince the GOP it needs to put up a more conservative candidate to win? A sane person would conclude just the opposite. Originally Posted by lustylad
I've got news for you, I didn't vote for McCain either. Not after he demonstrated his incompetence by picking Sarah Palin as a running mate. I voted for the Libertarian candidate that time - Bob Barr. But that accomplished nothing either.

An ass kicking at the polls will lead you to start picking candidates based on principles, not persona. Name Romney's principles and win valuable prizes. He was a tone deaf empty suit who was - once again - spouting the "cut taxes and watch it trickle down" economic line. Which would have meant more spending and borrowing. We got that from Obama, but I expect that from the Democrats. But the debt bomb would have been worse if we had cut taxes. Tell me this - what entitlement cuts and military cuts do you think Romney would have made? The honest answer is NONE. And the rollup in debt would have been the GOPs fault, not Obama's.

I think we are heading back into another recession and THIS time there will be NO doubt whose fault it is. The "recovery" under Obama has been pathetic and we borrowed so much money that we cannot borrow more without becoming another Greece. In other words, we have no economic tools left to fight an economic slump. Since borrowing will become prohibitively expensive when interests rates increase, we will FINALLY have a day of economic reckoning that will force us to make REAL spending cuts.

The Democrats and Obama will get the blame - not Romney or the GOP.

THEN the GOP will be able to nominate a REAL fiscal conservative and will get my vote back.

And the GOP will finally be able to rid itself of the Bible Thumpers and rednecks who think we can solve all of America's problems by getting rid of gay marriage and kicking all them minorities off welfare.

Originally Posted by ExNYer
You just committed the classical error of thinking "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" ... Trump is worse than the GOP establishment. No thanks.

I didn't say Trump had to be your candidate or your friend, only that his anti-GOP-establishment attitude should resonate with you. If you think this is outweighed by his admitted flaws and weaknesses elsewhere, then you could elaborate. Otherwise I will just assume the Donald either outsmarted you in a real estate deal or fired you on The Apprentice back when you still lived in New York. Which is it? Originally Posted by lustylad
It doesn't matter if his anti-GOP establishment resonates with me if EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT HIM IS REVOLTING. He will accomplish NOTHING if he gains office. People how know him say pretty much everything you have seen in the debates is a SHOW he is putting on. Do you really think he is going to put his money in a blind trust for a minimum of four years just to go engage in the day-to-day horse trading of governance?

And you don't have to deal with Trump in either real estate or his television show to not like him, mope. Watching his bullshit circus act since the late 1970s is enough turn anyone's stomach.

Does anyone remember the USFL and his anti-trust lawsuit against the NFL that netted him THREE DOLLARS in damages?

His Marla Maples shenanigans?

His Atlantic City casino bankruptcies? How the fuck do you lose money on a casino? His decision to build a big casino off the Strip in Vegas - for which he NEVER received a gambling license?

He managed to borrow enough money to buy some good properties in Manhattan in the 1970s and 1980s and he rode the NY real estate market up - just like every other big landlord in NY. Except the other landlord have the decency (or smarts) to shut up and stay in the shadows.

Trump is nothing special as a businessman. He started out very rich and became fabulously rich by keeping good real estate advisers on staff.

His ventures outside real estate? Not so good.

THE BOTTOM LINE? The GOP can do much better with a conviction politician, like Reagan or Goldwater, who stands for something - rather than another pleasant mealy-mouthed suit like Romney or a big government machine politician like McCain. Even if the GOP loses in 2016, they will be vindicated and win in 2020.

But not if they run Trump. A conviction politician he is not.
  • DSK
  • 01-05-2016, 05:28 PM
Thanks for demonstrating my point about Tea Party sympathizers not having a working brain and NO coherent platform.

As a plain point of FACT, taxes are not particularly high compared to historical averages or to other countries around the world. The Grover Norquist assholes think that no matter what the current tax rate is, it MUST be reduced in order to grow the economy and raise even MORE revenue from the lower rate. Following their argument to its logical conclusion, even if the tax rate was 1%, you should cut it to 0% and the economy would grow so much that the lower 0% tax rate would raise even more revenue than the 1 % rate. Clearly NOT.

There is a time to cut taxes and there is a time to raise taxes, depending on how the economy is doing. If the economy is in a slump and the tax rate is 65%, then you should cut it to 40-45% (and cut capital gains rate too) to get the economy moving again. When you are in a boom, you should raise rates and cut spending and pay down debt. When you are in a slump, you should cut rates and borrow to stimulate the economy.

But the Democrats LOVE to spend and the GOP has NOT been able to make a dent in the entitlement mentality in this country. If the GOP cannot get a majority to support big spending cuts, then they have to live with a higher tax rate and go for smaller spending cuts or at least let spending grow slower than inflation and revenue increases.

Instead, we BORROW and spend. All the time, NOT just during recessions. Which is why the national debt always goes up and the interest on the debt is becoming crippling. There is NOTHING conservative or fiscally responsible about that. Or coherent. But yet, that is what one group within the Tea Party advocates. Cut those taxes! And eliminate waste! As if "waste" represents anything more than a rounding error in the budget.

We spend far too much on entitlements and the military. And nobody can sell to the public the idea that we have to cut both to get our fiscal house in order.

We are borrowing for retirement. Which of course you cannot do.

Young people now are being burdened with crippling debt from the current generation of people 45 (or 40) and above. It is absolutely immoral what we are doing.

But TP people think we can cut taxes and still balance the budget by eliminating the minuscule amounts of money we spend on foreign aid. Originally Posted by ExNYer
We can massively cut back on the military by bringing the troops home, and save a shitload of money in the process. Unfortunately, we rarely think about cutting taxes and government spending in the good times like you suggest and I agree with.

We are stuck with deficit spending and eventual dollar devaluation, one would think. The debt doesn't really need to be paid off, just let devaluation make it palatable. Fuck, as I have advocated elsewhere, just print/electronically create the shit to pay our debts - after all, they are denominated in dollars which we create.

China sends us shitty products, we pay them in dollars. We borrow from them, we pay back in dollars - we print them if we have to do so. Kinda like a magic money tree - the Federal Reserve. Either the greatest Ponzi scheme/counterfeiter ever - or a brilliant invention by our government.

1913: The Federal Reserve System is Born

From December 1912 to December 1913, the Glass-Willis proposal was hotly debated, molded and reshaped. By December 23, 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, it stood as a classic example of compromise—a decentralized central bank that balanced the competing interests of private banks and populist sentiment.