Bill Clinton

gfejunkie's Avatar
Impeached for being a pathological liar. His wife is no different.

'Nuff sed.
  • DSK
  • 07-27-2016, 08:11 AM
Do I hit a nerve you little fucker? I was a former drill seargent and you would the typical wus they couldn't make it throw basic training. You would probably cry like a little bitch the first time I yelled at your girl ass.

I see a lot of you flip me off over the Internet but none of you have the balls to call me out in public. I faced tougher sons of bitches than you ass clowns on here. I am not a hard man to find if anyone would like to debate me in person. You guys are making conservatives look really bad I am actually ashamed to be associated as a republican based on the actions you guys have displayed on this forum. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
We are just blowing off steam and are just as mad as you are over the loss of our once great country.

Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die....
  • DSK
  • 07-27-2016, 08:16 AM
Luke, we've got guys in here who can kick someone's ass with their bare fists! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Additionally, we have wimps like Yssup Rider who fail to appear at their date for pain and suffering.
Yes! The alleged drill sergeant who is hanging around the homeless shelters in San Antonio reliving his past, just like Bill did, one lie at a time aka Luke Warm! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you sure it's not the gloryholes he's hanging out at looking to get hired ? Mebbe the " Drill Sergeant " is looking for someone to " drill " him ! He should go up the road to Austin where Assup can help him out that way. Guess he'll need to panhandle for some bus fare if that's gonna happen. Or earn his money like assup and EKIM do, on their knees down at the holes being made air tight !
Jesus about the Cliff's Notes to your post #30? Reading that much is a challenge to the T. Lemmings here...

Best line EVER from Bill Clinton: "I smoked, but I didn't INHALE..."
Jesus about the Cliff's Notes to your post #30? Reading that much is a challenge to the T. Lemmings here...

Best line EVER from Bill Clinton: "I smoked, but I didn't INHALE..." Originally Posted by Prolongus
Or how 'bout " I did NOT have sex with that....woman....Mizz bLewinsky " Which lead to his impeachment and, for lying to Federal investigators about that relationship, DISBARMENT and him having to PUBLICALLY apologize for lying !!! Musta been that " vast, right wing conspiracy " that caused him to LIE !
gfejunkie's Avatar
Or how 'bout " I did NOT have sex with that....woman.... Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Actually, if he had said that during last night's flowery speech I would have believed him...Heh.
LexusLover's Avatar
Jesus LL... Originally Posted by Prolongus
I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I'm not that good. Still can't water-walk!
LexusLover's Avatar
Impeached for being a pathological liar. His wife is no different.

'Nuff sed. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
They both lied about Lewinsky ....

All is Love and Love among Liars!
Two Liars of a Feather flock together!!
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Best line EVER from Bill Clinton: "I smoked, but I didn't INHALE..." Originally Posted by Prolongus
It was stupid thing to say.

He should have said " Yeah I carbed it. Then after that I drank the bong water. Then I donkey punched Hillary. What are you going to do about it?"
It was stupid thing to say.

He should have said " Yeah I carbed it. Then after that I drank the bong water. Then I donkey punched Hillary. What are you going to do about it?" Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Well fuck...I honestly just sharded my pants laughing at that shit...!!!

Poor Bill... Just remembered when he was asked something and he replied: "That depends on what the definition of "is" is..." WTF??!!??
LexusLover's Avatar
Poor Bill... Just remembered when he was asked something and he replied: "That depends on what the definition of "is" is..." Originally Posted by Prolongus
The Judge, who I quoted in my post, in the Order, which was the subject of the post (you wanted "Cliff Notes"), explained Bill's definition of shit and how his definitions don't work to extricate him from his obsessive behavior: one of which is lying under oath.

Speaking of lying ... I bet he wishes he had the 1100 square foot house back, so he wouldn't have to sell access to the Oval Office to feed HillariousNoMore!

She requires a lot of access sales to keep her bulked up.
if she weren't so unpleasant a character....

she might be pitied

much like a protagonist in a greek tragedy

in her prime subject to the ambitions of her husband, delayed in her own schemes and plans, her desires put off

his career ahead of her own....having to be the breadwinner when her husband made but a pittance as governor

accepting and dealing with and protecting him from the consequences of his constant philandering

becoming the object of scorn by the American people while her husband seemingly skated on by

when it was her turn, losing to a novice of a black man; her historical achievement as the first woman to become president falling victim to the first black man to do so

finally at an old age, a foregone conclusion of the main stream media to become president and also of those seeking favor from the next president of the united states.

this belief allowed her to become wealthy, trading on the trappings of office and the expectations of yet higher office. but wealth was not the fullness of her dream

then realizing the nomination for president of her party

only to be brought low once more before the people's eyes as her lies and deceptions and the wickedness of her ambitions and greed are put on full display by powers of the muses of fate

and losing, the grasp of her hand falling achingly short of the brass ring, to someone who didn't spend a lifetime in planning and groundwork, to some one not cautious in obfuscations as she , to someone who did not pay the price she paid, the full measure of her life

obscurity awaits
gfejunkie's Avatar
That's very poetic, never. Thank you.
you're most welcome junkie