should I keep my mouth shut or should I say something?

What's that old saying.......

It's either "great minds think alike" or it's "all you fucking assholes are all the same" Lol, I can't remember right now. Hahaha Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
I like the "Asshole" thing personally. Haahahahaaaa.

But I wouldn't tell the guy. I'm no snitch. BUT, depending on how good a friend he is and how hot the chick is, I'd probably set up a session.

"CIMNQNS will do nicely, thank you."
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Somethings are best to keep secret. Its not your story to tell, so don't. Just my 2cents
Spikebaby's Avatar
Don't say a word! Are you kidding me? You don't know the full dynamics of the situation and frankly (as we all know I am) it is none of your business!!

I see you have a few reviews yourself...would you want anyone to find out that you hobby?Iit is a simple act of DISCRETION!

bigphd's Avatar
Agreed, say nothing
Plus, if you out his girl, the FIRST thing he's gonna wanna know is "How do you know?" That's gonna be EVERYBODY's first question. You really can't out her, it seems, without putting yourself.

I'd just (all joking aside) take that shit to the grave. If he mentioned it I'd act shocked as fuck.
bigphd's Avatar
One other thing I'd add, if you choose to say nothing, make sure you put her on the ignore/block list here so you never have to wonder again, for all you know she quit and moved on with her life
Randall Creed's Avatar
Assuming this is true, dude, man, don't even get yourself caught up in it. If nothing else, it reveals YOU as a hobbyist. Two, if she's doing it on the low well enough that he's clueless, either she's very good or he's, well, clueless.

Like others have said, what if he already knows? Now you [may] have to justify how you knew. You might have to do that whether he knows or not. And how anonymous would a note or email be? Then he might wonder who's close enough to him to know, yet wasn't man or woman enough to openly say it. He may then interpret it as a nasty rumor. Who's to say. I'm mostly curious of how she's getting away with it (inexplicable absences/cash, always has cash...without making withdrawals, not in the mood for him, etc). Have you considered confronting her first?

I'd be inclined to keep my distance on this one, myself.
It doesn't matter. Either way he's going to continue to pay for sex.
Chaataca's Avatar
It fully depends on two things:

1. If he is just a buddy or an acquaintance, then don't say shit. You could tell her and get some possible freebies out of it though...

2. If he is a close friend, man the fuck up and tell him. Then adjourn to the titty bar and let the shots flow.
DallasDoc's Avatar
This whole thing seems improbable.

But its none of your biz, even if its was your best friend. Providers are people too, its just a job.

Stay out of it, if this is real and just not a "what if"
PM her and go see her.. It may turn out to be a good thing...
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, set something up with her and then act totally surprised when it's her opening the door.
So I was looking at some of the review on here the other day and discovered that my one of my good friends fiancee is a provider. Originally Posted by el_nino_1
Shit, I already knew my fiance was a provider.

NOW I gotta worry about you outing me to the rest of the family other friends? Some best friend you are.

All that and Lucas gives up the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus. This is the worst day I've ever had!
Hercules's Avatar
Name her here...I dare ya!
If it were me, I'd expect any person I called a friend to tell me. Anyone who knew, and didn't tell me, and I found out about it would no longer be a friend. Keep that one in mind.