A question for the guys...

Only time I take a Lesser Rate is when I'm helping out a Client that is a constant regular or running a special.

But honestly most guys ask bc they think you have a Special going or weighing their options with other girls they've asked before you.

Trust me majority of men usually have a back up girl just incase you shoot down the offer.

I dont take Offense by it though bc Honestly I would do the same lol I'm a Bargain shopper and I weigh my options before I buy

FreeGame Originally Posted by Lia88
i guess what has me wondering [ and this is not aimed at you as you indicated you do not take offense at attempts to negotiate] is if a provider offers a special there is a reason for it. a girl who is offended by being asked to accept lower rate certainly does not offer specials / price reductions out of the goodness of her heart. what in essence she is saying this is a slow day / week / month whatever. would any of you guys who won't / can't pay 300 an hour for my company like to see me today/ this week / this month only if i accepted 100/ 200 / 250 for my company instead of 300 i need the money.

but in turn if same gentleman asked in a respectful manner " hey i always wanted to see you but i can't afford your rates any chance of you doing 100 / 200 /250 if your slow today / this week / this month" then it is crude and degrading.

i get women and their bodies are not hunks of metal or parcels of land but argument must work both ways.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Ok, but if and when you have a $1,500 repair job, I don't want to see any bartering posts from those of you that feel so strongly about this, because it's the same thing.

Just saying.
Ok, but if and when you have a $1,500 repair job, I don't want to see any bartering posts from those of you that feel so strongly about this, because it's the same thing.

Just saying. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
No it's not. It's a different type of negotiating. Bartering is trading service for service, not trading service for cash. $1500 repair job = five $300 an hour appts. That's equal value, it's not taking less.
trapguy1234's Avatar
Do you take coupons?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Randall Creed's Avatar
No it's not. It's a different type of negotiating. Bartering is trading service for service, not trading service for cash. $1500 repair job = five $300 an hour appts. That's equal value, it's not taking less. Originally Posted by papadee
It is the same, genius. Spare me the math. It's the fact that she doesn't want to pay the advertised rate of the person doing the repairs. $900 of that, or even more, could be in the cost of parts alone. That mechanic can't feed himself by taking blowjobs in place of actual payments.

Tell you what. Run YOUR business by the barter system and see how long you last.
Why do some guys feel like it’s okay to negotiate donations? If you can’t afford the 300 for my hour then maybe you should find someone else. I have it stated clearly in my ad that any attempt to negotiate my rates will end all communication and put on a DNS list. I just don’t understand why. Any insight? Originally Posted by Tiffany Ryder
Because there is some whore that took there negotiation sad but true.. It's annoying but that's just something you will always have to deal with in this Buisness.. Just FYI fucktards don't read trust me..
Like I said in my post, that is all said in my ad and in my showcase. It’s not my responsibility to re-say something that I’ve already said multiple times because these guys aren’t reading. Originally Posted by Tiffany Ryder
This is where you're wrong if it's such a problem then don't respond to there message problem solved.. Do you know how many times I have to tell people to read my showcase and follow directions ? More than I should but you need to to put No exceptions or say you will be put on DNS if any negotiations..

It's not that serious & this thread wasn't the smartest..
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... this thread wasn't the smartest.. Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
Sir Axl's Avatar
I never have, I always figured ladies had a reason for their pricing and if I didn’t feel she would be worth it, I would go somewhere else. If there was one I was on the fence about meeting, I would wait for a special. There are so many to choose from, not sure why one couldn’t find one at a rate they wanted to pay.
It is the same, genius. Spare me the math. It's the fact that she doesn't want to pay the advertised rate of the person doing the repairs. $900 of that, or even more, could be in the cost of parts alone. That mechanic can't feed himself by taking blowjobs in place of actual payments.

Tell you what. Run YOUR business by the barter system and see how long you last. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Insults aside, bartering is not the same as negotiating for a lower price. She's paying the advertised rate, just not with money. If her service has a value to the mechanic, it's his choice how much & whether to accept.

Since blowjobs aren't essential to life, their necessity value is nil. However, if the repairman was bartering for food (a farmer or market), he could feed himself. If he was bartering with a doctor, he could be cured of what ails him, allowing him to work more efficiently. But if the mechanic can pay his bills, feed his family, and pay the Dr., he may barter for those blowjobs that he's not getting at home. Or he can just come here and pay directly. Either way, he's fed and getting blowjobs.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Insults aside, bartering is not the same as negotiating for a lower price.
No, bartering is negotiating for a DIFFERENT price. Whether it ends up providing more or less value than originally requested is dependent on several arbitrary factors not germane to this discussion.

She's paying the advertised rate, just not with money.
Lol. This statement means she IS NOT paying the advertised rate.

If her service has a value to the mechanic, it's his choice how much & whether to accept.
Right. So it's okay for HER to offer HIM other than what he advertises as HIS service rate, but it's not okay for HIM to offer HER other than what SHE advertises as HER service rate?

Is that the position you're taking? Want to rethink it? Or better yet, why not "think it" for the first time? Originally Posted by papadee
'taint that hard, people.
Barter: to trade by exchange of goods MWD
Insults aside, bartering is not the same as negotiating for a lower price.
No, bartering is negotiating for a DIFFERENT price. Whether it ends up providing more or less value than originally requested is dependent on several arbitrary factors not germane to this discussion.

Bartering is a different form of payment. $300 worth of "X" for $300 worth of "Y".
The fact that both parties have to agree what constitutes "equal value" is secondary to the fact that they agreed to "equal value".

She's paying the advertised rate, just not with money.
Lol. This statement means she IS NOT paying the advertised rate.
Money isn't the only form of payment

If her service has a value to the mechanic, it's his choice how much & whether to accept.
Right. So it's okay for HER to offer HIM other than what he advertises as HIS service rate, but it's not okay for HIM to offer HER other than what SHE advertises as HER service rate?

Of course it's OK, as long as it's "equal in value". She's (or he's) not offering less than the rate. She's offering him his advertised rate in payment other than cash.

Is that the position you're taking? Want to rethink it? Or better yet, why not "think it" for the first time?

taint that hard, people. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Apparently it's harder than you know. Courts take assets to pay fines. It's not cash, but it's accepted. Sometimes convicted parties have to donate services in lieu of fines or jail time. Those services have value.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
So you claim open bartering (ie, not in an exclusive bartering community) is not negotiating?
normalguy21's Avatar
while your spelling may be worse than mine your thoughts are well presented and thought provoking Originally Posted by tinyisgreat

Beers on me !