Next Meet and Greet

biomed1's Avatar
Last post to this thread was 27 March.

Was just wondering if there were any updates or tantalizing tidbits of teasing information that anyone might want to share on the next Meet & Greet scheduled for here on the MS Coast??
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Still on and still in the planning stage. I want to visit a place Lilith found that looks promising, but with all the things going on here on the Coast this weekend, I'm delaying the visit until next week.

Think mid-week (as usual) in mid-May.

I'm hoping this will be another good M&G.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I'm hoping this will be another good M&G. Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS
I get the impression that the only way it won't be [another good one] is if no ladies show up. And I know that ain't gonna happen.


docdavid49's Avatar
Sure wish I could make it to this one. Would love a M&G on the coast, but I have a ton of trouble escaping for any fun stuff. Got two weeks off in June but... that ain't mid May.
DallasRain's Avatar
Let us know soon as you do JAG so I can "go shopping"!

cant wait!!!
awesome--always ready for a party!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain

DallasRain's Avatar
I'm in. Lilith told me of the place she found, sounds like a perfect spot. This may work out great for me. My SO is going to Florida with the kids the middle of May, poor me has to stay home and work of course. LOL
DallasRain's Avatar
any specific dates in mind???
fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 04-18-2010, 11:54 PM
A meet and greet on the coast would be a great way to show off our summer bikini's
woo hooooo.....
got my site up and running now...check it out
on girl dirctory also...
Thank April for all ur help and u 2 Dallas.....