Raise the standard simps

Denver/Colorado in general is a high paying growth economy, which might explain some of the price points mentioned above.
DaDuchess's Avatar
Lol not for ladies in our profession who aren't even able to buy houses easily. You guys need to consider that when the price of everything else in life goes up, things follow suit. Like last year when my auto insurance rose again and I called them and they said there's no reason but rising costs of living. Find great girls you like, stick with them.
Yep, right along with the economy. What to do, what to do when housing is $2500 and 1/2 gal of milk is $6. It’s no fun for anyone anymore. Booo Originally Posted by Audrey Astor
Inflation hasn't been 100% over the last 4 years

It's nothing but greed.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 09-11-2024, 12:46 AM
Yep, right along with the economy. What to do, what to do when housing is $2500 and 1/2 gal of milk is $6. It’s no fun for anyone anymore. Booo Originally Posted by Audrey Astor
Where you shopping at and paying $6 for a half gallon milk? I just paid 3.34 for a gallon of perfectly good whole milk at Wal Mart.
I don't like paying the higher prices either but this economy is tough. Prices on goods and services have increased a lot over the last 3 yrs and I believe true inflation is closer to the 20% mark per year, my opinion. We don't have a good measuring stick but we ALL are certainly feeling and complaining about this economy.
Boredinop's Avatar
Cost of living certainly has increased that’s just a fact we have to accept. But how many gents on here have had a 50-100% pay increase? Awful lot of ladies are now asking that increase…….
DallasRain's Avatar
I never raise my rates even though it costs more to travel now
I just rely on repeat friends to keep me busy..with a few new guys thrown in the mix

we just gotta make best with what life gives us!!!
That is why inflation ROBS the middle class. You are correct none of our wages have increased 50-100% but ALL of our goods and services have increased lowering our standard of living and the masses FEEL it but don't quite understand it and aren't able to measure it.
You can't accurately measure the amount of corporate greed that is contributing to inflation in the current economy at least.
Simps are the leading cause of our inflation here around these woods.
You can't accurately measure the amount of corporate greed that is contributing to inflation in the current economy at least. Originally Posted by Guardian of Asgaard

Sure you can, NONE
High prices cure high prices if we quit printing so much money. The market works if you don't artificially prop it up.
It's WAY over-simplistic to blame inflation simply on government money printing
It's WAY over-simplistic to blame inflation simply on government money printing Originally Posted by OmahaUser

Government Regulations restricting supply or raising costs on products a very large part of the inflation that is hidden.
Oh, you mean the tariffs that Trump loves to prattle on about?