ObamaCare...How does it work

Well ok...but it just makes no sense to say it isn't a right then say everybody should have it. Those two statements are not linear.That was my point/question. Originally Posted by WTF
I also said that as a wealthy nation it's our duty to see that all our citizend have access to reasonable (That is no heroic end of life or beginning of life efforts.). If one person is given it, everyone should have access. And it God damned for sure isn't fair to exclude the people paying for it: the middle class.
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2013, 07:41 PM
I also said that as a wealthy nation it's our duty to see that all our citizend have access to reasonable (That is no heroic end of life or beginning of life efforts.). If one person is given it, everyone should have access. And it God damned for sure isn't fair to exclude the people paying for it: the middle class. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

You want free healthcare for all?

Who pays for this free healthcare, The Healthcare Fairy?

Somebody will have to pay for this free healthcare. Do you want the rich to pay for both the middle class and poor?
I haven't studied the law as extensively as others have, but presumably since the penalty is based on your income and kicks in essentially as an additional tax, I would presume that it's based off of your tax return. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
And what happens if you loose your job in February? You have to annie up for health insurance or be fined on top of not having insurance? Or not? That's what's fucking wrong with this Act. No one even READ it, as directed by Madam Speaker, let alone considered how to enact it. They catered to the oligarchs and now we ALL get to pay.

[First, I think you may be mistaking my previous post as some sort of advocacy on the merits of the AHA. It was not intended that way, but as a clarification to the OP's questions and to highlight the differences between Medicare and Medicaid. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
How is either program any good if it excludes the largest demographic - uninsurred middle class folks.

[I do think it's particularly sad that we tout ourselves as a shining beacon of first world countries but we can't even do things like provide affordable health care to all of our citizens (which many other countries have been able to do while keeping costs down). I would love to see affordable health coverage for everyone, but given that we're not going to do that anytime soon, I believe we should focus our efforts first on covering those who have the hardest time getting coverage on their ow Originally Posted by jbravo_123

What is your definition of affordable healthcare coverage. Spending statistically deviant amounts on the last six or first six months of life? If so, then we disagree about not just affordable, but what is moral.

You mean the middle class right. Because the poor and the rich are covered. So, you're going to see that the ENTIRE middle class is going to get health care if they don't already have it. Or if they have it through their employer and their employer drops coverage.

[Second, I don't believe in an all or nothingsystem. Like most things, our health care system is a work in progress. Very few things on as large a scale as national health care, in the private nor public sector, ever go perfectly the first time - adjustments always have to be made. In our current situation, our society has deemed that it is better to cover those who need it the most (those who can afford it the least) as our first priority. Yes, someone's going to have to pay for it and currently, unfortunately the majority of that burden falls to the middle class (note the upper class, while making a much higher % of our income these days, doesn't actually pay that much of the burden) Originally Posted by jbravo_123

And HOW are we going to pay for this lofty experiment. Better yet, who pays? Specifically who pays; who gets covereage; and what kind of coverage?

[Yes, there will always be some poor people who will choose to stay in their current situation, sad as it is. However, I would like to believe that there are those who aren't happy with the way their current state is and are trying to move up out of it and those are the ones we should be giving a hand up. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
No one chooses to be poor. I just don't have a romantic and lofty notion that they deserve better care than the middle class.
WTF and OH, y'all are freaking me out with your fonts that keep changing...you nasty fuckers
We've been through this before. I'm for free healthcare for all who want it. I believe in a single payer system. I hope this has simplified it enough for you. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Honey you can't reason with the these left wing retards, they are so fucking blind to whats going on in this country, and the ones that hang out here must not have a job thats why they have 5000 post's plus, these cock sucker should go live in Canada where they have free health care then they can wait in line to get it

Obama crony cock sucker's,( fuck them all)
We had a chance for real reform but the lobbies of big pharma and insurance companies bought their way in. Go travel and investigate and research the data on healthcare.
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2013, 09:19 PM
We had a chance for real reform but the lobbies of big pharma and insurance companies bought their way in. Go travel and investigate and research, Originally Posted by Seeker
True dat.
We had a chance for real reform but the lobbies of big pharma and insurance companies bought their way in. Go travel and investigate and research the data on healthcare. Originally Posted by Seeker

True dat. Originally Posted by WTF

Gary, I'm liberal and conservative, but you're correct. This issue is FAR gone. Like for instance, in nine months this abortion goes live - Where the fuck, what the fuck and how the fuck are people supposed to buy this insurance they speak of!?!? Go ahead you-don't-need-to-read-it-just-sign-it morons TELL me. Then hold your breath and wait for it all to be in place before they start fining and taxing the rest of us!!!!!!!!!

IIFF - you LOVE my fonts. Muah!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Olivia, you used the term "reasonable" earlier. That word has no real meaning except to the speaker. Every listener has a different meaning. It is a weasel word. Let me ask you some questions then to find out what you find reasonable. You have already said that heroic measures and end of lilfe care are not included but how about;
sex change or gender reassignment? Would this be reasonable? Some colleges and prisons have said yes.
substance abuse rehab? A personal problem right? or is it?
cosmetic surgery for accidental maiming? You know, hiding scarring, moving a toe to replace a finger, reattaching a finger, toe, arm, ???
cosmetic surgery for aging? don't have to go there.
cosmetic surgery for birth defects? cleft palets, birth marks, etc.
on heroic care? take something like a stroke? what if the prognosis is very good, 75%+ chance of recovery and years of quality life ahead. what if the prognosis is just above 50% and a few years of productive life ahead. Same thing with a heart attack. How about cancer treatment? With new advances (that we learned from heroic treatment) cancers that were a death sentence ten years ago are now being successfully treated.

So I want you to define your terms and this goes for anyone else responding. Carefully define you terms and what exactly you mean. Just like writing a law (which is what we are discussing), you can't go back a year later and say that is not what I meant. It is only what you wrote down.
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  • 03-01-2013, 10:38 AM
I must disclose that I have been in the tax advice/counsel/preparation business for 30 years. I have told all my clients that neither they, nor their CPA, have the level of sophistication and administrative staff required to comply with the law. Therefore, DO NOT HIRE employee # 50!! (that is "full time equivalent" employee # 50, of course). As I understand it, less than 50 employees and the employer is exempt from compliance - the law doesn't apply! Talk about an excuse to shrink the economy!! Originally Posted by Pistol Man

boy, .2% ...POINT 2 PERCENT ... what an economic cruncher that is

Only the top 3% of small businesses will have to pay the additional 0.9% ObamaCare Medicare tax increase.

• Only .2% of businesses have over 50 employees and don't already offer insurance to full-time workers. Providing these folks with insurance is the only "employer mandate" in ObamaCare.

I think youve been in the wrong bidnezz for too long ... try kool aid stands


Gary, I'm liberal and conservative, but you're correct. This issue is FAR gone. Like for instance, in nine months this abortion goes live - Where the fuck, what the fuck and how the fuck are people supposed to buy this insurance they speak of!?!? Go ahead you-don't-need-to-read-it-just-sign-it morons TELL me. Then hold your breath and wait for it all to be in place before they start fining and taxing the rest of us!!!!!!!!!

IIFF - you LOVE my fonts. Muah!! Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
there was a time when I use to agree with the Dems but after LBJ was sworn in after JFK was killed the Dems have gone to the dogs