e.com Issues Strike Again !

WetVelvetSAT's Avatar
Aren't they in the process of changing the name from e.com to le.com??? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

LMAO...I thought so, too! I wouldn't touch that site....


Not sure if ecom had the right info. Said you were going to be hitting up NW FL soon. I had noticed they listed it once before but I guess they had some misinformation. Glad to see you on eccie. Had you on my radar for some time
There seems to be a lot of talk of FEDs running e.com. Doubt it. Do they have ongoing access? Dunno. Possible? Yes. Probable? No idea.

Everything seems to point to human trafficking/underage exploitation investigation. FEDS are involved for two reasons - it's the net and the initial cases probably aren't out of PA - so the jurisdiction crossed state lines - thus fed.

If you had your info in the e.com system from e.com's inception up until 10/27/10 - the FBI and the IRS have access to it. Period. Closing down now is a bit too late.

Don't know about the rest of the country, but in the south/southeast e.com was known to have been infiltrated and used to bust both providers and clients. Or at least that has been known since 2008 (and at least by me). I never considered it a trustworthy site. Good advertising site yes. But as we see now - anybody could get in there and make a profile. The sheer number of profiles being taken down is a 'smack you upside the head' indication of how bad the bs there was. There was no system or procedure to check if the provider was legitimate. Dunno about the client side. That e.com is finally doing something to at least verify that a profile is 18 or over - well hallelujah. You should be an adult in an adult business.

Chances of them coming after lil ol' individual you...slim. That's provider and client alike. (independent provider)

Escorting is legal. Prostitution is not. It's not a bad thing to take down some 'menu' that could lead someone to erroneously think just because I answered some cute lil harmless survey about what I do and don't enjoy that I'm a prostitute or engaging in some sort of illegal activity. Menu + dollars = great evidence for a prosecutor in a trial, veering strongly into reasonable justification for a probable cause warrant. Why go there if it can be avoided with a little discretion?

You just absolutely positively do not need to run a services for $$ on any site who's servers are in the USA.

Red light it if you choose. If you are continuing to use it - big freakin flashing yellow light.
I recieved and email from providers choice. Who are these people? I have noticed that they are listed as a client on e.com but have their informatio hidden. Has anyone else received this email?

Hello Ladies~

In light of the recent raid of the offices of Escorts.com, many of you received the following e-mail from the company.


Escorts.com is in the process if revamping our policies.
ALL Free Registered Members will need to be age verified in order to post a profile.
All current NON PAID listings will be removed 11/11/10.
In order to reactivate your profile:
You must log in and enter a valid credit card. Your credit card will NOT BE CHARGED.
It will be validated and if good, your profile will be back on line.
We repeat that your credit card WILL NOT BE CHARGED, unless of course you choose to
purchase a VIP Plan which allows your contact information to be displayed to non paying guests.

Thank You,

We, at Provider’s Voice, advise you to never use personal credit cards for posting or purchases on
any adult sites. You can purchase MasterCard, Visa, or American Express gifts cards, at most drug or
grocery stores. When you dial the activation number or enter the website address, found on the back of
the card, you can register the card in the name and address of your choosing. After registration, these cards
can be used for online purchases, just like a traditional credit card.

*Note: This e-mail is intended solely for the advisement of providers who are at least 18 years old.
Provider’s Voice strictly discourages anyone from using this information for the purpose of breaking
any federal, state, or local laws, or passing this information on to minors.

-Provider’s Voice

Not sure if ecom had the right info. Said you were going to be hitting up NW FL soon. I had noticed they listed it once before but I guess they had some misinformation. Glad to see you on eccie. Had you on my radar for some time Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
You are correct, I will be there the 22-24th =)
ANONONE's Avatar
I got a weird email from the management of ECOM when I wrote my last review--detailing policy changes and the corrections and revisions I needed to make to my review--which was no different than the seventy or so other review I have on there and this one was of a provider I have reviewed before--weird enough that I have not signed back o to that site since reading it. The wording of it was so careful it sounded like a FIBBIE LAWYER contrived it.

I am not even sniffing the ECOM cheese until the rumors settle down about what may or may not be going on with their data.
Yo anonone - will u forward that? Or just the phrases that made you go hmmm? Bet your sweet cheeks they have attorneys advising them what to do.
We, at Provider’s Voice, advise you to never use personal credit cards for posting or purchases on any adult sites. You can purchase MasterCard, Visa, or American Express gifts cards, at most drug or grocery stores. When you dial the activation number or enter the website address, found on the back of the card, you can register the card in the name and address of your choosing. After registration, these cards can be used for online purchases, just like a traditional credit card.
Just a reminder...for those who are thinking of getting a prepaid CC...the name you choose to register the card under is the name that is printed on the card. So, you will not be able to use them without an ID to match the name. The only place you will be able to use the card (if you choose an alias) is online.
onyx7100's Avatar
I would be very cautious with that site..
I had a friend that used the Vanilla Visa on there yesterday gave fake everything and she said it worked. I am still leery tho.
I received the same edit required email as Anonone. I peeked today and the review info a hobbyist would look for to see if the level of companionship offered was inline with his tastes has been removed. The site is of very little value as it stands.
burkalini's Avatar
I think e. com is a dying site
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Aren't they in the process of changing the name from e.com to le.com???


LMAO...I thought so, too! I wouldn't touch that site....

Originally Posted by WetVelvetSAT


I'm not laughing now....I was going through my bookmarks and found that I had bookmarked that site (but never advertised on there) and the name that it was stored under was ella...something or another....I just saw ella instead of e.com and deleted it with the quickness! I don't remember storing it under that url....

Has anyone else that bookmarks pages noticed the change or is it just my imagination or oversight?

i received the same email from e.com and then from someone called provider something. Right after e.com got all the problems, we started having problems in MD. Weird, hope all this passes away quickly....
drsmooth1's Avatar
[quote=babee;754410]There seems to be a lot of talk of FEDs running e.com. Doubt it. Do they have ongoing access? Dunno. Possible? Yes. Probable? No idea.

Escorting is legal. Prostitution is not. It's not a bad thing to take down some 'menu' that could lead someone to erroneously think just because I answered some cute lil harmless survey about what I do and don't enjoy that I'm a prostitute or engaging in some sort of illegal activity. Menu + dollars = great evidence for a prosecutor in a trial, veering strongly into reasonable justification for a probable cause warrant. Why go there if it can be avoided with a little discretion?

You mean pretty much like we do here.