Sexy Charlotte and Her Friends Blocking me

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
First, Everyone should read Whispers posts, both of them, twice.

Second, screening is screening, if you're not going to be able to provide rock solid references, forget it. And, do not expect prior dates to be able to respond to screening requests "quickly" as everyone has real world lives. So plan ahead.

Over the last couple years all of the ladies screening methods, etc, have gone up a couple notches, for valid reasons. So... if you need newbie screening, get newbie screening.

Last, welcome back Whispers.
I have befriended many people over the years on this and similar boards and came to know them, have dinner's, drinks and even do business with them outside of the hobby repeatedly.

So tell me more about this bridge you need to unload. I know a few trolls in need of a new home and have spent a little time under bridges myself according to some. Originally Posted by Whispers
I will send you the REDFIN link Whispy.

Befriending others with similar interests is common, especially if you are a genuine person; not sure if you are rebutting my trust comment or just making a comment about making friends.

Having a bit of life experience myself, not as much in the hobby as you, I make a distinction between being friends and someone I can truly trust. And I can tell you this with great certainty, trust on a site like this should not be a part of your vocabulary.

Not telling people you cannot find fun people to hang around with on here, and keep in contact with them on a friendly basis, just don't be naïve.

Everyone has their own definition of "friend."; nothing wrong with that.