Disturbing Video of Fort Worth Arrest.. WTF?

  • DSK
  • 12-24-2016, 10:13 AM
The police represent the authority of the state of Texas. By what right do people have to verbally abuse them? I'm not talking about the occasional snide comment, her conduct or words tended to elicit an immediate breach of the peace.

Would you want to be the police officer who had to go into hostile neighborhoods and put up with that shit? You can bet the mother throws litter out on the streets all the time, and her kid has seen her do it, so he naturally thinks he has the right to do it. Of course, I wouldn't want my grand kids getting detained by a stranger, but some of those little kids need to learn respect for their elders, too!

The mother, as I stated likely a litterbug herself, has now taught her kids to hate the popo, mouth off to them, and when it backfires, yell and scream racism and demand the cops get fired, and no doubt, get her some free money. Plus, of course, she didn't pay her previous fucking tickets and take care of her warrants.

The cops can't win these days, and you people supporting this type of lawlessness are guaranteeing our society remains fucked up and crime ridden.

P.S. I hate the cops as much as anyone when they give me a ticket or attempt to stop our hobby, but otherwise they bravely protect us against chaos and mayhem.
  • DSK
  • 12-24-2016, 10:14 AM
No, he needs to lose his fucking job, plus! Plus be charged with a crime. Assault and violation of the lady's civil rights. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Not enough ambulances to chase, so now you are trolling for civil rights cases?
Chung Tran's Avatar
The police represent the authority of the state of Texas. By what right do people have to verbally abuse them? I'm not talking about the occasional snide comment, her conduct or words tended to elicit an immediate breach of the peace. I saw no verbal abuse from the Mother.. what I did see was the cop baiting her, asking "why don't you teach your son not to litter"?

Would you want to be the police officer who had to go into hostile neighborhoods and put up with that shit? the neighborhood looks fine from the video, are you giving the cop a pass, because he sometimes does go into hostile neighborhoods and puts up with shit? neither metric is in play here You can bet the mother throws litter out on the streets all the time, and her kid has seen her do it, so he naturally thinks he has the right to do it. oh really? you are so well-informed.. even if all of this is true, does not make it ok for the neighbor to grab and choke her son Of course, I wouldn't want my grand kids getting detained by a stranger, but some of those little kids need to learn respect for their elders, too! probably so, but you haven't made that point very well

The mother, as I stated likely a litterbug herself, of course (sigh) has now taught her kids to hate the popo, nope, the cop just taught them mouth off to them, and when it backfires, yell and scream racism well it was a white cop and white neighbor, coupled with extreme abuse, the white guy was not charged or even investigated, the woman and her 2 teenage daughters were arrested for no reason.. what should they think? and demand the cops get fired, poor officer.. Bastard should be jailed and no doubt, get her some free money. Plus, of course, she didn't pay her previous fucking tickets and take care of her warrants. oh yes, she was a fugitive from justice.. how dare she call the cops to report assault on her child, when she is poor, and can't take care of her tickets that she got because she was poor (no real crime, just failure to adhere to governmental regulations)? beat and taze that Bitch! jail that fugitive! how dare she bother us about her litterbug son!

The cops can't win these days, and you people supporting this type of lawlessness are guaranteeing our society remains fucked up and crime ridden. did you really just say "you people"?

P.S. I hate the cops as much as anyone when they give me a ticket or attempt to stop our hobby, but otherwise they bravely protect us against chaos and mayhem. Originally Posted by DSK
I see.. you pick and choose what cops should enforce.. a black woman calling the cops on a white neighbor she believed to have assaulted her child is not a legitimate concern, but thankfully the cop beat down 3 helpless ladies, and restored order to the community.. got it!
  • DSK
  • 12-24-2016, 12:09 PM
I see.. you pick and choose what cops should enforce.. a black woman calling the cops on a white neighbor she believed to have assaulted her child is not a legitimate concern, but thankfully the cop beat down 3 helpless ladies, and restored order to the community.. got it!
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I feel quite certain that the little youngster littered, and likely mouthed off to the neighbor, and lied to his mom about the choking. Now, admittedly, I would have told the little kid to fuck off and gone on my merry way, assholes litter all the time, and you do not want to fuck with these grievance loving people unless absolutely necessary. They automatically have the upper hand in the court of public opinion.

However, the girl filming the encounter calling the officer a pig ass bitch multiple times in an extremely hostile manner definitely needed to be arrested.

Any one of you fine gentlemen defending her actions should call a black officer arresting someone a pig ass bitch with hostility and hatefulness in your voice and see how well it turns out for you.

That big lady deliberately escalated the situation on the street, and the officer had no backup and hostile people around him. I'd give him a medal and thank him for his service. Those ladies didn't look helpless to me, that big lady could probably kick some ass.

I didn't realize she called the cops, in that respect, he should have just admonished the guy and asked the big lady if she wanted to press charges. But he doesn't have to take abuse from anyone just because he is a white cop and he has to deal with black people who believe their son's unlikely story because it is convenient and absolves the litterbug of responsibility.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the girl filming the encounter calling the officer a pig ass bitch multiple times in an extremely hostile manner definitely needed to be arrested. Originally Posted by DSK
we are so far apart in perspective, I realize it is futile to continue.. but I will address this point. as you may have seen in post #25, I think she needs to get fucked, but to address your concern, she was not interfering with the officer's transport of her Mom and Sister to the squad car. she was standing 10 feet or more away.. she has the right to use colorful language, besides that "Pig Ass Bitch" described him quite well.. he has no business wearing the Uniform if a teenage girl's opinion of him is so devastating to his ego, or such an intrusion on his call to duty.

had it been me, when she started gasping for breath after screaming so hard for several minutes? instead of arresting her, I would have performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Scribe's Avatar
DSK +1

How did we get to this state where cops are so abusive? (Really...lol?)

Opinion, but here's what's going on...

Kid littered and disrespected an elder. Guy said "Hey, pick that up!" to which a 7 year old kid probably responded "F - you! I ain't picking up shit!"... so the guy went over, grabbed the kid by the collar and drug him over to pick it up. (hence the "choking" thing... because - can you really picture the guy with both hands around the kids throat like Homer & Bart Simpson? no... so it wasn't "choking"... it was the guy had him by the collar and the kid is trying to run away, choking himself in the process)

Kid is pissed that he was embarrassed in front of his friends (guessing) and runs home to tell Mom. (DSK is right here, between Mom and Kid.. it escalates to "choking me"... because it looks pretty stupid to call the police on "my kid was grabbed by the collar after he got caught littering")

Now you see the 6 minute video - and you only hear the cop asking "Why don't you teach your kid not to litter?"

(This is already in the de-escalation phase because before the video - the cop is talking to the guy and gets his story... "I didn't choke the kid, I grabbed his collar - brought him over - and made him pick it up". (Cop to neighbor - "ok, don't do that shit again... just call us if you have a problem")

So now its through... he's just balancing the issues saying "Why don't you teach your kid not to litter?"

And here it comes from the Mom "IT DON'T MATTER IF HE LITTERS OR NOT - YOU DON'T HAVE NO RIGHT TO (and her she says it) GRAB HIM or CHOKE HIM"

So basically, its over - the cop already told the guy "don't touch the kid" and he's telling the Mom "Teach your kid not to litter"...

But, that's not good enough - the mom demands more, wants it escalated. Her daughter wants to get involved (though the conversation is between the mom and the cop), it gets out of control - the officer sees it getting out of control, and he controls it.

When will people realize "Don't get in the way of an officer doing his job?' You see a person getting a ticket on the side of the road... you're going to stop your car, walk over to the cop, and start getting into it discussing the 'correctness of traffic tickets' then you'll get arrested.

You see a cop handcuffing a person and you're going to get between the cop and the suspect because you feel its an injustice - you're going to get arrested.

Everything here could have been avoided - if the mother had let the officer do his investigation and file a report... but no, she HAS TO stand there screaming and yelling when it's already been handled.

However, the officer made one mistake. He should have verbally ordered the mom and kids back into their home. He didn’t because he expected them to act reasonably for a very minor incident. They didn’t.
Chung Tran's Avatar
scribe, you and DSK have it all figured out.. your culture bias is extremely evident.. your blame the victim stance stems from your opinion that these ladies and the choked child have impure motives, and you assign out-sized meaning to innocuous words and gestures, because you think these people are inherently dangerous to the larger Community.

put simply, you assign your own meaning to the video, the whites are good, the blacks are bad.. you completely exonerate both white men, while believing the arrest of 3 black women, including 2 teenagers, is proper.

it's guys like you that empower these rogue Cops to keep operating with impunity.
I feel quite certain that the little youngster littered, and likely mouthed off to the neighbor, and lied to his mom about the choking. Now, admittedly, I would have told the little kid to fuck off and gone on my merry way, assholes litter all the time, and you do not want to fuck with these grievance loving people unless absolutely necessary. They automatically have the upper hand in the court of public opinion.

However, the girl filming the encounter calling the officer a pig ass bitch multiple times in an extremely hostile manner definitely needed to be arrested.

Any one of you fine gentlemen defending her actions should call a black officer arresting someone a pig ass bitch with hostility and hatefulness in your voice and see how well it turns out for you.

That big lady deliberately escalated the situation on the street, and the officer had no backup and hostile people around him. I'd give him a medal and thank him for his service. Those ladies didn't look helpless to me, that big lady could probably kick some ass.

I didn't realize she called the cops, in that respect, he should have just admonished the guy and asked the big lady if she wanted to press charges. But he doesn't have to take abuse from anyone just because he is a white cop and he has to deal with black people who believe their son's unlikely story because it is convenient and absolves the litterbug of responsibility. Originally Posted by DSK
You sound more ignorant each time you try to explain yourself.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-24-2016, 03:20 PM
His own police chief denounced his behavior and those guys will typically back up each other no matter what.

I'm amazed at how many assumptions are being made. The only thing you can go by is what you see. And that was a cop being rude, a cop escalating a relatively minor situation into a major one, and a cop that had his ego hurt by being what he considered being disrespected. While I would never be hostile and disrespectful to a police officer, it's still not against the law (which is his job...law enforcement).

He is a law enforcement officer. The ONLY law that potentially was broken was the assault against the child. Nothing on the video showed any laws being broken. Those are the facts or at least the facts that we see on the video which is the only thing we have to go on, not all of these "this is probably what happened"
Scribe's Avatar
CT - no.
Whites are not good or bad,
Blacks are not good or bad.
Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, atheists are not good or bad.
Cops or civilians are not good or bad.
Providers or clients are not good or bad.

A person is good or bad - a person's actions are right or wrong.

However - here's one comment I will stand behind and I will say (knowingly)... 7 year olds, who are running around getting into trouble without their parents supervision - are smart assed little F'ers.

If it was "race motivated" - Show me ANYTHING the cop did that was argumentative or disrespectful before the incident where he finally asked her, "Why don't you teach your kid not to litter?" and the woman went off.

We all are seeing 6 edited minutes of what the girl was probably filming for a hour without incident; where the cop was doing his job. I'll wager the mother (and it doesn't matter that she's black) was doing what loud mouthed mothers of little hoodlums do - yelling and screaming that her "little angel" was doing nothing wrong the entire time.

It's bad that it happened. But again, if she had said "How I raise my children is none of your business" and walked away... NOTHING would have happened. It happened because she was being a loud-mouthed belligerent participant who couldn't control her mouth or emotions.

The girls got arrested because they interfered between an officer and a person he was interacting with.

Now, if you want to read racist comments into that - just because it didn't go down the way your liberal values want to portray it for inciting more violence as another "racial event" involving the police, then there's nothing anyone can do about it - that's your opinion.
  • DSK
  • 12-24-2016, 03:40 PM
scribe, you and DSK have it all figured out.. your culture bias is extremely evident.. your blame the victim stance stems from your opinion that these ladies and the choked child have impure motives, and you assign out-sized meaning to innocuous words and gestures, because you think these people are inherently dangerous to the larger Community.

put simply, you assign your own meaning to the video, the whites are good, the blacks are bad.. you completely exonerate both white men, while believing the arrest of 3 black women, including 2 teenagers, is proper.

it's guys like you that empower these rogue Cops to keep operating with impunity. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
MY cultural bias and you have a handle that deliberately pokes fun at the very Asians whose assholes you like to lick?

As a reminder to all, goes fuck with the police, no matter what color you are, and see how it turns out for you.
Chung Tran's Avatar
MY cultural bias and you have a handle that deliberately pokes fun at the very Asians whose assholes you like to lick? Originally Posted by DSK

??? you are getting more off course with each post..

I'll wager the mother (and it doesn't matter that she's black) was doing what loud mouthed mothers of little hoodlums do - yelling and screaming that her "little angel" was doing nothing wrong the entire time.

It's bad that it happened. But again, if she had said "How I raise my children is none of your business" and walked away... NOTHING would have happened. It happened because she was being a loud-mouthed belligerent participant who couldn't control her mouth or emotions. Originally Posted by Scribe
see, you are taking the posture that the child is a "hoodlum" and the lady bitched for far longer than the video shows.. you are making both items up.. you have no idea.. what we do know is the lady was measured, she did not get loud (and was never belligerent) until the Cop asked "why don't you teach your son not to litter"? further, you imply that because she was disrespecting the Cop by talking back, she deserved a beat down, and arrest.. you don't see the "us vs. them" that you created.. your view of the episode is jaundiced, because you see "them" as bad actors.. what I see as sticking up for yourself, is seen by you as blasting at authority.. nothing I say will change your mind, you inherently can't understand, I think.
Scribe's Avatar
He is a law enforcement officer. The ONLY law that potentially was broken was the assault against the child. Nothing on the video showed any laws being broken. Those are the facts or at least the facts that we see on the video which is the only thing we have to go on, not all of these "this is probably what happened" Originally Posted by L.A.
Ahhh... no The ONLY law broken (and confirmed by EVERYONE in the video) is LITTERING

Ft Worth Standing law on littering.

Littering is against the law and you can be fined up to $500 for trash less than or equal to five pounds or five gallons (as you may have seen on those blue Don’t mess with Texas signs). Repeat the offense, and you could face a fine of up to $2,000 and 180 days in jail.
It gets worse.
Discarding trash that weighs more than five pounds is considered illegal dumping and carries even steeper fines. In Texas, failing to cover your pickup-truck load is against the law and carries a fine of up to $200 for the first offense and $500 for repeat offenders.
Any law enforcement officer in Texas can enforce these laws.

Now, unfortunately "because the kid got caught doing something against the law, and got man-handled a little by the property owner" - tough beans (for the KID). I have no more sympathy for this kid than I would for a robber who breaks a leg while running from the police.

In truth, this should have ended with the officer writing the mother a $500 ticket; which would have shut her up just as quick as a taser.
Chung Tran's Avatar
In truth, this should have ended with the officer writing the mother a $500 ticket; which would have shut her up just as quick as a taser. Originally Posted by Scribe
and what should your sentence be, regarding those 8 reviews of yours?
Scribe's Avatar
... you are taking the posture that the child is a "hoodlum" Originally Posted by Chung Tran
[ˈho͞odləm, ˈho͝odləm]
1.a person who engages in crime and violence; a hooligan or gangster.
synonyms: thug · lout · delinquent · vandal · ruffian · hooligan ·

Yes CT - the child is a hoodlum
  1. Committed a crime (littering)
  2. Degraded another person's property (vandal)
  3. Delinquent (typically of a young person or that person's behavior) showing or characterized by a tendency to commit crime, particularly minor crime.
Yes - these are facts which you refuse to accept. Sorry, NOBODY wants to hear this about their child. Yes, at that point - the child was a "hoodlum".