Thank you Obama, may I have another?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Bad as AMP'S right JL ? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Iva/BigTex, the girls don't bring their families...
Iva/BigTex, the girls don't bring their families... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Then they are slaves JL/ IB ?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

The farms haven't moved out of California yet because they have been able to use reservoirs in recent years. That option is now dwindling.

And California got record snows in the Sierra about 3-4 years back, so the drought has been uneven until the last two years.

In any event, it would take years for all the farm business to move to other states and it will only happen gradually. No one is going to shut down a CA farm and invest big in Iowa only to watch the drought end suddenly the following year when they get torrential rains.

You can't just shut down a million of acres of farm in CA and open a million acres in the mid-west. The pre-existing farms in the mid-west are already used to grow other crops. So the million acres of CA farmland will have to be replaced with a million acres of NEW farm land elsewhere. That doesn't just appear overnight.

So, it will take years of sustained bad crops (like this year) during which food prices will be high before significant transfers of farming occurs and prices lower again.

And that is IF it happens.

Still think higher prices are due to farmers not being able to use their own kids?

Just how much work to you think a 13 or 14 year old can do? A kid is in school most of the year, so they really only work in summer or weekends - if at all.

Don't give me a BS story about how you used to get up at 4 in the morning to drive a tractor and then milk the cows before walking 5 miles to school. No one believes your stories.

One good Mexican can outwork all of a farmer's kids. And get paid less than 40K for it. And the return to the farmer will be a lot more than 40K.

So tell me again how a farmer has to raise prices because he had to hire an extra full-time farm hand rather than use his 2 or 3 part-time kids. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You can stop showing off now. We all know that you don't know what you're talking about. This is like that GEICO commercial, "it doesn't work that way.". You just don't understand farming.
Flash: Drought in California has been ongoing last 14 years....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, caused by the people trying to stop global warming. They succeeded in actually changing the weather.
Yes, caused by the people trying to stop global warming. They succeeded in actually changing the weather. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually it was caused by a lack of rain, but maybe it is global warming...LOL
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ahem! Try to read (and think again) EVA. They have been trying to change the climate in California for over 30 years. It looks like they succeeded. If they had left things alone then the climate would have stayed the same (liberal logic at work here).
You do not live in the same reality as the rest of the world do you? Better stick to watching your TV programs it is like reality to you. Or you could go to California, and do a rain dance to change global warming.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FIFY dull knife. I like the he has clue part of your post Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I'll admit it. That was funny! I think reading your posts makes people more stupid. I'll try to quit, but you are one of the few funny posters left here.

You can stop showing off now. We all know that you don't know what you're talking about. This is like that GEICO commercial, "it doesn't work that way.". You just don't understand farming. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You understand neither farming nor economics.

And apparently you can't read or watch the news.

Newspapers and TV have been full of reports predicting increased food prices ALL year due to the effect of the CA drought, but you think it is because farmers can't use their own kids for labor and grazing fees have increased.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You understand neither farming nor economics.

And apparently you can't read or watch the news.

Newspapers and TV have been full of reports predicting increased food prices ALL year due to the effect of the CA drought, but you think it is because farmers can't use their own kids for labor and grazing fees have increased.

Dumbass. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I understand farming. Inherit 10,000 acres with easy access to water, all the equipment you need, good transportation, good health and work ethic, and you might make it, with a little luck.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Then they are slaves JL/ IB ? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No, they are free to leave at any time.
When you are done with them?