How will the Libs react when Conservatives maintain control

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Slow miserable death?

Pay back for what?

You make less and less sense with each post.

I'd be delighted to discuss with you if you could clearly state your position and reason.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Seriously is that all you got? I have to go tak an oblama.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
oil can man I hope you don't cry too much after nov 6 when the gop will loose both house;s
oilfieldace's Avatar
Do you have anything on the grill?
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
no old ass oil can man I hope you don't do anything drastic when the gop gives up both the house's, how things today in the willy east texas woods
The Republicans will hold the Senate. Perhaps gain a few seats.

The House is too unpredictable.

If the House does flip, we will have a stagnate government for a few years. The Democrats will spend most of their time trying to counter President Trump, who, like President Obama, will get things done by Executive Order.

The main thing is to hold the Senate. RBG will finally throw in the towel, and President Trump needs one more pick to solidify the Court for a couple of decades.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Actually I don't live in Willis anymore skirts boy,
Wakeup's Avatar
Anymore name calling here, or anywhere, and I start issuing points...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Beto down by 9. Arizona dim-retard caught disparaging Arizonans, and Swift announcing for the dim-retard in Tennessee. The Republicans will hold the Senate. Thank you Feinstein, Harris, Booker, Blumenthal, Hirono, Holder, hildebeest, etc.
If Republicans maintain control of the House and Senate I think Democrats should accept the fact that the majority of the people in this country agree with Trump's agenda and should be much more open to approving his legislation. Including funding of "the wall".

However, if Democrats take control of the House and retain a slim minority in the Senate, I think Republicans should accept the fact that Trump's policies are not being accepted by most voters and make some adjustments. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Hell will imo freeze over, before the DEMS 'accept they lost'.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Minority elected candidates tend to irritate the majority who voted the other way.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Minority elected candidates tend to irritate the majority who voted the other way. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

That was exactly the position taken by the Southern states that seceded when Lincoln was elected with only 39.8% of the popular vote.

So, even after a civil war was fought over this matter, it's still your contention that you and your lot have a right to reject the legitimacy of a presidential election because your ill-led faction failed to win the Electoral College in accordance with well established rules and precedents?

Lib-retards have become bat-shit crazy wanting to overthrow the presidency, the Supreme Court, the Electoral College and the Senate, the Constitution and abolish this nation's borders and security.

Lib-retards are in perpetual riot in Portland, OR. with the results of the last election; so, there's great concern with what the fuck they are going to do when they don't get their way in November.

It's little wonder that bat-shit crazy lib-retards are the subject of constant ridicule from the right.
" How will the libs react... " you ask ? I reckon by filling up as many adult diapers as they have on hand at the time. They seem to have gotten used to stocking them regular-like after the November 2016 election. And the local Best Buy sezs that they are gonna be gearing up for some strong TV sales on the day after the midterm elections, figurin that the lib'rals will do like Hellery done on election night of november 2016 !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Welcome back!
lustylad's Avatar
Based on what canon of ethics? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Canon 5 of the Code of Conduct for US Federal Court Judges. As I already pointed out to you in another thread (see below). Please pay attention. Or better yet, try to respond, if you can.