This is a fairy tale hard to believe.

Well, this isn't something to be brushed aside lightly. A provider WAS busted after all. Even though logic and cooler heads have prevailed, and those with common sense have concluded that neither Jackie nor Elena were complicit in that bust, it still happened. I think the rat's ultimate goal was to damage Jackie and Elena, and in that he failed, but this anonymous tipster was successful in creating collateral damage by getting a provider busted.

I think most of us ladies right now are wondering uneasily, who's next? A scary thought indeed, and one that prompts us to re-evaluate our screening habits.
Send some of your common sense to Omaha Stacy.
I'm sorry Elena, my two functioning brain cells produce common sense at a pretty slow rate. I can generally only scrape enough together to fake it from time to time
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Somebody has it out for Jackie and Ms. Elena. Originally Posted by kcpumper
And now, the Ad is gone.
Jackie, Ms Elena, my best to both of you. This situation would be laughable, other than you two women were used so vilely.

Jackie I am very sorry to hear you have health issues. To put it bluntly, it's awful to have to deal with illness of any type, and to have what appears to be a chronic condition is the worst. I do hope your doctors are wrong, and you get back to 100%.

I had such high hopes of getting to see you nude in person. Another bucket list item goes away before I get to live it out. LOL Like that shit really matters. Get well and live long, be happy. Those are the important things. I wish them for you and Ms Elena. I will send you both all the good energy I can. Originally Posted by Bartman1963
Thank you Bartman . . . I have been telling most everyone I am just booked in full when I have been not feeling 100% (which I guess really isn't really a lie, I can only do what I can do!!) and I have avoided posting on the boards, which for a lady can be stressful (which has been a blessing in finding time to get many other things done- LOL) . . . now things have progressed to only seeing regular clients - I haven't been able to keep up with new client requests for some time, there are too many, and I have tons of regualrs - and by the way, it isn't anything anyone can "catch" from me - I have a slight neurological thing going on and I can't keep up with appointments like I used to, so I keep my energy for my good regulars and I treat them wonderfully, and they take very good care of me in return. The one GREAT side effect is that I have had much more time to put into other pursuits and I am on the verge of putting the money made in the endeavor over the years to good use and I'll be launching a few projects - all of which each have an amazing potential for success!! And, there are a couple of special clients over the years that have offered to "take me away" from all of this, and frankly I'm about ready to say yes . . . of course I better check with my "husband" first to see if that is okay - LMAO! Somebody pass me that police report so I can remember his name and call him up . . .

Please send Elena good wishes too Bartman, she's in a much smaller market in Omaha and she's getting shit on - she did NOTHING wrong, well, neither of us did anything wrong - she did EXACTLY as I would have done and all she did was give a very good client an okay. That is her only crime - she did her job, she did what she was supposed to do - she vouched a good client. No one could have known or even imagined the machinations that were being played out behind our backs. Whoever did this is one crafty son of a bitch - or the police in Hastings are just complete imbeciles and believe anything anyone says when they call up, becasue they sure never called me or checked a single fact other than what they saw online . . . personally, I am betting that the PD in Hastings are in fact complete idiots and the crafty fucker that did this knew that. From what I have seen of the report and their methods, they apparently are a department full of backwards dipshits that didn't make the cut for a decent department and their IQ's got them stuck in Hastings (which if you have ever been there it is a dead-end shit-hole). If it were otherwise, they would have checked out the story of the guy that called them rather than just taking his word for it. I've never read anything like it in my life. They're morons, and Sabra should have no trouble beating the arrest. If I wasn't in this business and a report like this came out linking my REAL name on it with an arrest and nothing to substantiate things (not my "working" name which is the only thing accurate and only appears misspelled), I'd sue the fucking PD myself becasue they never checked ANYTHING out - not a single fucking thing. Nothing. I wonder if Sabra can sue the PD up there for how they have handled things.

You're right, it is laughable, but it fucks with three of us ladies (one got arrested) and it throws the board into an uproar and it makes everyone's asshole's tighten up - sounds like they might not be so dumb after all, but I'm betting they (meaning LE in this case) didn't do it purposefully. They just stumbled in to the secondary effects that they'll go pat themselves on the back for - sometimes even gigantically stupid people catch a break.


- Jackie
Bartman1963's Avatar
We think alike on the issue of the cops in Hastings sitting back and taking credit for having done something about "morality" in their little town, when in actuality they simply acted stupidly. To quote Wesley Snipes "Even the sun shines on a dogs ass some days."

Maybe the chief will keep his job a little longer and he can become "Rosco P Coltrane".

I will definitely send Ms Elena some good energy. She doesn't deserve this BS anymore than you did, absolutely correct. Besides, I like strong, smart women who say what they think.
growler's Avatar
No Elena, I don't hold a grudge against you. Though I don't care for the way you have belittled so way providers over the years......So people talk, really lol. No where was this lady's name mentioned until you did so in a very public way. No you didn't give her real name, but you did give a name, and city. Giving those so inclined a means to search. Elena you have been doing this a long time. I have to believe you have some ideal of the upheaval an arrest causes for a lady. Seems to me your "BS thread" only added to that. No one ever knows about the vast majority of ladys that get arrested. They deal with it, and move on with their lives, as it should be. Elena the real victim here is a young lady, who by all accounts is a good person, and made a decision to give back to her community, in a way I'll think every woman would support.

I didn't out anyone. In order for me to clear my name, the whole story needed to be told. It was no big surprise who was busted and if I had outed someone, don't you think the board owner would've pointed me and cleaned up my post?

You have a grudge against me Growler and that's OK. I hold no ill feelings towards you and wish you the best. Originally Posted by MsElena
would someone mind telling me whats going on?
malwoody's Avatar
Send some of your common sense to Omaha Stacy. Originally Posted by MsElena

. Though I don't care for the way you have belittled so way providers over the years....... Originally Posted by growler
Hmmmm...common sense ain't all that common...a hard lesson dispensed on eccie is a better alternative than getting compromised....IMO..

would someone mind telling me whats going on? Originally Posted by destiny_j32
Sorry, buddy, I ain't gonna let-cha bad mouth one of my friends!

For any ladies or gentlemen who DON'T know Stacy, she's certainly one of the smartest, most intelligent, well read people I know... I went to school with an awful lot of "smart people," most of whom didn't have the sense to come in out of the rain! They were very well educated, but REALLY DUMB! "Common Sense" is one of the LEAST common commodities out there! And you got it in spades, lady!

I would never get into a battle of words or ideas with this lady; She wouldn't let me. She wouldn't bother fighting with an unarmed opponent such as myself!

I'm sorry Elena, my two functioning brain cells produce common sense at a pretty slow rate. I can generally only scrape enough together to fake it from time to time Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 12-09-2012, 08:56 AM
Let this thread die automatically.
Johnny4455's Avatar
This truly is my only post on a confusing topic I have no interest on trying to understand. It's my view that professionalism includes a holler not injecting yourself on every drama on a hooker board for years .
malwoody's Avatar
[QUOTE=duckrangler;1052000495]Sorry, buddy, I ain't gonna let-cha bad mouth one of my friends!

I was not bad mouthing her pal....

Perhaps you misunderstood the spirit of my post...and no worries...I still love you...platonically..of course....LOL
dirty dog's Avatar
You don't asy. It worked for Clinton, maybe it will work for you. You're right everyone will draw their own conclusions. As for me I tend to side with the lady that you felt the need to out in the first place,for what your good name. Did you ever stop to think of her's? Originally Posted by growler
Who is this directed at?
dirty dog's Avatar
I think other than a few attorneys on this board, I have had more experience with police reports, police MO and snitches. This is bullshit, the police would never out a confidential source in a police report. This reads like what it is, report taken because someone reported it, but with no intention to follow up on. I would be very comfortable sharing "secrets" with either Ms. Elena or Jackie.