Trump Supporters Guilty of Treason

Hotrod511's Avatar
And Trumps are what ASSWIPE?? Originally Posted by bb1961
1) Abuse of power

2) Obstruction of congress

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yeah, it's sadly hilarious, these small minded, scared, hateful TDS'ers spewing Hitler comparisons and the most they can come up with for charges are Abuse of power and Obstruction.

The way they are melting down and speaking about needing the National Guard to protect their poor little asses, you'd think that the nation was falling apart. I mean really crimes against Humanity, racial tensions/riots/cities in flames(oh wait that was during the Obama Presidency).

Instead, good economy, low unemployment especially with minorities and women, record stock markets. It really makes you wonder what they are really thinking.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Just Godwin a thread right from the start huh, thats the way it is here now? Not even a semblance of discussion or debate, fuckin sad what you all have let my old forum devolve to
bambino's Avatar
Just Godwin a thread right from the start huh, thats the way it is here now? Not even a semblance of discussion or debate, fuckin sad what you all have let my old forum devolve to Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Hey, you’re the one who made it this way! Then there was that Wake Up Tard. Who fucked it all up. Now it’s back to the Chica Chaser days!!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Just Godwin a thread right from the start huh, thats the way it is here now? Not even a semblance of discussion or debate, fuckin sad what you all have let my old forum devolve to Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Chica, think of it this way. its not as bad as it was in the past before the new rules.

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-23-2019, 10:18 PM
And you all wonder why it’s not safe to let the demotards to play with match’s . Hey CC Happy Christmas and Mary New Year.
Redhot1960's Avatar
May as well admit it. Anyone who supports Trump, especially after it has been revealed that he whored out the United States for his own gain - each of you in support this pig you are equally as complicit in betraying the America that use to be. Yup, Trumptards, you are as morally corrupt as is the POTUS, Pig of the United States. German citizens who backed Hitler are complicit in the Holocaust just like you mindless Protistas are guilty of the erosion of the Constitution and the values of America each time you go to this traitorous pig’s defense! Originally Posted by Solemate62

Toe Sucker has Feelings...
Redhot1960's Avatar
Just Godwin a thread right from the start huh, thats the way it is here now? Not even a semblance of discussion or debate, fuckin sad what you all have let my old forum devolve to Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
You learned me again CC...

Solemate62's Avatar
Problem is - Trump hasn't been convicted of anything and in America, you are innocent til proven guilty.

Who's the pig now? Originally Posted by friendly fred
Interesting! But the rotund Pig in question, does he not whip up the cretins like yourself attending his rallies, with chants of “Lock Her Up?” Where’s the due process than? Sorry, Trumptard but what’s good for the goose is equally good for your porcine, morally bankrupt Pig in Chief! “Lock him up - Lock him up!”
Interesting! But the rotund Pig in question, does he not whip up the cretins like yourself attending his rallies, with chants of “Lock Her Up?” Where’s the due process than? Sorry, Trumptard but what’s good for the goose is equally good for your porcine, morally bankrupt Pig in Chief! “Lock him up - Lock him up!” Originally Posted by Solemate62
Yeah, Kinda figured you had nothing to actually pin on Trump. No substantive charges, just small minded, hateful TDS with Hitler comparisons.

Enjoy watching the Acquittal and the remainder of Trump's time in office whether it is 13 more months or 5 years and 1 month.
Toe Sucker has Feelings... Originally Posted by Redhot1960
But I think his "feelings" are more like this when Trump is concerned.

Solemate62's Avatar
But I think his "feelings" are more like this when Trump is concerned.

Originally Posted by eccielover
Lol good one Trumptard but get ready for my Christmas Day Post entitled:”What Makes a Genetic Trumptard!” Will do my best to avoid polysyllabic language so you pig lovers can understand the basic lesson!
Oh when Trump whips me up? I like it...I love it...I want some more of it! Next Christmas baby - it will be "I told you he would win!!!!"

Interesting! But the rotund Pig in question, does he not whip up the cretins like yourself attending his rallies, with chants of “Lock Her Up?” Where’s the due process than? Sorry, Trumptard but what’s good for the goose is equally good for your porcine, morally bankrupt Pig in Chief! “Lock him up - Lock him up!” Originally Posted by Solemate62
  • oeb11
  • 12-24-2019, 08:57 AM
Thank you and Merry Christmas, AE!