
GneissGuy's Avatar
TF, it looks as if the STATE governments might be stepping up where the Federal government has not. Heres an excerpt from the linked article. Originally Posted by Toyz
Yeah, that's great. Pretty soon, we'll have the local yokels burning people at the stake because they sneeze or look funny.

"He don't look right!"
"Y'aint from round here, are you boy?"
"He turned me into a newt!"

This nonsense about Ebola will blow over soon. Then when some real plague like infectious H5N1 flu or super SARS does pop up, everyone will ignore it for too long.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-26-2014, 01:29 PM
Yeah, that's great. Pretty soon, we'll have the local yokels burning people at the stake because they sneeze or look funny.

"He don't look right!"
"Y'aint from round here, are you boy?"
"He turned me into a newt!"

This nonsense about Ebola will blow over soon. Then when some real plague like infectious H5N1 flu or super SARS does pop up, everyone will ignore it for too long. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Your daughter believes it...

Your condescending attitude on this is becoming funny actually.

I've quit debating with you because you have no ability to even consider ANY potential issues.

People disagree with you , STATE governments disagree with you...yet you continue to parrot the party line.

Terra Firma, please continue the discussion...Gneiss needs more people to laugh at and post global kill rates from fingernail infections...
cckid2006's Avatar
Once more into the breach to try to quell you HYSTERIANS out there, the PBS report done by Hari is right on point. Please try to listen and learn:


Seems like GG and F2C are the only sane ones talking about this.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-26-2014, 03:09 PM
Once more into the breach to try to quell you HYSTERIANS out there, the PBS report done by Hari is right on point. Please try to listen and learn:


Seems like GG and F2C are the only sane ones talking about this. Originally Posted by cckid2006
What in the world is hysteria about a 21 day moratorium on mass contact with the citizens of the united states? Just stay put for 21 days, make sure you don't have this deadly disease...then you can go home.

Seems such common sense to me that its inarguable.

DID a Dr who turns out to be infected with Ebola break this self monitoring expectations....YES

I think the INSANE ones are the ones running around screaming "There is no danger! Let them run around among us...we'll give 'em a shot of penicillin and knock it right out" & parroting everything the federal government throws out there...like a temperature check clearance at the airport...good god, what lunacy

Read what the woman being detained said. She could not care less that she might be carrying the virus. She sees herself as a savior & everyone else is wrong to fear she MIGHT be infected (as the Dr was).

Its just a smart thing to do, 'cause some of these people obviously have no concerns for the general population...give em a PS4 and cable TV...consider it a 3 week vacation...

GneissGuy's Avatar
What in the world is hysteria about a 21 day moratorium on mass contact with the citizens of the united states? Just stay put for 21 days, make sure you don't have this deadly disease...then you can go home.

Seems such common sense to me that its inarguable. Originally Posted by Toyz
So what happens when other potential carriers find out that mass hysteria has caused imprisonment of people on the mere suggestion of Ebola despite clear evidence to the contrary?

People will start hiding their travel to infected areas, taking aspirin before planes land so they won't show a fever when scanned, delaying going to get checked when they have some of the early signs of Ebola, etc.

Suppose you've recently done some overseas travel or had contact with someone who has. You're feeling sick, but you think you only have the flu. Do you risk going to a doctor to get checked, and risk spending the next 21 days imprisoned in some isolation ward? Especially if the government seems to be throwing people in there on a whim?

Suppose Ebola does actually start spreading in the US. People with early symptoms aren't going to go in and get checked if they think they're going to get thrown into quarantine on a whim. Don't forget that the early symptoms of Ebola are very similar to the flu.

A stupid, paranoid, quarantine policy will make Ebola carriers hide out as they become more and more infectious.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-27-2014, 12:56 PM
So what happens when other potential carriers find out that mass hysteria has caused imprisonment of people on the mere suggestion of Ebola despite clear evidence to the contrary?

"Mass Hysteria"???? "Imprisonment"? Wow...you are really going all out to defend the undefendable agenda aren't you?

"Clear Evidence" such as the Dr passing the temperature check at offboarding?

We have precedence now...self monitoring clearly failed...

People will start hiding their travel to infected areas, taking aspirin before planes land so they won't show a fever when scanned, delaying going to get checked when they have some of the early signs of Ebola, etc.

How do you "hide" that your passport shows new Guinea? You don't... Why would you DELAY getting checked if you have early signs? If you know you are in contact, then show signs, then you know you are going to die...your argument makes NO sense in this regard...

Suppose you've recently done some overseas travel or had contact with someone who has. You're feeling sick, but you think you only have the flu. Do you risk going to a doctor to get checked, and risk spending the next 21 days imprisoned in some isolation ward? Especially if the government seems to be throwing people in there on a whim?

Where do you get "any foreign country" from? Outchur ass like most of your contensions here?

Suppose Ebola does actually start spreading in the US. People with early symptoms aren't going to go in and get checked if they think they're going to get thrown into quarantine on a whim. Don't forget that the early symptoms of Ebola are very similar to the flu.

That's what we are trying to keep from happening, don't you get it at ALL?

If we DO start quarantining incoming people, particularly documented HEALTH workers who are I the danger zone, then when this years inevitable cold and flu season hits there WON'T be a public panic.

If there are NO quarantines, then there WILL be a public reaction to "that woman is coughing...bet shes got da Ebola.

A stupid, paranoid, quarantine policy will make Ebola carriers hide out as they become more and more infectious

Its only stupid and paranoid if you can't understand the counter arguments.... Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Can't wait for this next response from you...should be full of imagined paranoia, civil rights violations, death toll graphs from staph infection, etc...
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-29-2014, 07:00 PM
And it takes the Aussies to show some balls...
