“If you don’t want to carry please don’t. Then, shut the fuck up about it.”

You don't have any idea what the situation is or isn't regarding each individual. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I don't think it matters what their individual circumstance is. There is the common denominator that they wish to terminate their pregnancy. " Mothers " don't ever have that thought run through their minds. Women have abortions for many reasons. I think the main reasons the most common ones are, she doesn't want her family and close friends to know she was ever pregnant, financial reasons, she simply just doesn't want to care for a child, rape or she regrets having sex with a particular person and refuses to continue the pregnancy. Women with true maternal instincts will endure an unwanted pregnancy anyway.

I don't think it matters what their individual circumstance is. There is the common denominator that they wish to terminate their pregnancy. " Mothers " don't ever have that thought run through their minds. Women have abortions for many reasons. I think the main reasons the most common ones are, she doesn't want her family and close friends to know she was ever pregnant, financial reasons, she simply just doesn't want to care for a child, rape or she regrets having sex with a particular person and refuses to continue the pregnancy. Women with true maternal instincts will endure an unwanted pregnancy anyway.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jesus, where do I start. True maternal instincts? And you, as a man, you're well acquainted with those, are you? Over half of all women who have an abortion were using some form of birth control that failed. They did not want the child. They took steps to keep that from happening and the method failed. Should they be held responsible for that? What about birth defects or reasons that the mother can't take a pregnancy to term? As a man, don't ever presume to know that you understand anything about what a woman goes through. 90 percent of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks. Most of those within the first 9 weeks. To say that their individual situation doesn't matter is to simply not recognize how the world works. Things happen. Random shit happens that we can't control or understand. A woman should have the choice to do what she wants with her body, up to a point.

Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jesus, where do I start. True maternal instincts? And you, as a man, you're well acquainted with those, are you? Over half of all women who have an abortion were using some form of birth control that failed. They did not want the child. They took steps to keep that from happening and the method failed. Should they be held responsible for that? What about birth defects or reasons that the mother can't take a pregnancy to term? As a man, don't ever presume to know that you understand anything about what a woman goes through. 90 percent of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks. Most of those within the first 9 weeks. To say that their individual situation doesn't matter is to simply not recognize how the world works. Things happen. Random shit happens that we can't control or understand. A woman should have the choice to do what she wants with her body, up to a point.

http://www.webmd.com/women/tc/aborti...hoose-abortion Originally Posted by WombRaider
A Women can do what she wants with her body up to a point? Ok I'll go along with that. the last result is abortion. The failed birth control is a bullshit excuse. Besides nobody ever claimed birth control was 100% effective. Abortion just becomes a way out for many women. It's become fashionable. It becomes encouraged by society and that's not a good thing. Besides, if done improperly or if complications ensue wanted pregnancies in the future can become problematic.
