why no AA providers? what is wrong with us?

I am all about the flava!!!!!

to me its No white chicks.

What I cant figure out is how black girls appear to make a lot less money than the white ones. I am not going to pursue it though, I love the beautiful $80 and under ladies!!!

<------- see my avatar, she is still out there
Chung Tran's Avatar
Attachment 254032

"why won't you see me, White Faggot"?
I see AA providers all the time. I saw one this week but she's not on ECCIE. I also went to see Carla Sweets a few weeks ago. I love sexy AA women.
plain and simple... i have been looking for a black girl to see for a few years. but cannot find one with the body type i am looking for. that's it. Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
Juan Pablo, check out DallasTxBaby's body. She is freaking hot! I think she is going to be the next AA provider I see.

Shit.....I thought the OP was talking about Alcoholics Anonymous !
I guess I'm just getting too old to understand all this acronym BS....LOL!

But, I do have something to say since I read the thread.
(surprised) ?

Women of color are cool. I've spent some time BCD with some very sexy black women.
They taught me a little.....I taught them a little.

They've got the SOUL ..... and candid outlook with a cool twist.
Something us white girls will always try to master.

My two cents!

I have never, nor will I ever, see a AA provider. It is all a matter of preference. Caucasians are what appeal to me, give me the fever, make me want to engage them. Asians rank second with hispanics third. I must be visually attracted to women before my wallet opens.

And I prefer larger women to smaller women, over 30 y/o women, tatt-less women, kinky / perverted women, drinkers, smokers, and bi-sexual.

One may read this in any light they wish to spin it. It is simply a matter of fact with me.
ManSlut's Avatar
Nothing wrong with that opinion crashkopf. Every Gent has certain tastes and preferences which is why this board is so useful....We truly do All Like Different things.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Heck i am living proof that you can become a great AA provider, get paid top-notch just like the rest of the girls and have a great reputation.

Not to mention have a great body that anyone would be looked at crazy to deny is nothing but sexy.

However it takes hard work. I go to the gym regularly every week. I keep my incall very nicely decorated and comfortable, fully furnished. I prove i can be trusted to give correct services that i say i offer. I present myself in a way that is expected when a man is paying me 300/hr for my time. No discounts. Ijust got flown to Turks & Caicos, and get flown to over a handful of places in the US by clients whom believe i am worth every dime and won't let me spend a dollar out my pocket when i get there.

There may be some men who will never see AA women because they have pre-conceived notions about us not being able to be up to par or fit the "European Beauty quota" that we have to compete with. Also many believe just because your skin is brown you are some unruly ghetto phenomeon whom will wreck havoc just because you thats all you know...

But if you figure out how to present yourself like A True professional escort and maintain it, you will find there are many men interested and ready to pay you top dollar while treating you like the princess you always knew you were and are.

I luckily have figured that out and am reaping the rewards of my hard work this year and i am sure years to come as genuine and professional services always thrive.

GenesisNicole's Avatar
Hey Doll!

Not sure what is or isn't on your menu or how you handle your business (TCB, BCD, etc)

However, you do have to find your niche in this industry. Have super tough skin and be able to accept that NOT every man on this board (vocal and lurkers alike) are going to be into you. (For all various reasons)


There are men out here, that will like you and what you have to bring into a date. Keep your head up and do the best you can each and every time.
Focus on what you can change and don't worry about what you can't...

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
Juan Pablo, check out DallasTxBaby's body. She is freaking hot! I think she is going to be the next AA provider I see.

http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=160596 Originally Posted by jimmy simpson
yes those are some hot pix. definitely looked previously and am interested. what i am looking for is a cute black girl with the body of a petite asian. 5' 100 lbs. small/medium boobs. my phone lines are open ladies.
Now that I understand, and I know language percptions are generational, all I have to say to all the AA, MA, HA, EA, other AA, PA, NA, IA, KA, VNA, FA, BA, RA, GA.....that shit all sounds like a vocal exercise gone mad...we're ALL just fucking Americans (FA) so whether you're colored (pick one) or not, it makes no damn difference. I don't even know how to racially describe peoplein their chosen politically correct was anymore so I just don't bother. Wouldn't want to piss off the little chocolate girl with the booty, now, would I?
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I must say however, it is funny how people like to pretend like black people are crazy, and no one is discriminating against us. I have learned to just let it go. Because just like we as black people know that we have/are being discriminated against. The people whom discriminate against us know that they are doing it.

Will anyone ever tell the truth... probably not especially not on a board where money is the motive. Never the less we all know the truth and we all know the real reason behind the truth. No one has to tell us this and we keep asking the questions as if we expect someone to come out and be honest. Which will probably never happen, Especially here.

Like Nicole said, You have to focus on what you can Do not that you can;t change. And let me tell you baby, the stereo type that "black people this" and "black people that" is not going away anytime soon.

And if you're not black please don't tell us that what we experience is not happening because you really don't know!
Innocentz, I hope this all has helped you. Figuring out how to improve your business is important and without any experience can be hard. It takes hard work more than most want to put in.
ManSlut's Avatar
I must say however, it is funny how people like to pretend like black people are crazy, and no one is discriminating against us. I have learned to just let it go. Because just like we as black people know that we have/are being discriminated against. The people whom discriminate against us know that they are doing it.

Will anyone ever tell the truth... probably not especially not on a board where money is the motive. Never the less we all know the truth and we all know the real reason behind the truth. No one has to tell us this and we keep asking the questions as if we expect someone to come out and be honest. Which will probably never happen, Especially here.

Like Nicole said, You have to focus on what you can Do not that you can;t change. And let me tell you baby, the stereo type that "black people this" and "black people that" is not going away anytime soon.

And if you're not black please don't tell us that what we experience is not happening because you really don't know! Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Mya, if I may let you in on a little secret about the Gents on this site, "We are here to use you ladies for free (wink) sexual gratification." Everything we do in our process of elimination of who we will see is DISCRIMINATORY, but you are making it out like it is mainly RACIALLY DISCRIMINATORY. Almost everyone of the posts on this thread was on point about helping this newbie out and or telling her something useful if they do not see AA's. You went from another 'look at me, I'm beautiful awesome rolling in the dough Mya' post to sidetracking this young lady's thread with a 'look at me I'm Mya with the pent up racial hostility' (Yes, I'm white and that's exactly how I took it). You are within your right and freewill to do this, but I am offering this Gent's opinion, and you can take it or leave it, my guess is you will leave it, but I state it because I know what I speak of and there are things about you I like, but if you don't climb down off your High Horse soon, that son-of-a-bitch is gonna throw you off and those great benefits you boast about reaping will start dwindling.

I hope you can see this as constructive criticism meant to help you not degrade or slam you. I will PM you soon to further discuss this if you like.

I do have a better understanding thanks everyone