Trump 2016

I bet they love being attacked by ISIS too.
Iaintliein's Avatar
LOL, they promise Denmark and deliver Dearbornistan. And people keep buying their BS.
plove35's Avatar
This country will be fine no matter who the next president is. We take politics to personal
butterfryman's Avatar
PERSONALLY.....from an economic standpoint we damn sure don't need Hillary or Bernie..
*Trump.....MIGHT just be the 'lesser of the evils'....

BUT he has no shot at actually getting elected....
*fun for now he appeals to the INNER pig in many of us white folks.............

30 or so years of ridiculous quotes....from being sexually attracted to his own daughter (he said it too many times to simply be dismissed as a joke BTW)....referring to his own pecker numerous times..."the Blacks" / "the Mexicans"....this and absolutely trashing women like no public figure has EVER done......

Hillary will appoint Castro as her running mate... getting all the female / minority vote and will stomp Trump's silly ass (who will spend the entire time defending his stupid quotes).... sending him back where he belongs ....reality TV / beauty pageants / WWE promotions .....

$$ If you think Trump is gonna win...maybe put some cash behind it
*currently he's +350.....(risking $100 to win $350)
Tyrannodex's Avatar
Still alot better than Cruz, we both used to work at the same firm. Guy is a total snake
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
By the way, according to BERNIES tax plan, he wants to take 120% of our food and gas money. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Can you direct me to this information, por favor?
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
America is not Denmark. Trying to make the US into a European country is futile. Its like trying to make bread from a head of lettuce. It just doesn't work. Our systems and the way we each govern are fundamentally different. You can't put a pc motherboard inside of a Mac or vice versa (from what I understand). They were built differently and grew into what they are now differently. Both have their strengths and weaknesses and satisfy different needs.

To those that want to try and turn America into Europe because they are more in love with the fantasy of Central European life over the reality American life, I would suggest applying for a visa and moving there. I mean, why not just get the real thing you're after instead of a cheap, poorly made copy? Because if you're expecting American to turn in Denmark based on the ideals of the Democratic Party or one man's presidential sales pitch then I've got a real nice bridge to sell you.

Its good to have an Ameican system and a European system. Difference is good. Comparisons are good. Trying to make them the same is not.

Work within the system that developed to make it better. Unfortunately, we are at a very definitive place in history where most people don't have even the slightest idea of how industry or government actually work - and they are angry. On both sides of the fence.

I understand wanting a utopia and "free everything" sounds really awesome. Who doesn't want that? But it's just not gonna happen. If you want to live in under a European system them move to Europe. Originally Posted by THN
Who is "trying to turn America into Europe"? Or a "utopia"? Who is trying to make them the same? Or offering "free everything"?
LovingKayla's Avatar
I'm sorry you prefer to be living in a shithole. Denmark is a Democratic socialist country, what Bernie Sanders is wanting, and is the happiest country in the world. Originally Posted by Duthgar1976
You have to feel sorry for people that don't know anything about what they say. You really like the close to 90% tax rate? 180% on a car? Waiting till you die for medical care? You are totally welcome to move buddy. I think the whores do ok over there but no one that lives in confines of the law is doing well at all. Do your actual research friend.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Who is "trying to turn America into Europe"? Or a "utopia"? Who is trying to make them the same? Or offering "free everything"? Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey

Sanders. Look up the candidates and catch up. It's getting late in the race.
Ditto Kayla!!