Outdated photos & disappointment questions... should a client have to pay?

Laz - that may be the case for a bng type of situation - but for many guys, they want a lot more out of a girl in a session.
So I'm going to disagree with your overall position there and leave it at that.

I think it is GENEROUS of a guy to leave anything at all if he walks in and things are not what they expected. I don't give a shit how many reviews someone has. Things change and reviewers lie. It's well known in this biz.

Amber - I don't know exactly what is going on. I've not been on the boards enough lately to keep up, (I came on to go see Ze dance) but I believe you feeling like people have betrayed you because you have been friends or friendly towards them since day one...well, you may want to reevaluate your position.
Many of us have the main goal of making our clients happy...no matter whom they choose to see. Because we know as long as our goal is to help them stay happy, we will continue to generate business from them. (not be selfish, not be catty, refer them to girls we know they will like, who will in turn refer their clients to us as well, blah blah blah)
This also goes with how we present ourselves and whom we choose to associate with and work with day to day.

It doesn't matter how many reviews there are out there...I believe I even had this conversation in a thread that you for some reason abstained from posting on...that discussed quantity vs quality, which is better? I believe, if what I'm understanding is correct, that the guy in this case had understood the way you operate BCD (in the dark, it's not really a secret) he more than likely wouldn't have gone at all...and from what I'm gathering from this thread here, accurate pictures would have made a difference as well.

So if any of those 60+ reviews were more accurate (and maybe they are and this guy doesn't have ROS access, hell if I know, I don't either) this wouldn't be such a big deal, but pictures are probably the biggest thing that gets girls, regular, well known girls, into hot water around here. Keep em current...whether you gained some or loose some.

I tend to keep a couple A COUPLE of older ones mixed in with the newer ones, because they are "fan favorites", but I label them as such. I also keep updating them, especially since I have gone down 20 lbs myself since Sept. Woo hoo! (just don't think I have a violent boyfriend if you see a bruise when you come to see me, I've just been playing a lot of basketball. I tend to get a bit rough. Go figure.)

Get your stuff back on track and don't take this shit so personal. But that's just my advice.
berkleigh's Avatar
Congrats Jules on your recent weight loss!
I've always loved to view your pics, new & old and I am diggin' the hair!

And Amber -
Not sure whats going on but pay no mind to any drama or bullshit here...
You and I have talked several times and I love ya!

In my opinion, I feel the photos should always be current, as that is yourself that you are advertising. That is how you make you income.

I also think that upon visiting a Provider, if are not satisfied with her appearance due to "Bait & Switch" or "Out-dated Photos"
, after conversation whatever the reason may be, I think the Hobbyist has the right to leave if the two just don't click.

Clearly he chose the Provider based on her Ad, how she "sold herself", her services, photo appearance, rates ETC...
It's not fair he be deceived and pay for something he is not comfortable with.

Lets face it, Looks "REALLY DO" matter. Especially here.
But there are some whom look past certain things and seek something else such as attitude and service.

There is someone out there for everyone, all shapes and sizes, all walks of Life...

My recent "Professional" photo shoot was 3 years over due.
These last few years I still updated my Ads and Website with camera and cell phone pics monthly to show the "REAL ME".
I too, constantly change my appearance and have lost a total of 5o lbs of baby weight in over a year.
In December, I reached a point where I am now happy with myself and decided it was time not only for me but for my Business.

I agree, every 3 - 6 months is good to update photos.
Its always nice to spice up your appearance too appeal to new people. IMO.

Looks like to me like someone has too much time on their hands for real you should be doing something else with your time instead of policing successful providers for no apparent reason LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I disagree.

I'm not here for an ongoing relationship. I'm not looking for the illusion that she digs me and I hope she doesn't need me to pretend that if only things were different (and that I wasn't 30 years older!) then we could have been soul mates.

I am not speaking for anyone but myself here but I'm not sure how easy it would be for a vagina vendor to exhibit wit, charm, and intelligence if her mouth is otherwise occupied! Originally Posted by LazurusLong
WALDT. Certainly your right to disagree. Who said anything about illusion, soul mates and all the other BS. What I was trying to convey is that it's much more enjoyable for me to spend time with people (RL and the Hobby) that I like, who exhibit some of the qualities I find appealing. (Surprise, surprise...the result is that every blue moon or so, a friendship may develop.)

"Vagina vendor?" Really? Guess there's a bunch of them on the board, but my choice is spending time with ladies that elevate themselves above that. Courtesan, maybe?

...back to my corner. TP out.
I read this thread a couple of times and still do not get the intent. I really think the author is trying to call attention to her own weight loss but I may be mistaken. OK White Knights Flame On. But before you flame please read the entire prose.

As someone who is just returning to the hobby after a few years out, the statements posted and preface made seems like common sense. We live in a real world. Some ladies post up to date pics. Others do not. Some ladies photo shop. Others do not. Some guys write reviews that are slightly inflated in one direction or another.

As a hobbyist I rely upon the reviews, p411, pics, chat, how many reviews and over what time frame, how many comments and my hobby sense to keep me on the straight and narrow. Of course. I ask questions before the session like are your pics up to date? Has your menu on P411 changed. If I show up for the session and all is not in order, I politely explain why and leave. Have had to do that a time or two. Again Common Sense!

The problem with some of these threads is our personnel expectations for who we what to spend some quality time with tend to be different then another persons. Heck, my own attitude and level of expectations vary periodically. Hobbying is not all about looks, it is also about chemistry. Thus the reason to research.

So I guess I am still trying to figure out the purpose of this thread. It sure is not for amusement. I guess it is for confirming expectations wrt pic frequency which is common sense and a known in our hobby for some time. But again, I am just returning back to the hobby and there does appear to be a good bit of Drama rather than outright fun and enjoyment which should be the purpose of this site.

Ok white knights, flame on

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
The thread is about providers having outdated photos and whether or not a client should have to pay if he felt mislead...

maybe it was a little bit of a threAD as far as me mentioning my change in looks but those aren't against any rules of the board. I asked a legitimate question and I got the answers and opinions I was looking for
Thus my summation was accurate. You were just looking for a confirmation of your own assumption set.


Have a great day
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Thus my summation was accurate. You were just looking for a confirmation of your own assumption set.


Have a great day Originally Posted by associatetx

Since you commented what are your thoughts on the issue? If you went to an appt and the pictures in the showcase were 30lbs ago what would you do in that situation?

Would you just suck it up and stay?

Would you pay the rate and leave?

Would you leave a tip and leave?

Or would you just leave without paying anything?

I already gave you my thoughts. There are some visits where I stayed because we had kicked it off in Chat and Phone so well. Other times I left.

It is all about chemistry and how I felt that day. Personnel choice.

To me, it is not a black and white decision.

If I felt that based upon my screening that I was deceived, I would leave without tipping.

If we did not hit it off during the first 5 mins I would tip and move on because the chemistry may not be right.

This also applies to pics that do not include the face. I take a chance in this hobby every time I schedule a session. However, 99 percent of the time, I leave the session with the little guy spent and happy. It is all about chemistry.

L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 02-09-2012, 11:35 AM
My answer is: It all depends. Why am I there? Is this somebody I'm seeing mainly because her pics are smoking hot and I'm scheduling based primarily on that characteristic. If so she needs to look pretty close to her advertised pics because that's the reason I'm there.
Am I seeing this provider because she's known to give a mind-blowing, eyes in the back of head bj? If so then I just want an idea of what she looks like, weights, etc but it's not really that big of a deal if the pics aren't 100% accurate (but that bj better be damn good). I'm seeing her for another primary reason.
Maybe I'm seeing her because we hit it off in chat and pms and I really like her personality. For me it all depends on what led me to schedule with her in the first place.
As far as pics go I like to see a mix. I like the professional shots, candid shots, head shots, and full body pics. I probably like the professional shots the least.
I read this thread a couple of times and still do not get the intent. I really think the author is trying to call attention to her own weight loss but I may be mistaken. OK White Knights Flame On. But before you flame please read the entire prose.

As someone who is just returning to the hobby after a few years out, the statements posted and preface made seems like common sense. We live in a real world. Some ladies post up to date pics. Others do not. Some ladies photo shop. Others do not. Some guys write reviews that are slightly inflated in one direction or another.

As a hobbyist I rely upon the reviews, p411, pics, chat, how many reviews and over what time frame, how many comments and my hobby sense to keep me on the straight and narrow. Of course. I ask questions before the session like are your pics up to date? Has your menu on P411 changed. If I show up for the session and all is not in order, I politely explain why and leave. Have had to do that a time or two. Again Common Sense!

The problem with some of these threads is our personnel expectations for who we what to spend some quality time with tend to be different then another persons. Heck, my own attitude and level of expectations vary periodically. Hobbying is not all about looks, it is also about chemistry. Thus the reason to research.

So I guess I am still trying to figure out the purpose of this thread. It sure is not for amusement. I guess it is for confirming expectations wrt pic frequency which is common sense and a known in our hobby for some time. But again, I am just returning back to the hobby and there does appear to be a good bit of Drama rather than outright fun and enjoyment which should be the purpose of this site.

Ok white knights, flame on

ASS Originally Posted by associatetx
Your contention that this is all just generally accepted common sense is incorrect, IMO, as possibly evidenced by this thread: http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=379028
I don't believe there is a generally accepted practice of what to do if expectations don't match reality. Where to draw the line and who is at fault are very valid and interesting questions. They deal with how responsible a girl should be to maintain her same physical appearance shown in her photos, as well as how much a guy can reasonably expect a woman to resemble them.

If a guy likes red heads and schedules with one, only to find her dyed blonde, is thy reason enough to claim inaccurate photos? How about if she went from natural to fake tits? The weight gains and obvious aging are the easy ones, but there are many other factors that cloud the water.

And what to do if we do all collectively decide what realistic expectations are an determine they were not met. Pay the girl full price for her time? Tip a bit to offset the hurt feelings? Or blast them on the boards for wasting our time, rather than theirs.

I find it hardto believe that you think these are all very simple, common sense issues. You accuse The OP of having an agenda (and preemptively label anyone who disagrees a WK). Yours seems to be merely to demonstrate what a grand and verbose intellectual you are, along with how above it you are. That begs the question... what exactly are you doing here?
I could see how Jules threads could be thought of as ThreADs. I mean, her avatar is so freaking hawt I get distracted from the subject hand and start wondering what that exquisite tattoo looks like in person.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I could see how Jules threads could be thought of as ThreADs. I mean, her avatar is so freaking hawt I get distracted from the subject hand and start wondering what that exquisite tattoo looks like in person. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Ooooooh la laaaaaaaaaaa I would love to show you someday
Roothead's Avatar
my 2 cents.... if there is a real, tangible change - be it weight, hair, body art, etc.. it should be cause for, at minimum, a phone photo update, if only to be transparent and forthright.. likewise, if there is a tangible change in services or location thereof, I would expect an update to the profile.... PitA that it may be, "truth in advertising" is always less painful than the post-visit surprise factor....I personally have been "surprised", both good and bad, during an initial meeting - the "good" resulted in LT business dealings, the "bad" served as a lesson learned, to do more research and to further refine my valuation and buy-in of the reviews/ratings "norms" of clients on this forum.... "client beware"!
Bizz, if she went from natural to manmade boobs without any warning, I would be upset. Not like that was a gradual thing, not like it was without warning. But then, most gals would be bragging about it.

Pics should be accurate. I know a lot of ladies are using very old pics and in my experience (excuse me while I put on my flame retardent suit), this business is hard on a lady. After 4-5 years in the business, I think there are probably big changes in a lady's appearance. I could cite some examples, and probably even post a couple, but that would be rude, and not the intent of this thread.

I do a lot of research on ladies, and I am looking for an illusion of passion and what I will call physical & mental skillsets as much as anything. Yes, major fluctuations from appearance might upset me. I am a douchebag but at least one lady's account, but if I made it to the door, I would probably go through with it. OK, I have gone through with it, multiple times. Usually a BP provider, not sure I can think of any time where it was a verified provider.

I usually have a feel for the neighborhood, but if I arrived on sight and it was a real dump of a place, gang-style accomodations complete with pimp mobiles on the street and bullet riddled walls, I would probably walk and not pay a penny. Otherwise, if I walked to the door and then realized I had made a mistake, I would probably toss her a $20 or so, and make my retreat.

I will say this, even with BP ladies who looked nothing like their pics, I have usually managed to have a good time, and the YMMV factor was generally quite high. I guess enough of you guys have slammed the door and ran that they are so happy when I stay, they are willing to push the envelope a bit. I am respectful as always, but remember, I am a douchebag... (Sorry, but I guess I am just surprised a lady I have never even noticed called me that.)