dangerous beware of bowdowntome

bowdown2me's Avatar
Hah... hah... and the drama continues from the two biggest WK"s on eccie... this hooker is full of shit.. and I dont have to explain shit to you two fucktards that do nothing on eccie except gossip and spread rumors.. and come to the rescue of girls who dont give a shit about nothing but those Benjamin's...
Ive seen hundreds of providers a d this aint ny first go around on eccie...
So you two can go jack each other off and discuss me with each other..
And as far as people coming to my rescue.. I could give a shit less who sticks up for me here..
Im not here for you old fat bastards who cant get laid without paying for the pussy...
Im here for pussy not cock...
I do this as a hobby... not because I have to...
And yes Maria contacted me along with the girl back in November who I know personally, from my reputation away from eccie for holding gangbangs..
The only time I post on here looking for guys is when the woman who contacts me ask to set it up to make some extra cash...
And as far as recording sessions when providers come to ny house... it has never happened.. again you fucking white knights believe everything these hookers tell you...
I bet you really thought your mom was telling the truth when she said you was special...
This is the last time I will entertain this thread or you fucktards...
Get off my nuts...
Hercules's Avatar
Im not here for you old fat bastards who cant get laid without paying for the pussy... Originally Posted by bowdown2me
Unlike you huh?
Hah... hah... and the drama continues from the two biggest WK"s on eccie... this hooker is full of shit.. and I dont have to explain shit to you two fucktards that do nothing on eccie except gossip and spread rumors.. and come to the rescue of girls who dont give a shit about nothing but those Benjamin's...
Ive seen hundreds of providers a d this aint ny first go around on eccie...
So you two can go jack each other off and discuss me with each other..
And as far as people coming to my rescue.. I could give a shit less who sticks up for me here..
Im not here for you old fat bastards who cant get laid without paying for the pussy...
Im here for pussy not cock...
I do this as a hobby... not because I have to...
And yes Maria contacted me along with the girl back in November who I know personally, from my reputation away from eccie for holding gangbangs..
The only time I post on here looking for guys is when the woman who contacts me ask to set it up to make some extra cash...
And as far as recording sessions when providers come to ny house... it has never happened.. again you fucking white knights believe everything these hookers tell you...
I bet you really thought your mom was telling the truth when she said you was special...
This is the last time I will entertain this thread or you fucktards...
Get off my nuts... Originally Posted by bowdown2me
And there is the post I was waiting for from you that shows your maturity level with typical childlike mentality of pot shots and name calling. Show a post I have made being a WK to a provider. If anything, I call out providers who do not do what they advertise and play the YMMV card. You are right, there are many old and/or fat guys on this site who have to pay for pussy or they would not get any otherwise, but ask any provider that has I have reviewed, I am not grandpa old or fat by any means.

This is not your first go around on Eccie? What was your other handle? I bet that if you have P411 account, just like a few other guys who are agenda laden and their opinion is fact total asses on the board do, you have to separate the two handles because if a provider linked them, then they would not see you or them.
And im pretty sure im not affiliated with any posse...

Me and my entourage will continue on... Originally Posted by bowdown2me
tomato, tomahto
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
I do not want to be rich or famous I just want a posse.LOLLLLLL
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
I need the PayPal accounts for the primary participants in this pathetic fiasco so I can submit my entertainment fee. You motherfuckers are the absolute reason why this whole deal is turning to shit and I mean Pronto. Please Pm, I'll gladly cough up your fee for this pitiful display. Seriously, you children need to get off the computer before your mommies get home from their shift at the strip club.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I need the PayPal accounts for the primary participants in this pathetic fiasco so I can submit my entertainment fee. You motherfuckers are the absolute reason why this whole deal is turning to shit and I mean Pronto. Please Pm, I'll gladly cough up your fee for this pitiful display. Seriously, you children need to get off the computer before your mommies get home from their shift at the strip club. Originally Posted by TheRealJohnnyRingo
Be quiet.
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
Be quiet. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Heya Rog, I can make myself available for you to give it your best shot where in the real world, where I live , keyboard courage means dick. Why don't you run away now and go play some video games, or whatever you punks do.
never a dull moment
  • pwood
  • 02-13-2015, 09:10 PM
Im bored
Can I play?
Heya Rog, I can make myself available for you to give it your best shot where in the real world, where I live , keyboard courage means dick. Why don't you run away now and go play some video games, or whatever you punks do. Originally Posted by TheRealJohnnyRingo
careful gramps, don't forget about your meds!, you been here too long
ManSlut's Avatar
This thread is so Damn funny... I mean it took me an hour to read all the hate mail.. from all you dudes wearing your Captain Save a Hoe outfits...
Maria... why dont you tell the truth instead of making up bullshit lies.. trying to tarnish my name..
You contacted me asking to set up a gangbang for you..
You told me your regular fee is 8 bills an hour.. and your profile price was wrong you just haven't changed it...
I guess you update your profile on hooker time.. which we all know is different than the rest of the world...
You asked me how many men I could get to attend at 450 a head I said none..
You said you would not lower your price.. I told you I could not help you...
So... you lowered your price to 3 bills a head.. and I told you it would be hard still to get a bunch of swinging dicks together in a room at that price...
But I said I would try...
I had a shit ton of responses... like in the hundreds...
Had it all set.. I told you I would not be one paying that 300 since I set it up.. you got pissy...
I said we needed to get together to discuss details the day before.. you got pissy again...
Eventually I told you if we cant meet to discuss all the details then I will just cancel the GB.. you again get pissy...
I told you to fuck off and thanks for wasting my time...
And you reply no its cool we can I still want to do the GB..
To which I reply ok because ive got a shit ton of guys coming...
You could care less about the guys and how the session goes... or if you would even make them happy and leave everyone satisfied...
I took all this and continued trying to give you the benefit here...
Until lastnight when you informed me your pimp would be present as security... to which I reply I dont think so... its my house and ive put in this work to set this up... and I will be damned if I expose all these clients to a pimps presence...
And I cancelled on you...
Lmao... and this is your retaliation for that.. because yes I said I would expose you to the hobby.. you wasted my time, and everyone else who wanted to attend...
Ive got plenty of reviews of providers who are very well established in this hobby...
And a phone full of other providers ive seen and never reviewed who can vouch for me and my personality and demeanor...
Crazy, NOPE, dangerous, I dont think so...
But go on and tell your little stories...
Ive got a shit load of p411 okays... and plenty of girls I see on the regular...
Your little fables will not hurt me or my reputation with the ladies who know me...
And all you WK"s can take it deep... im not here for any of you...
And im pretty sure im not affiliated with any posse...
And zipster why you sharing ML info.. im pretty sure thats a violation of eccie rules...
You aint shit to me dude...
Go cry to your mama..
And to anyone else who believes what this chic has to say... I dont give a shit...
Her and her pimp can set up their own gangbang...
Me and my entourage will continue on...
WK"s keep up the good work.. this hobbie just wouldn't be any fun without you all...
Someday maybe your dreams will come true and one of these hookers will really mean what she says when she tells you that you are special, and the best she has ever had...
Over and out....

Oh and if anyone would like to question anything im saying feel free to pm me and I will screenshot the entire text thread with Maria...
Excluding any WK"s who replied here or in ML..
Ive got no time for you dudes trying to save the world... Originally Posted by bowdown2me
Well if I played checkers I would say it's your jump Maria...I always find PIMP drama interesting and very worth knowing because I WILL NOT see Ladies who are pimped. Can't stand them or their weak ass, tough acting bitches (Truly not saying this is you Maria).

As far as some of the commentary on this thread about posses or entourages, I just went thru the accused's (bowdown2me's) reviews and could really only see one consistent poster on his reviews and that is You&Me...As far as embellished reviews, when I get my PA back I will reread them.

The biggest laugh I got from this thread is Dudes having a problem and making commentary about 'handles'...Seriously?

I requested the screenshots from bowdown2me and will be very interested in reading them for confirmation of the accused's version.

To Maria: You started this, he rebutted, now it's your turn or you lose all credibility in my opinion...Speaking from a position of someone who had an egotistical Provider (Mya Michelle) who got her feelings butt hurt by me once (actually several times...lol) and chose to attack and ATTEMPT to discredit me with me a false threAD, I am very interested when discrediting statements are made, so don't bail now! You started this Eccie drama, so Stand And Deliver.

Aw, it's good to have my subscription back to the Eccie Channel!...It's right up there with Judge Judy and Dr. Phil (can they bring the hard hitting, no sugar coating truth or what?...lmao)

P.S. Maria: Please make a better attempt to use punctuation in your posts please.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Well if I played checkers I would say it's your jump Maria...I always find PIMP drama interesting and very worth knowing because I WILL NOT see Ladies who are pimped. Can't stand them or their weak ass, tough acting bitches (Truly not saying this is you Maria).

As far as some of the commentary on this thread about posses or entourages, I just went thru the accused's (bowdown2me's) reviews and could really only see one consistent poster on his reviews and that is You&Me...As far as embellished reviews, when I get my PA back I will reread them.

The biggest laugh I got from this thread is Dudes having a problem and making commentary about 'handles'...Seriously?

I requested the screenshots from bowdown2me and will be very interested in reading them for confirmation of the accused's version.

To Maria: You started this, he rebutted, now it's your turn or you lose all credibility in my opinion...Speaking from a position of someone who had an egotistical Provider (Mya Michelle) who got her feelings butt hurt by me once (actually several times...lol) and chose to attack and ATTEMPT to discredit me with me a false threAD, I am very interested when discrediting statements are made, so don't bail now! You started this Eccie drama, so Stand And Deliver.

Aw, it's good to have my subscription back to the Eccie Channel!...It's right up there with Judge Judy and Dr. Phil (can they bring the hard hitting, no sugar coating truth or what?...lmao)

P.S. Maria: Please make a better attempt to use punctuation in your posts please. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Welcome Back MS- if you had PA there's a thread in the ML's which cast doubt on BowDown2me- actually he was caught in a Bold Face LIE. In another thread he claimed he actually seen her SEVERAL times- it's obvious from this post that he has never seen Marie Dinero. He posted in the ML's about a GangBang thread that was supposed to happen in November of 2014, but amazingly got cancelled because the girl was on her "cycle" a few days before the "gangbang". It would be nice for those who don't have access to ML's section to see Marie Dinero's rebuttal, but as I mentioned BowDownb4me has already been exposed in the Men's Lounge as a liar.
bowdown2me's Avatar
Dude why dont you give up you are dragging this out for what reason.. no body gives a shit what you think about me... if what she says was true she will respond to my rebuttal and defend her statements...
As for you get off my nuts dude go away...
You don't know me.. you never will.. and your daily attacks and threats are ridiculous..
You dont have a damn shred of evidence wether or not ive seen that girl one time or a hundred...
You really must bot have a life..
You have not exposed shit dude...
ManSlut's Avatar
Welcome Back MS- if you had PA there's a thread in the ML's which cast doubt on BowDown2me- actually he was caught in a Bold Face LIE. In another thread he claimed he actually seen her SEVERAL times- it's obvious from this post that he has never seen Marie Dinero. He posted in the ML's about a GangBang thread that was supposed to happen in November of 2014, but amazingly got cancelled because the girl was on her "cycle" a few days before the "gangbang". It would be nice for those who don't have access to ML's section to see Marie Dinero's rebuttal, but as I mentioned BowDownb4me has already been exposed in the Men's Lounge as a liar. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Thanks for the 'Welcome Back' w/e. I miss the hard hitting, no punches pulled Men's Lounge where the men are men and the sheep are scared. I just haven't figured out who I'll review to get my PA back. I've seen so many ladies it's hard to choose. I refuse to write bunches of reviews.

Sometimes there are two liars in a story w/e, so I think I will withhold judgement till more evidence is in. But, I will say this, I PM'ed the accused bowdown2me for his evidence very early this morning and he has logged in twice and thus far - Crickets.

Come on you two (the principals in this sitcom), let's sling some mud and truth or turn in your memberships...lmao