Prediction….Biden Will Win The Debate,

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
CNN has the integrity of pond scum.

Not only will they furnish Biden the questions, they will give him the answers. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I sincerely doubt that it will go that far but I was very surprised that Trump agreed to allow CNN to be the moderators for the first debate.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The bar is so low for Biden that all he has to do is show up
Levianon17's Avatar
I would have gone with "out dump Dumpster" myself, sir. But that's just me going for the joke as well as I read your post.

There will not be a winner in the debate. Retarded Fascist versus declining Boomer. Progress slows.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That's all it is, a big joke.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Great news. The format actually help Trump.
Michael8219's Avatar
Yep. Trump won!

From Trump during the debate:
"I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence," said Trump. "I don't think he knows what he said either."
Precious_b's Avatar
How do you debate a 78-year-old man who acts like a big baby? You frustrate that baby and make him cry on a national stage for all to see... Trump will get frustrated and act like the unhinged and out of control fool that he is. There is no need to really focus on winning the debate because Trump won't let you talk much anyway. Just let him talk as much as possible to bury himself to all but his MAGA cult geniuses.

I think that is safe to say about either one of those unfit old geezers for the job. Some of you are under the misconception that Trump comes across as being remotely competent with his little pea brain that seems to be getting worse by the day. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Lucas, you called it correctly in the past. Their ain't much that either party is offering in their choice for POTUS.

If anything, it is showing the problems with pushing geriatric candidates. Especially the donny crowd. They can't see that is already is well on his way to what they describe joey is. But they always have a bias. Right down to the sources they use to argue their points here.

The bar is so low for Biden that all he has to do is show up Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Well, let me take one back. There is one rightie who gives it to joey. Winnie would be proud of you. But watch your back. As stated by me, your buddies eat their own.
By the way, I was dead wrong in my initial post.

I guess the “Go Joe” didn’t get delivered.

That, or some MD wasn’t willing to risk his medical license shooting him up.
winn dixie's Avatar
By the way, I was dead wrong in my initial post.

I guess the “Go Joe” didn’t get delivered.

That, or some MD wasn’t willing to risk his medical license shooting him up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie you were right. By looking objectively and non biased. Judging on substance which is what a debate is really about. Biden won hands down.
With a cold!
Jackie you were right. By looking objectively and non biased. Judging on substance which is what a debate is really about. Biden won hands down.
With a cold! Originally Posted by winn dixie
As best I can tell, There are only two people on the planet that really believes Biden won that debate.

You, and “Dr” Jill.