Were The Moon Landings and All Interplanetary Probes a Hoax?

Let's do this!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Wanna take a poll between you and me on who is more credible in this forum?

loser takes a small vacation?

Simple poll..no tricks.

"Who has more credibility?" Ivan or Lama ?

We'll even let your asshole Buddy Asswipe vote. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I vote LAMA !!!! EKIM can try all the " grass roots " efforts he wants, like he did for woomby in the poll that woomby won in a landslide !!!!


Space is causing eyesight deterioration. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So THAT's what YOU are blaming it on now, SPACE ?!?!?! Nice try EKIM, but we ALL KNOW it's from YOUR eunuch ass jerking off !
jim, all the crackpot shit you post has lost you any credibility. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Often times, when people say asinine things, or spout asinine ideas, I give them the benefit of the doubt and simply say they are ignorant. This is not a derogatory term, it simply means they have not learned yet.

But, when discussions such as this come up, and people refuse to accept truth based on facts, they cross over into the realm of, well, just plain stupid. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Ekim and assup have not only " crossed over it the realm " but burned the bridge behind them !
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
+ 1 !!!! Too funny !
TheDaliLama's Avatar
[SIZE="2"]LOl why don't I bend over and you kiss my ass? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Since you've just kissed mine don't expect me to kiss yours.

I knew you won't accept the challenge.

You BIG pussy!
Since you've just kissed mine don't expect me to kiss yours.

I knew you won't accept the challenge.

You BIG pussy! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
EKIM prolly got a-skeered when he saw that you were already one vote ahead of him. Guess I should have held off until the welsher committed to the poll. He must be too bust down at the 'holes to commit to that " grass roots " effort !
TheDaliLama's Avatar
[QUOTE=i'va biggen;1058381560]LOl why don't I bend over and you kiss my ass?

I'll even double your vote count Pussy. I'll even give you a week to rally all your friends/friend to create double handles to vote for you! Loser takes a week off.

I don't think you could even go a week without posting..

God what a loser! LMFAO
LOl why don't I bend over and you kiss my ass?

Your dumb ass should be in tatters with all the people in this thread that said you are full of shit. Your lame ass posts are a fucking joke. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I know what I am taking about stupid. It's not my fault you don't have any common sense.

Since you've just kissed mine don't expect me to kiss yours.
Won't kiss yours, your nose is in the way.
I knew you won't accept the challenge.

You BIG pussy! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
LMAO you want me to have a bet in a forum infested with you dimataeds? That is funny. Think you could scratch up more than 10 votes like the last bogus one? Let me give you a clew.

I know what I am taking about stupid. It's not my fault you don't have any common sense.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
LMAO it is not my fault you are a arrogant mistaken fool.
LMAO it is not my fault you are a arrogant mistaken fool. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Oh now you're pulling the arrogant card. At least you didn't call me a racist you misinformed Liberal.

Oh now you're pulling the arrogant card. At least you didn't call me a racist you misinformed Liberal.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
How about this jim, find someone who has agreed with you.

LMAO your fallback position is liberal? Typical wingnut statement on this forum.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
LMAO you want me to have a bet in a forum infested with you dimataeds? That is funny. Think you could scratch up more than 10 votes like the last bogus one? Let me give you a clew.

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That's what we thought. You don't have to be a "dimataeds", whatever the fuck that is to see through your bullshit. Don't use you tongue while your kissing my ass fagot.

