breaking news! white supremicist named "person of interest" in NY subway shooting!!!!

lustylad's Avatar
Ain’t a church nowhere that would have me as a member. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Have you applied here?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I'm getting a curious stirring in my utility belt! Lizzo Rocks!

The Subway Shooter needs to be slain. A Civil Society needs to rid itself of shit like this. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Shoot-howdy! I figured you would have fapped yourself raw by now with that hunka-hunka burn'n love staring you in the face.

But yeah, that guy needs to die. Hopefully, in an ironic twist perhaps, maybe they can ship him down to SC where they just reinstated firing squads.
White Supremacy is the single biggest threat to american democracy!!!

NYC subway shooting updates: Police name person of interest in investigation

Tue, April 12, 2022, 7:20 PM

The New York City Police Department has announced a person of interest in connection with Tuesday morning's subway shooting in Brooklyn.

Investigators said they are looking for Frank James and released a photo of the person, asking the public to call NYPD Crime Stoppers with any information on his current whereabouts.

if you see this White Supremacist call Joe Biden!!!

A gunman donned a gas mask, detonated a smoke canister and opened fire on a New York City subway train Tuesday morning, shooting 10 people and sparking panic during the rush-hour commute. The suspect fired 33 times, according to police.

Twenty-nine victims went to Brooklyn hospitals with various injuries. Five people were critically injured and have since stabilized, according to a fire department official.

Police described the gunman, who is still on the run, as an "active shooter." The bloodshed comes amid a surge in crime on New York City's transit system.

The shooting, reported just before 8:30 a.m. local time, erupted on a Manhattan-bound N subway car as it approached the 36th Street subway station in Sunset Park in Brooklyn, New York City Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell said at a news conference.

According to a police official, the suspect was seen mumbling before he put on the gas mask, released a smoke canister commonly bought online and opened fire with a .380 caliber handgun.

The gun jammed during the incident, according to a police official.

Investigators recovered the gun, three extended magazines, a hatchet, gasoline, four smoke grenades and a bag of consumer-grade fireworks, according to police. The gun was not stolen, police said.

A credit card was also recovered from the scene and investigators said the card was used to rent a U-Haul, according to a police source. Keys to the vehicle were also found in the shooter's possession, according to police.

Investigators located the vehicle in Gravesend, Brooklyn, on Tuesday afternoon, roughly five miles southeast of the subway station and were investigating to determine if it has any connection to the suspect, according to the police.

Police later said James rented the van in Philadelphia. There is a $50,000 reward for information that leads to his wherabouts.

The NYPD said it is still piecing together clues about the suspected shooter.

“At this time, we still do not know the suspect’s motivation. Clearly this individual boarded the train and was intent on violence,” police commissioner Keechant Sewell said at an evening press conference.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams told New York station WABC that police are working on getting as much evidence and clues from the vehicle as they can.

"We want to make sure that all of the evidence that is gathered is going to assist us in apprehending this person. We must make sure that we have it protected correctly so that we can convict this person for," he said.

There were no working cameras in the 36th Street station, according to a police official. The cameras, which are aimed at the turnstiles, didn't transmit in real-time due to a glitch computer malfunction, a source said. The same glitch impacted cameras at the stops before and after 36th Street.

Investigators are looking into how this malfunction happened.

But police were able to get an image of the suspect from a bystander’s cellphone video, a law enforcement official told ABC News.

in other news Joe Biden has mobilized the US Army to go door to door to hunt down all White Supremacists except at the southern border because all criminals from shithole nations are welcome to invade America!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I am sorry there is a lot wrong with this narrative.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Mayor Eric Adams said Wednesday that social media firms could have flagged worrying behavior from suspected N-train shooter Frank James by alerting law enforcement to his vile online video rants before the terrifying attack...
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
No, that is not how intelligent people operate - by trying to put the blame on someone else. Let free speech be your guide. Quit censoring shit to hide it or placing the blame on a corporation to decide what is good, bad or ugly. The Constitution did not engender free speech to be the purview of corporations. Let it air out there and let LE pick up on it and run with it. WTF do you think the goal of LifeLog, later known as FacePlant and now MetaDuche, was all about?!? You think your own government is not listening to every little thing? Come on man!
texassapper's Avatar
All I see is a piece of shit (regardless of race) Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Then YOU ARE A RAYCISS!!! Seriously saying you don't see race is a rayciss excuse. If you are not actively anti-RAYCISS, then you are a RAYCISS supporter.

I bet you have black friends too... maybe you should trot them out during your struggle session, RAYCISS.

Many of you pathetic racist redneck dinosaurs see a reason to rejoice that he is black and not white Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
No one is rejoicing, just enjoying the schadenfreud that the typical RAYCISS narrative isn't going to play out on this one. If the shooter had been white you know that we'd be hearing about this until the election... maybe there'd be riots too...

and have no empathy whatsoever about the fact that innocent people were shot while just trying to go to work. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Why should anyone care for the victims? They are getting what they voted for gooder and harder. What's it the commies say, you can't make an omellet without killing a few million people?

Some of you fuckers are just pitiful. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I don't see you overly concerned about crime.

It's all about just race and politics with some of you clowns. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Those clowns are called Democrats.. maybe you should acquaint yourself with their platform?

Who cares about the big picture of life because you don't have one? Right? By the way, those are rhetorical questions that I already know the answers to. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
The Big picture? I doubt you can see anything but you small intestine your head is so far up your fourth point of contact.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
proud member of the Church of Atheism.

another fail sparky. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Not even them, Comerade Whackov
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Not even them, Comerade Whackov Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so, Anton LeVay

HedonistForever's Avatar
No, that is not how intelligent people operate - by trying to put the blame on someone else. Let free speech be your guide. Quit censoring shit to hide it or placing the blame on a corporation to decide what is good, bad or ugly. The Constitution did not engender free speech to be the purview of corporations. Let it air out there and let LE pick up on it and run with it. WTF do you think the goal of LifeLog, later known as FacePlant and now MetaDuche, was all about?!? You think your own government is not listening to every little thing? Come on man! Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

But they didn't which is the point the Mayor was making and I agree with him on this one point.

Sure, let it all out there IF you are going to do something about it. If they won't or can't, then don't allow it in the first place. I have no doubt what so ever that the majority would agree with me on that.

Social media run by Democrats will not censor real hate speech, the kind where you say "I want to kill as many people as I can", which I happen to believe should be banned if law enforcement isn't going to do something about it, but saying Lia Thomas is a man WILL get you banned for hate speech. That is just stupid and that has to change.

And yes, I know the government is listening but they aren't acting to keep the public safe.

You don't want the government showing up at your door, don't go on line and say you are going to kill people.

If you're suggesting that we have to stop the "government" from listening, you are whistling past the grave yard and not offering a solution to the problem of threats on line. That is not political speech. Either ban it or do something the fuck about it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
BUMP told ya this doesn't fit the narrative ... can't have them racist black peeples on the news!

Congress presses MTA on camera malfunctions during Brooklyn subway shooting

A group of Congress members, including three from New York City, pressed the MTA for answers in a blistering letter Wednesday about why the cameras were malfunctioning during last week’s horrific subway attack in Sunset Park — especially when the agency has millions in federal dollars for security.

When accused gunman Frank James opened fire on a crowded N train on April 12, wounding 29 people, including 10 who were shot, malfunctioning surveillance cameras at the 36th Street station hindered cops’ manhunt, sources told The Post.

MTA Chairman Janno Lieber blamed bad “internet connection” for the delayed retrieval of surveillance footage and said the media was wrong to focus on the faulty camera systems.

Reps. Ritchie Torres, Yvette Clarke and Hakeem Jeffries all signed the letter, along with 10 other members of Congress, addressed to Lieber.

“As you are aware, Congress increased the Transit Security Grant Program [TSGP] funding by $5 million to $93 million in the recently enacted Fiscal Year 2022 Omnibus spending package,” the letter exclusively obtained by The Post said, adding the grant program provided the city’s public transportation system “almost $50 million” in 2020 and 2021.

“How has the MTA utilized TSGP funding historically, and particularly over the last two fiscal years?” the letter asked. “How much TSGP funding has been specifically allocated for the MTA’s camera system, including maintenance of the system, installation of cameras and updating the cameras?”

The letter also asked how often the cameras are audited by the MTA or a third-party, and what sort of timeline the agency has to address identified problems.

“With an average of over 2 million daily riders, the subway system is the lifeblood of New York City. Although the suspect responsible for this attack has been arrested, it is imperative that we have systems in place to keep riders safe and ensure attacks like this never happen again,” the pols wrote.

Transit officials boasted last year that the MTA has cams in every station, but many stations, including the 36th Street station where the attack occurred, don’t have cameras pointed at platforms.

Last week’s tragedy wasn’t the only time MTA cameras failed victims. Chris Anguisaca, who was stabbed in the eye on an A train on Feb. 14, said cops told him subway cameras don’t work north of 190th Street — which the MTA has since denied.

Anguisaca, 19, said the suspect fled when the A train pulled into the Dyckman Street station.

“There should be cameras, especially in the train station,” he said.

Rebecca Lamorte, 30, told The Post that she’s been attacked on the subway twice and told both times the cameras weren’t working.

The pols made their message to Lieber clear: “Given the disturbing and continued rise of subway attacks this year, we write to urge you to be more transparent regarding how your agency utilizes Federal funding to secure the subway system and protect riders.”
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what are the odds of the subway shooter being charged with a hate crimes?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Not entirely sure where you got disconnected on this one. But at this point, you are sounding a lot more like Obama than anything regarding free speech. (I may post his take on this later) It's a Constitutional thingy.

There is a Y-u-u-u-ge difference when you foist thought and speech control on to a private company and even worse when it's the government. If LE ain't doing it's job, that's on LE. But make absolutely no mistake about it -- they do listen, catalog, store and process insane amounts of data. While we need some level of idiot control, in our Republic, that comes in the form of crime and punishment versus thought crime and precrime. George Orwell called: he wants his 1984 utopia back.

Defunding the police yields these misses. Don't you watch any of these crime shows on Discovery et al? Most are stories of good ol' fashion police work, with twists and turns aplenty looking for information on a suspected bad guy or even once they apprehend one. Today's technology flips the script. In 10 minutes flat, they know everything about them. Not that I am a fan of living in a Police State either. (different than simply having Police)

However, I perceive there is an easily definable line between accessing unimpeded via privileged access, i.e. bulk sweeps through a back-door, bypassing all privacy practices versus publicly available knowledge scraping. I see no logical reason to give up the fourth amendment (secure in our person and papers) for everybody, just because we have a few idiots in the gene pool.

Hoory shit! Why not just say screw due process too? How about everybody is guilty of everything until you prove you are not? Dang! Should not have mentioned that idea. People like Obama and his minions just probably creamed their shorts simultaneously. Might go down in Guinness Book of Records for largest group orgasm.

For people that want to live their live in some Utopian, bubble wrapped world where everyone wears foam helps and all get a get free Unicorn and unlimited bubble soap -- Imma side with Lucas Mcstain and his hate and intolerance policy and say good riddance and hit the highway and go find Utopia somewhere the hell else. (Not saying you specifically, but to people who favor a totalitarian hell-state)

But they didn't which is the point the Mayor was making and I agree with him on this one point.

Sure, let it all out there IF you are going to do something about it. If they won't or can't, then don't allow it in the first place. I have no doubt what so ever that the majority would agree with me on that.

Social media run by Democrats will not censor real hate speech, the kind where you say "I want to kill as many people as I can", which I happen to believe should be banned if law enforcement isn't going to do something about it, but saying Lia Thomas is a man WILL get you banned for hate speech. That is just stupid and that has to change.

And yes, I know the government is listening but they aren't acting to keep the public safe.

You don't want the government showing up at your door, don't go on line and say you are going to kill people.

If you're suggesting that we have to stop the "government" from listening, you are whistling past the grave yard and not offering a solution to the problem of threats on line. That is not political speech. Either ban it or do something the fuck about it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If you want a dystopia Ministry of Propaganda or Ministry of Truth, then this is how you get one, by listening to what the man says: Screw the Constitution! Besides ya'll too stupid anyhow and we'll just starve all ya'll, import your replacements (with your tax dollars), keep them dumb, brain washed repeatedly, dependent on the government and tell them what we want them to think -- and no questions allowed! (my interpretation of what the man said)

George Orwell's book was not even that dystopian. Yet Obama seems to use it as a road atlas.

Barack Obama Calls for More Censorship: First Amendment ‘Does Not Apply to Facebook and Twitter’

Former President Barack Obama in a major speech on Thursday called for more regulation of social media content, in order to diminish “disinformation.”

The former president delivered a speech on the issue at Stanford University after spending months studying the subject.

He described himself as “pretty close to a First Amendment absolutist” but immediately clarified that it did not apply to social media companies.

“The First Amendment is a check on the power of the state. It doesn’t apply to private companies like Facebook and Twitter,” he said, calling for more “value judgements” on content moderation and censorship on social media.

“While content moderation can limit the distribution of clearly dangerous content, it doesn’t go far enough,” Obama added.

The former president complained that current content models for social media platforms allowed all content to flow equally.

“[O]ver time we lose our capacity to distinguish between fact, opinion, and wholesale fiction. Or maybe we just stop caring,” he said.

Obama also complained that an overwhelming flood of information made it difficult to discern the truth.

“Our brains aren’t accustomed to taking in this much information this fast, and a lot of us are experiencing overload,” he said.

Obama warned that dangerous people were using social media to distract the public.

“People like Putin and Steve Bannon for that matter understand it’s not necessary for people to believe disinformation in order to weaken democratic institutions, you just have to flood the public square with enough raw sewage,” he complained.

The former president argued for a series of social media reforms and regulation, warning the nature of democracy itself was at stake.

He complained there was no way to distinguish online between “a peer-reviewed article by Dr. Anthony Fauci and a miracle cure pitched by a huckster.”

The wide variety of content on the coronavirus and vaccines, Obama said, was concerning, as some people chose not to get vaccinated.

“People are dying because of misinformation,” he said.

Obama noted that content moderation by tech companies already exists, but argued for more moderation, even though disinformation is difficult to identify.

“That doesn’t mean some things aren’t truer than others. Or that we can’t draw lines between opinions, facts, honest mistakes, intentional deceptions,” he said.

The former president laid out a set of principles of how content should be moderated, either by tech companies themselves or by a government entity:
  • Whether it strengthens or weakens the prospects for a healthy inclusive democracy.
  • Whether it encourages robust debate and respect for our differences.
  • Whether it reinforces rule of law and self-governance.
  • Whether it helps us make collective decisions based on the best available information.
  • Whether it recognizes the rights and freedoms and dignity of all of our citizens.
“Regulation has to be part of the answer,” Obama said, calling for ways to start “slowing the spread of harmful content” online.

Obama expressed regret that he believed, prior to the 2016 election, that the public could still distinguish fact from fiction on social media, even though he suffered personally and politically from disinformation.

“What does still nag at me was my failure to fully appreciate at the time just how susceptible we had become to lies and conspiracy theories,” he said.

The former president cited the principles in the “Fairness Doctrine,” widely criticized by the conservative movement, to help control what kind of information was allowed in broadcasting. He also called for social media algorithms to be regulated by government inspectors and regulators, just like other industries.

Obama recalled what he described as the happier days of the internet, when he was first elected president. “In the early days of the internet and social media, there was a certain joy of finding new ways to connect and organize … there was so much promise,” he said. “I know — I was there.”

Obama expressed sadness that the internet and socialism has had “a grimness to it” since he left office, and called for change.

“We have a choice right now: Do we allow our democracy to wither? Or do we make it better?” he said.
Are we listening to what the man says?

Yes we are listening and would like to offer up a word of advice for the man: STFU!
Yeah them WHITE BOYs are a dangerous lot. Especially when they be dressed in a hoodie.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Sure, let it all out there IF you are going to do something about it. If they won't or can't, then don't allow it in the first place. I have no doubt what so ever that the majority would agree with me on that... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Uuhhm... what would that have changed exactly? The censorship I mean, besides keeping the conversation subterranean.

Bonus question: why is the platform the only one held to account beyond the perp, since you are so graciously letting LE off the hook and passing the baton to some unelected and anonymous overloards? Didn't anyone else see something and say something? Isn't that still the NYC way today? Wouldn't that make any viewer an accomplice in this dystopia?

Double Bonus question: What is the difference between censorship versus free speech?
Hows 'bout precrime/thought-crime versus evidence