New to the Hobby - terrible experience so far =/

As I was checking out you're thread in the National section, I noticed another thread just below yours that should be of interest to you.

Sweet Sugar Baby

Black dress, suit and tie, dinner dates?
Sounds like a no brainer to me.
Just don't screw it up cuz she has no face pics.
tbone77494's Avatar
I'm aware Cyndi Lyn - hence the two ladies I suggested to the gent. In my experience in the hobby using this board, a quick romp at a PI with a lovely young lady is the norm. Of course lots more here, but most of that will take a bit more effort. It wouldn't be any different than if he requested a lady with zero tattoos - they exist but are not the norm nor are they readily available. And his request, as he has found, is not easily available.

And to be honest, I totally didn't get the "seeking me Patel thing" but hey I don't claim to be the smartest fucktard. Just trying to help a brother out.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
Don't you people know when you're being trolled? If someone ask for advice then says he's not changing, you might just be trolled. Don't feed the troll. He will just counter with a contrary response. Originally Posted by pink taco
considered it already. after his classic post to a disabled OP bumping a long dead thread.

suppose he could have been searching verification topics but still. seems paying attention to actual info is another story.

Good sir, I read everything you wrote quietly and with humor until THESE fighting words. Mead is *NOT* Honey wine. Wine is a fermented grape drink. Flavoring it with honey and herbs makes it honey wine.

Mead - think of Trojniak. Honey that been based with water only insofar as much as is required to allow yeast to ferment. While meads vary by region, bee pollination, and honey mixture, this self-evident truth remains:

While honey-wine and mead may be interchangeable terms for the unwashed masses who use wiki as an academic reference source, I encourage you to step into the wider internet.

Try googling What is mead?
Or try What is Mead made from?

Honey, water, and yeast. The nasty honey-wine swill that you suckle upon has been getting passed off as mead much like Budweiser and Coors light are passed off as beer. I suppose that if you bend the definition of "mead" to suite your taste, then sure - you've got mead.

If you want to try the real thing sometime's a handy article about the best meads in the world, interestingly none of which have been diluted with wine. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
it's ok. we know now, you're a wine snob trying to go by Euro definitions while living in the U.S.A. yup. it's ok. lots of people try that.

again. you are going by snob definitions. your knowledge speaks for itself. do you make mead? have you made mead? how much? some of us have bottles of it. some of us know other award winning mead makers.

what you speak of is a flavoring with honey similar to how many spirits are flavored with maple. that for the most part sucks and they use the term losely with mead to try and sucker the buyers. so I do agree with your remarks in this one aspect. the makers are trying to pass it off as mead. do I suckle on it? uh, no. and technically you wine snob, you can bend the definition of wine if you aren't trying to go by the Euro definition. when you actually ferment with honey or honey+other fruits it is still a mead. again a melomel. maybe you google that. you probably haven't even tasted one. by the way, I actually step into the real world when it comes to mead. have you ever even been to a mead event?

next -

not from wiki -

What is wine?
Wine is...

In very general terms, wine is an alcoholic drink made by fermenting the juice of fruits or berries. The official European Union definition is more specific: 'The product obtained from the total or partial alcoholic fermentation of fresh grapes, whether or not crushed, or of grape must'.

This official definition distinguishes 'proper' wine from wine made from kits, or the once-popular 'British' wine, made from grape juice concentrate.

and from

Wine is fermented grape juice. That's the standard answer. Actually, wine can be made from all sorts of common and not so common foods. Things like fruits, herbs and flowers. Most wine, though, is made from grapes. And no matter what the wine is made from, there must befermentation, that is, thatsugar be transformed into alcohol. If the amount of alcohol is relatively low, the result is wine. If it is high, the result is a"distilled liquor," something like gin or vodka. Or perhaps the ever popular 151 rum ("flammable, use with caution").

us "unwashed masses" can look this up all day and post dozens of links if not more. which I'm sure a wine snob could post his own dozens of links to support is Euro Union definition. carry on.
Battling about wine. That could be tasty!

CLTXGG....Malibu Rum and 151, Pineapple Juice! As Tech N9ne says it...will make you cum!
kinkyorca's Avatar
I blame the nazi zombie chiwawa eating squirrels for your distress. I been on a few "meet and greats" before the show. It can happen just do your home work, i find mine in chat room.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I blame the nazi zombie chiwawa eating squirrels for your distress. I been on a few "meet and greats" before the show. It can happen just do your home work, i find mine in chat room. Originally Posted by kinkyorca
I've been considering rescuing a bigger dog to eat the demon squirrels before they devour the wee woofs, but then he might become a Nazi zombie monster dog and chase me screaming about the yard, I'd trip over a chihuahua in my high heels, and become Irish cuisine. Not a pretty picture.
NikkiSecrets's Avatar
Let me turn that frown upside down!
TravelingGentleman's Avatar

While there are definitely some quality providers here on Eccie, they are now few and far between. Originally Posted by SNL9933
Elaborate? That makes it sound like there were high quality providers here, but the site or it's constituents have gone downhill.

oh and one last thing....get a hobby phone or use google voice... Originally Posted by SNL9933
TravelingGentleman's Avatar

Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG
My apologies sir - nothing but the finest beverages cross your lips. The grapes in your glass were undoubtedly crushed only by uncircumcised boys who's feet were cleaned with Japanese Quince soap, who are endlessly subjected to their least favorite song on endless repeat so that their anguished crying causes their deliciously salty tears of abject hopelessness to provide the most delightful and heady bouquet with the slightest finish that is reminiscent of the frailty of youth.

I concede the tangent to you, such that we might enjoy our beverages however we like.

*edit* As a parting comment here, I beg you to go to the very American site and learn about Mead. I'm not sure why you think it means something different in different countries.
As you have found, newbie friendly Bp chicks and ravishing ladies who even own an outfit that fits in at Mortons are pretty much apples and oranges. You might try someone like Yummy Marie or AddisonO - I don't know if they'd allow for alternate screening but they could pull of the date at least.

All in all though, Russ gave good advice. This isn't where you find well dressed dinner dates for Mortons, it's where you find naked 20 year olds where they technically don't need to say a word during an hour at Palace Inn. Originally Posted by tbone77494
Thank you for your vote of confidence, and yes, I would consider alternate screening. Some of my most discerning friends have become regular patrons after alternate screening paired with some of the finest dining that Houston has to offer. As a result, some of these friends have upgraded to overnights and out of town travel with me.

Once again, research (and word of mouth) are your friends.
tbone77494's Avatar
See. Now that wasn't too hard. I have got to meet you one of these days YM.
Pass the grey poupon Sir William,,,,
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
My apologies sir - nothing but the finest beverages cross your lips. The grapes in your glass were undoubtedly crushed only by uncircumcised boys who's feet were cleaned with Japanese Quince soap, who are endlessly subjected to their least favorite song on endless repeat so that their anguished crying causes their deliciously salty tears of abject hopelessness to provide the most delightful and heady bouquet with the slightest finish that is reminiscent of the frailty of youth. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
stop looking in the mirror when you post. ha, ha

don't believe I said anything about drinking fermented grapes. I prefer honey, peaches, pears, blackberries, and other fruits. hell, I've even tasted some fermented kool-aid that was pretty damn good. I know, I know, unwashed masses and what not. nope, I'm not spoiled. once again, MELOMEL.

*edit* As a parting comment here, I beg you to go to the very American site and learn about Mead. I'm not sure why you think it means something different in different countries. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
I think it because it does. the same way wine means different things in different countries. hence the Euro Union definition. not sure why you think it doesn't?

uh, that website sorta sucks. can't even search it without making an account.

from a much better website -
(this site reminded me I have made mead with white grapes before. my bad. forgot. guess I have drank some fermented grapes. ha, ha. nope not crushed any spectacular way. forgot about that batch.)
and or

Elaborate? That makes it sound like there were high quality providers here, but the site or it's constituents have gone downhill. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
not sure this place has ever been uphill? ha, ha. I kid, I kid! lots of the ladies are high quality. of course that doesn't mean there will automatically be a connection. you're still both people. learn the acronym YMMV. if you don't click with the lady your time together could suck. doesn't mean it was her.

heck, you didn't even give the "Ripped jeans, high heels, and a midriff shirt" girl a chance sounds like. she could have been Einstein (♀). or just the most fun person you had ever met. you could have suggested a change of venue like say, hooters or something. then again, you were paying. just saying is all.

I had a lot of fun with a girl in ripped jeans and enjoyed the conversation.

basically, you've got a lot to catch up on it seems if you actually go forward with the hobby.

Interesting....elaborate? Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
he means to get a second throw away form of contact/communication in case you encounter fatal attraction or other undesirable scenarios. maybe also because you're married.
dude, you ARE weird, they are hookers, you fuck em, you don't take em to the prom.
dearhunter's Avatar
What you seek is here..........just not among these retards........ijs