Mr. Tennis Guru's Negative Review ~ Amy's .0.02 cents

baytownswm's Avatar
I look at it as a personal choice as well if I give a positive or negative review. Just this last weekend I gave a ? for rec. Why, because I had a great time, service was great but it appeared upon review she had used fake pictures. I had a no on the review and chaged it to ? becuase with the pics themselves I could not say 100% sure. I try to be honest and although if a provider happens to see the "no" it may or may not be a bad thing. One guy might say "she attacked me, held me down and used me like I was her B**ch, I like being in control." So while some guys say hey that's not for me, there will be 100 more trying to book and appointment along with glowing reviews for the experience they were looking for. I have and probably will be guilty of that type of scheduling in the future. There was a post several months ago about a Preggo provider where the reviewer posted a negative and as I recall, she booked up pretty fast.
boardman's Avatar
I never would've read the review if this thread hadn't showed up.
I learned two things that will stick with me for at least the next five minutes or so.
1) Sometimes, it's best to keep your mouth shut and leave others wondering.
2) Hand puppets lead extremely lonely lives.
[QUOTE=Wakeup;656531]Fixed that for ya...

You are ABSOLUTELY kidding me right? You're just fucking with me...right?

I'm going to be insensitive here...because I'm Wakeup and I don't give a shit if you think I'm a prick. So all the fat providers here in Houston get a free pass from us because some of us cannot stand them and won't give them a positive review?[QUOTE=Wakeup;656531]

A free pass? 17 years is not a free pass rode.
Reviews are technically based on the product, does it perform as advertised, and is the product overall as advertised?
Points of View or opinions are or should be in the ROS/BCD whatever.
Bottom line, many besides providers can't see that info, and that's where opinions belong. That Review, is based on a product/service , and already has been seen by many. My only issue is the No. Just as I put my self out there for review, reviewers put there self out there if they choose to review. Accountability, and creditability go hand in hand.
I can't see ROS, and dont want to.
What matters to me is the effect on Amy's World,it is a business.

This is a case of he should have passed.
You don't have to buy the product, or review it.
If I would not have performed as advertised, or if he had stopped me half way... and said "No, it's just not my cup of tea". I would have expected a "No". But, he is not the first spinner loving, eye candy chasing hobbyist to wonder off the safe road, and in to Amy's World; it is a frequent occurrence
In fact, my 1st review ever was alot more negative than this one, and that man can't stand fat girls. Fat girls are taking over I guess.
But just the same, it's a choice individually made, and just as I am accountable to hold up to what I say and advertise, so are my reviewers.
My only requirements for reviewing is honesty and No reservations. This man does not just prefer thin women, he dislikes anything but. So had I caught that initially, he would have been declined. I didn't, so he slipped in, and he chose to write about it.

ld always give a "Yes" recommendation unless something occurs during the session that is alert-worthy. I completely reject that idea.

When I give a "yes" recommendation, I'm putting my reputation among other hobbyists on the line -- essentially saying, "Take Ender's word for it! She's worth the time and effort!" That's not something I take lightly. If a provider wanted to know why I gave her a "No", I'd be happy to tell her through back channels... hell, I'd probably let her know before I even posted the review. I've done it in the past and the exchanges are usually civil. [QUOTE=Wakeup;656531]

Exactly, your reputation; that's it. I review my self, reputation, and my business. Back channels are for the boys, and that review posted publically.
The back channels is c comical.
My feelings are not spared on any review, and thats how it should be.
But, I have the right, as well as the back bone to call him out.
I don't accept or allow disrespect, and that was disrespectful. Not only that, it is a negative towards my business, and could effect it. I doubt it, but if I don't stand up for my self, respect my self, and protect my self. Who will?
That is how you survive and thrive in this life for 17 years.
Amy, we've gone over this already. The "no" isn't based on if you do your "job" as advertised or not. You don't automatically get a "yes" if you give the guy a blowjob and he gets off. That's not what that line means, refer to the other posts about what that line is there for.

If you could have read the ROS you'd see he didn't want to pass on you. In fact, he had a very specific reason to go see you and knew what to expect based on your advertising. After all that, in his opinion, he still wouldn't recommend you to others. Hence the "no".
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Now I had to go back and read the review. Although it has a no recommendation it seems to be honestly written and not really negative. As always drama is not a providers friend. Also, I understand that you are upset but that bold maroon/red text is kinda hard on the eyes.
I am not upset, not at all. But I had to address that review.
I went back and read the review. I didn't see anything wrong with what he wrote. Again, the last question asked is...."Would you recommend this provider to others?" His answer in this case was NO. You weren't his cup of tea and he wouldn't recommend you to anyone he knows. Yes, I'm sure it sucks to see that as a provider. But, it is what it is.

I have written a review in the past where I gave a NO recommendation. There wasn't anything wrong with the provider. She did her job. She and I just didn't have any chemistry and it was almost obvious from the moment I walked in the room. I wouldn't recommend her to anyone I know. Did guys stop seeing her after I wrote that? NOPE, her reviews were still coming in afterward.

For an established provider, for every NO recommendation you'll probably get 4 or 5 more YES recommendations that will offset that. You can't please everyone, no matter how hard you try. It's the same with us as hobbyists. Are there some providers out there that would not want to take my money to see me again? Probably so. It has to be an enjoyable experience for them as well and I know I haven't pleased every single one of them.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Amy, we've gone over this already. The "no" isn't based on if you do your "job" as advertised or not. You don't automatically get a "yes" if you give the guy a blowjob and he gets off. That's not what that line means, refer to the other posts about what that line is there for.

If you could have read the ROS you'd see he didn't want to pass on you. In fact, he had a very specific reason to go see you and knew what to expect based on your advertising. After all that, in his opinion, he still wouldn't recommend you to others. Hence the "no". Originally Posted by Wakeup

If I could quote everything Wake has been saying and give an "I agree" to everything I would.

Fact of the matter is this is a mostly YMMV hobby.... and his review stated his experience. CLEARLY he stated that he know what he was getting into, and that everything was as it should. It was an experience that he wanted to have, and upon having it, said basically "I went in, but overall not my cup of tea".

Free pass for a reputable provider is a load of crap. You either click or you don't. I have had experiences with a provider that was everything as advertised, but as far as the session goes, I would not ever repeat. Was not a knock on her, but it was not for me. So the "no" recomendation was set in the ROS as "she is not for me, but others will enjoy". Is that a "Bad/Negative" review? I don't think so. Just as a guy who gushes over another gal others see as fair to good, should be taken with somewhat a grain of salt.

YMMV!!! That is the underlying theme here. Don't pass judgement on a simple "yes" or "no". There is always more to the story, and guys/gals will make of what they want of how the session goes when they read the ROS.

Wakeup, you may be a prick in some folks eyes, but fuck 'em if the truth hurts.

Raphael's Avatar
Don't worry, Amy. The lynching they are subjecting you to will bring you more clients than it will lose you. All they will see is that you you do not misrepresent your physique and you do provide the service you promise

(Unlike some of the con artists and no-show providers recently who have managed to get white knights to play along their scams)
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Nobody is lynching her. As a matter of fact this has been among one of the cleanest discussions I have seen in a while.
Combustion's Avatar
Quick question. Do we have a rule on what a yes or no recommendation is based upon? Is it based on performance only or our opinion of the session as a whole? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Recommendation I see as to open ended, waldt what I don't care for you might love

Personally instead of recommendation: yes/no

I use, Would I see her again?
notanewbie's Avatar
who paid for the session?

that is who gets to choose the Yes/No.
I am not upset, not at all. But I had to address that review.
Done Originally Posted by bestoralntexas
BestOralnTexas, you are too greedy. You are like a kid I knew in school who complains about not getting A every single test. I read some good reviews of you and this is the only negative review (negative per your assumption) that came to my attention, which is also brought to me by this posting you started.

As you said you not for everyone and everyone is not for you. It is just the guy honest answer that he would not recommend you to others (others here mean people like him. That's how our brains work. We tend to think everyone is like us).

So he would not recommend you to others like him. So what is the big deal? You cannot make him change his mind.

I am sure you did you justice in his ROS review.
  • romab
  • 10-11-2010, 09:50 AM
I also agree with Wakeup. Was a very fair review with pro and con. Honest reccomedation given how he felt. Pay the bucks or write a review so you can draw your own opinion given "all' the facts. Amy started well but dished more than the review. Last time I checked this site was to share info in a "private-lol" manner between guys. A No recommend just gets you pm's from the provider,wk's or called out in coed. People do not always click. May help others who think same way. Accept things are not perfect and move on to better.
  • romab
  • 10-11-2010, 09:51 AM
Whoops. Quick finger double post. Also mean hobby guys pay or review not providers so can read all. Like they can't now - right! Romab