Could a mod or admin or owner please end this abuse...

Gabrielle's Avatar

Maybe if we could end stigma around sex work and understand that only Whores can call each other Whores. It's kinda like a club, gotta be one to use it

Thank you, Kosher for being so kind with your inquiry.

Waco - I do say so! I'm a Whore. I'm proud to be a Whore. Whoring is the best!

Now...back to topic...

The cyberstalking and cyberbullying seemed to stop in Pittsburgh! YAY!

Thanks mods/admins/St. C, or whomever is responsible for ending this. I appreciate the fuck outta you.

Now time to have fun in the Pittsburgh forums.
Please lock this thread.
Ripmany's Avatar
I just got though look at a add and at end had a video of a guy calling her a cunt, I skip on her.
corona's Avatar

...Now time to have fun in the Pittsburgh forums.
Please lock this thread. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
yeah, they don't do that here
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
yeah, they don't do that here Originally Posted by corona

actually they do but not for the reason she wants .. takes a bit more than that.
corona's Avatar
yeah, they don't do that here Originally Posted by corona
actually they do but not for the reason she wants .. takes a bit more than that. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
good point. Mods don't close a thread just because it's not going the way the OP wanted...

to quote someone
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
good point. Mods don't close a thread just because it's not going the way the OP wanted...

Originally Posted by corona

exactly what you said about what i said ..

Ripmany's Avatar
I just got car insurance today made a appointment to see a professional agent in person I put no deposit down over phone I could NCNS. But she never ask took 1/2 hour her time and some how save 25% or more.

And when call back with the claim I guess there going to tell me I stocking and that how it works???
Gabrielle's Avatar
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.

Topic is cyberstalking, cyberbullying, abuse and thread hijacking.

Could ya follow rule 6 and take your toxicity somewhere else? KK? Thanks.

Or you can chat about how to END abuse, END cyberstalking, END cyberbullying, END thread hijacking.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.

Topic is cyberstalking, cyberbullying, abuse and thread hijacking.

Could ya follow rule 6 and take your toxicity somewhere else? KK? Thanks.

Or you can chat about how to END abuse, END cyberstalking, END cyberbullying, END thread hijacking.
Originally Posted by Gabrielle
as this game is ABUSE of each other, can you make up your mind please
Ripmany's Avatar
Some how when most if all of eccie member chant against you vs with and explain you wrong and a goof being nice. It herresment?

Get a law degree complain on avvo, nono or complain on how you have to mamy dead beats do right after a review gap an some old poor reviews.
When a car salesmen telles he loses money I ask for more off and walk.
Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 10-04-2019, 12:36 PM
Maybe if we could end stigma around sex work and understand that only Whores can call each other Whores. It's kinda like a club, gotta be one to use it ... Originally Posted by Gabrielle
That's one of the silliest things I've read....What's good for the goose is good for the gander. "Whore" is either disrespectful and offensive, or it's not; regardless of who is using it.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I have asked on several occasions and I've been denied any reprieve from the various abuses here on ECCIE.

Trolls in the Pittsburgh area consistently break the following rules. #1 #3 #4 #6 #13 #16

They have harassed me, cyberbullied, cyberstalked and I've made NUMEROUS requests to mods/admins/St. C to end this abuse...yet it continues.

I've requested the abusers of these rules be disabled from seeing anything I post...yet they continue to cyberstalk and derail all of my posts.

Hell even mods troll my post and speak off topic.

This is now to the point of ridiculousness.

Can someone please STOP these guys from commenting on my posts? Can someone disable them from reading my posts? Can someone stop them from harassing me? Can someone stop them from bullying me? Can someone stop them from cyberstalking me? Can someone stop this mob of rule abusers from targeting me? Can this be done without the continuing threats of me being banned if I speak about abuse on this site?

I shouldn't have to be begging in public like this. This abuse should have been stopped almost 18 months ago when it started. I've sent several messages to "management" on this site...yet they STILL continue trolling, cyberstalking and cyberbully me.

Why are they allowed to get away with it? (<--- rhetorical)

Can y'all stop these people from cyberstalking, cyberbullying, derailing every fucking thing I post in Pittsburgh? Stop allowing this abuse, please?

Thanks for taking my request to end abuse against me seriously. (wishful thinking I know...but I'm a keep it positive kinda person) Please end this abuse? Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Welcome to Eccie!!!!

While it is true that there are rules and supposed ZERO tolerance policies of insulting others, cyberbullying and harrassment, you will learn, if you have not already, that the very biased Eccie staff does not apply the guidelines to everyone evenly. As a matter of fact, if the staff does not like you or consider you a nusiance, they may make up reasons to give you points, even ban you for a time, just to show you who is boss, aka, go on a power trip.

There is a definite reason why most members are lurkers and do not participate in discussions. Unless you post what you are told what to think, giving your differing opinion on an opinionated adult board seems to be taboo and you will get penalized for it. So you choices are, either be a robot, be a lurker or disable your account.
winn dixie's Avatar
omg! ^^^^^^^^^^^^

I thought namssa and admiral giggle finally had gotten rid of this troll!
Ripmany's Avatar
omg! ^^^^^^^^^^^^

I thought namssa and admiral giggle finally had gotten rid of this troll! Originally Posted by winn dixie
If time some call someone else a troll, Cyberbully, what ever reason to bank them there will be no left just some dead of blog and internet full with pages like that.
No argument here!!