How did you come up with your Eccie handle?

M is Milton is from the 17th century poet John Milton of the poem Paradise Lost, about the fall of Adam and Eve from paradise, good vs evil, sin and temptation. Originally Posted by mriley000
The intellectual hobbyist. Well done sir (tipping my hat).

StavinChain comes from Jelly Roll Morton (1890-1941), one the architects of jazz. In his song 'Winin' Boy' he describes winding his hips and pleasuring the ladies with his 'stavin' chain'. (Where the hell he got that term I have no idea). Jelly Roll honed his chops (piano chops, and probably 'windin' chops) in Storyville (1897-1917), the legal prostitution district of New Orleans.
wildwing's Avatar
My handle originated in a rather lame fashion. One of my ATF bands has a singer named Stevie Nicks. So my favorite song she sang was White Wing Dove. Sort of a song that depicts a bit of my past to some degree. So I was sitting at a bar in a restaurant filling out the form needing a handle. You also probably guessed I love hot wings so you guessed what restaurant I was in Wildwing's. So it seemed to fit.
Marshpirate's Avatar
I took a UTR girl I was seeing fishing out in the marsh. I banged her from stem to stern. I stole the booty like a pirate.
Max Steed's Avatar
I had to retire my old handle, which was a nickname giving to me by my sports buddies.. I never did catch on to the two-fold name until later. I just always thought they were calling me the workhorse of the team, lol..

Anyway, I chose this name as a play off of one of my favorite porn stars many names "Jake Steed"
  • MrGiz
  • 08-09-2016, 06:08 PM
Angie of B.R. nicknamed me... wayyyyy back!
...what a gal! Originally Posted by BR-8
Angie = Hobby All Time AllStar Sweetheart!!
Met her on "Love@AOL" (or something close to that???) back in the 90's... BEFORE ASPD!! She taught me a lot!!

You should be proud of the handle!!
MobyD789's Avatar
My daughter named her dog after a book she read for school book report Moby Dick She calls him MobyD, the 789 came from a combination of my lock at work.
I feel pretty lame now. I put my name in an app that generates your gangster name or something to that effect. The handle wasn't important to me but now I wish that I would've put more thought into it.
pornodave69's Avatar
20 years ago I was working an event in Los Angeles full of Playboy Playmates and porn stars. Having had a subscription to Playboy and a rigged cable box to get Playboy TV and the Spice channel I was already very familiar with the ladies and I knew most of their names. A coworker started calling me Porno Dave as a result and it stuck. The 69 is my birth year but also has it's obvious connotation. I started on ASPD as Dave69. Pornodave was already taken when I joined ECCIE so the 69 was added to the old nickname in order to use it here.
they call me super G so I have 6" cock so super six
Mines obvious. I started eating ass wayyyyy before it became so popular with the new generation haha just always have been really into ass play so greeklover was born and the 1 because just greeklover was taken.
I am so lame I just used the brand name of one of my boats at the time BassCat.
Carguy350's Avatar
I used to build custom cars for a living.
traveler_'s Avatar
I travel for work, having been in tenn.,tx, la., and Illinois already this year I think it fits. Can't wait til I get back to la. so many nice ladies and great tcb attitudes.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Danielle: My mother once told me my name was going to be Danielle but she changed it before I was born to something else. I guess part of me really is a "Danielle"

Reid: I needed a last name to model with so I picked Reed. Then I thought "Why not be edgy!" and spelled it with an I
Precious_b's Avatar
I must be the only person that uses my own name.