Tipping ontop of the donations

In the case of providers, I generally don't "tip". My way of tipping is repeat business, and excellent reviews.

I also like to treat someone with a dinner or shopping spree, when it seems appropriate. It's only happened twice, but I'm looking at a third prospect at this very moment.

Just seems to make it more special than, "hey, here's some extra cash."
Here's a funny for ya. As a Dive tour leader, on trips, after I arrived at the resort/hotel, I would find the waiter that would be our "primary" waiter for the group table for the week.
Then I'd give him 1/2 of a $100 bill (torn in 1/2).
I told him that at the end of the week, if he took good care of us, he'd get his normal 20% tip, AND I'd give him the other 1/2 of the $100 bill.
Well, once, on a island near Venezuela, I did this and the service during the week was mediocre. At our last meal, I told our waiter that even though the service wasn't as good as I had counted on, it was "ok" and gave him the other 1/2 of the $100 bill. He looked at me like "big deal"!! I said, just tape it together and it's all good, or go the the local bank and cash it in for local currency.
Turns out, he thought that since I had torn the bill in half, it was worthless and had thrown away the first half!! We both learned a lesson.
As for tipping the ladies, I kinda feel at $ 200+ an hour, they've ALREADY been tipped.
To whom do you pay $200 an hr? Your attorney, your Dr?
I think within the normal rates for the ladies, the tip is already built in, and in some cases, (as we all know) the rate for her "time" was about 50% too high to begin with.
For something outstanding, above and beyond what I ALREADY paid for, then possibly, but when was the last time, on your job (probably making less than $200 per hour), your boss came up and told you that you deserve more than your salary? and on top of that, handed you an equivalent of 30 minutes of your normal pay, just cause you "did good"?
There ARE hours I make significantly more than $200, but like the ladies, it's not all 40 hrs of the week, so with that in mind, I feel like they earned $100-$150 for the hr, and the other $50 IS the tip.
Kinda like a resort where the tip is already built into the initial charge. I know some cruise staff that make over $90,000 a year for keeping the cabin neat... Originally Posted by nuglet
Yes. the Queen Mary II! I know two people that work that ship 9 months out of the year, and VACATION around the world the other 3...

Nuglet, well said.

Some nights on the road, I make 1k to 2k a night. Then when I'm in Austin, playing for fun while I'm here, just sitting in with local musicians while I'm in town, I make $30-$40 a night. I don't care. It all evens out. I did this TONIGHT! But it's a good point. I don't pay ANY one as much as the providers, except my accountant.

But I treat them well, and we have a great time together, and then when it's appropriate, I gift them. I feel that it's more personal...