The Official VerySkeptical gun control thread

Most Americans (democrats and republicans) want legislation banning assault weapons. Please spare the standard “define assault weapon” or “what is an assault weapon”.
Guns like AK-47 and AR15.
Simple right?
texassapper's Avatar
Most Americans (democrats and republicans) want legislation banning assault weapons. Please spare the standard “define assault weapon” or “what is an assault weapon”.
Guns like AK-47 and AR15.
Simple right? Originally Posted by Charley3
You are either lying or stupid. There is no poll showing what you assert.
You are either lying or stupid. There is no poll showing what you assert. Originally Posted by texassapper
I’m neither. You won’t believe a single poll that I show you, but I won’t call you stupid or a liar.
Gallup poll for one. I know you can find others, It’s not that hard. It’s around 60%, but It doesn’t matter dude, nothing is gonna change and you’ll still get to blow shit up. Hee Haw!!
I’m neither. You won’t believe a single poll that I show you, but I won’t call you stupid or a liar.
Gallup poll for one. I know you can find others, It’s not that hard. It’s around 60%, but It doesn’t matter dude, nothing is gonna change and you’ll still get to blow shit up. Hee Haw!! Originally Posted by Charley3
... And there's the rub... What's around 60%??
And how is "around 60%" - of ANYTHING - "most people"??

Blimey! ... Betelgeuse would surely be onto me
like the colour white onto rice if I ever made
a silly claim that "around 60% is MOST"...

So yer whole idea there is WRONG.

### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
... And there's the rub... What's around 60%??
And how is "around 60%" - of ANYTHING - "most people"??

Blimey! ... Betelgeuse would surely be onto me
like the colour white onto rice if I ever made
a silly claim that "around 60% is MOST"...

So yer whole idea there is WRONG.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

dont you mean Beetlejuice?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Most Americans (democrats and republicans) want legislation banning assault weapons. Please spare the standard “define assault weapon” or “what is an assault weapon”.
Guns like AK-47 and AR15.
Simple right? Originally Posted by Charley3
Simple is as simple does. So tell us more on what you really mean. Is it guns that are scary looking? Can you point to a firearm that is not scary when aimed at your noggin? Lemme guess, a certain color maybe? What about a 22-250 rifle? Scary or not scary?
texassapper's Avatar
I’m neither. Originally Posted by Charley3
Or you ARE MOST DEFINITELY one or the other. lol

You won’t believe a single poll that I show you, but I won’t call you stupid or a liar. Originally Posted by Charley3
You don't have to because I'm neither. You can't produce a poll asserting what you claim because A. there are no such polls, B. Any polls showing anything near what you assert are manipulated (.ie calling a rifle an assault weapon).

Gallup poll for one. I know you can find others, It’s not that hard. Originally Posted by Charley3
Links? If you want to convince me show me some evidence... otherwise you're just a worthless pair of lips flapping your tongue.

It’s around 60%, but It doesn’t matter dude, nothing is gonna change and you’ll still get to blow shit up. Hee Haw!! Originally Posted by Charley3
It's around 60%.. SOUNDS SCIENTIFIC!! Just to understand your argument...if 60% of Americans wanted a return to enslaving blacks is that something you think we should consider? Why or why not? (Word of warning.... I'm going at laugh at you no matter how you choose to answer). Even you know it sounds like a stupid argument. 60% of people think money grows on trees.... ^0% of scientists agree on Global warming. Consensus is all that matters to the small minded.

Consensus is the peer pressure of the adult world.
You guys are predictable. Lol. Again, it won’t matter what poll I show you. Google it! Even you all can do that! Lol And we all know what guns are being used for mass murder. That’s all we’re talking about.
Like I said, relax. Nobody is gonna touch responsible gun legislation. Gun lobby is obviously well funded. $$$$
Me thinks you all feel a little guilty. Maybe the blood coming out of schools makes you wonder if blowing up cans and targets is really worth it?
You guys are predictable. Lol. Again, it won’t matter what poll I show you. Google it! Even you all can do that! Lol And we all know what guns are being used for mass murder. That’s all we’re talking about.
Like I said, relax. Nobody is gonna touch responsible gun legislation. Gun lobby is obviously well funded. $$$$
Me thinks you all feel a little guilty. Maybe the blood coming out of schools makes you wonder if blowing up cans and targets is really worth it? Originally Posted by Charley3
... I'm still laughing that you
actually believe "around 60%" is somehow "most people"...

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You guys are predictable. Lol. Again, it won’t matter what poll I show you. Google it! Even you all can do that!... Originally Posted by Charley3
Or m-a-y-b-e we actually know more about the topic than yourself and are more interested in solving the actual problems...
... Lol And we all know what guns are being used for mass murder.... Originally Posted by Charley3
We do. You don't. Post #17 in this thread beaks some of that down
...Maybe the blood coming out of schools makes you wonder if blowing up cans and targets is really worth it? Originally Posted by Charley3
Which school of demagoguery did you attend? You do realize a "gun", scary looking or not, is an inanimate object. Right? It doesn't vote, it doesn't pontificate and drone on in social media or forums and it doesn't leave a tip on the night stand. Deranged lunatics, on the other hand, are a real problem, even more so than psychotic politicians that want to demagogue over inanimate objects that just so happen to be a right, as the Bill of Rights explains.
texassapper's Avatar
You guys are predictable. Originally Posted by Charley3
If you are a broken record, you can expect to hear the same sounds... the reason we're predictable is that everything you are asserting has been asserted and refuted before. You're neither knowledgable enough nor bright enough to bring a new argument to the table.
Lol. Again, it won’t matter what poll I show you. Originally Posted by Charley3
Which sounds to me as if you KNOW the polls you are referencing are junk.
Google it! Even you all can do that! Lol Originally Posted by Charley3
You are making the assertion. Without evidence, which you claim is so easy to find, why should anyone listen to you?
And we all know what guns are being used for mass murder. Originally Posted by Charley3
Another swing and a miss. We ALL Don't know what guns are being used for mass murder. Because if you knew anything, which you evidently don't, it's that handguns are used in most fatal crimes, not long guns. Does that mean "assault weapons" are handguns??? YOU don't know.
That’s all we’re talking about.
Like I said, relax. Nobody is gonna touch responsible gun legislation. Originally Posted by Charley3
Not if they are wise... that's why they are trying to strangle the industry instead. Tyrants cannot abide an armed populace. period.
Gun lobby is obviously well funded. $$$$ Originally Posted by Charley3
So are the libtards.. what's your point?
Me thinks you all feel a little guilty. Maybe the blood coming out of schools makes you wonder if blowing up cans and targets is really worth it? Originally Posted by Charley3
Why would I feel guilty? My guns never have and never will harm children. I don't own weapons so that I can plink away at cans. I own them for self-defense against criminals and against the government (but I repeat myself). Exactly as our forefathers intended.
texassapper's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If you are a broken record, you can expect to hear the same sounds... the reason we're predictable is that everything you are asserting has been asserted and refuted before. You're neither knowledgable enough nor bright enough to bring a new argument to the table... Originally Posted by texassapper
I wonder if Slow-Joe mentioned gun control during his recent announcement to run in 2024. I mean it was just another day that ends with a "Y" after all.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... we all know what guns are being used for mass murder. That’s all we’re talking about. ... Originally Posted by Charley3
So go ahead and explain it to us. Enlighten us. We are just mere seekers of knowledge. Are they "scary" looking???
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Gov. Jim Pillen Signs Bill Making Nebraska 27th Constitutional Carry State

...On April 25, Pillen signed the legislation, praising constitutional carry sponsor, state Sen. Tom Brewer (R), for persevering to the end.

Fox News quoted Pillen saying, “Signing this bill upholds the promise I made to voters to protect our constitutional rights and promote commonsense, conservative values. I appreciate the hard work of those senators who supported this legislation, and particularly that of Sen. Brewer who led this charge and carried it through to the end.”

There are currently 26 constitutional carry states in the Union. Those states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming. (Florida’s constitutional carry law takes effect July 1, 2023.)
A-N-D Nebraska makes it 27 out of 50 and growing.