OH2 Whores.....

Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Now, BLM .... dude, you know you've created a plethora of enemies on this site and others.
I'm sure you don't care because it's obvious you've never tried to show any different way of voicing your "concerns".
You always must be the bellyacher, crybaby, grumbler or moaner. Originally Posted by Torre Tames
I have to correct you...

BLM is one of the most legit and admired guys in the hobby. The only people that don't care for him are woke snowflakes and simp soyboys because he calls it as he sees it and tells the truth. Now he may not be everybody's cup of tea because woke snowflakes and simp soy boys need their safe spaces and participation trophies so their feelings won't get hurt but rest assured he's got a huge fan club.

I've read a few posts in the past where women have commented that BLM is a gentleman and a legit guy behind closed doors and I believe that to be the case or he wouldn't be around as long as he has. BLM is my homeboy and an asset to any whore board on the internet because in his heart, and like myself, he just wants good outcomes for everyone involved.
Precious_b's Avatar
Seeing that you mention the PR, have you consulted in there for those that have met the person you are railing against, TT? More than one Provider has publicly stated that BLM is quite the opposite of what you say in BCD. Now, if you have seen him yourself, than you can say such things.

And you just might have some questions to answer since admitting you know what is being talked about in the LR. In the past, open admission of such cost the leaker access or the Provider if she doesn't spill the beans. Let's see how that goes here for people that want to RTM.

PR and LR and the private comments each have their set of rules. If a person doesn't like it, they don't have to use this site. If the Providers don't want to sign off, possibly a No Review policy can be applied to their profile. Some people, like myself, will allow a Provider to read the review before posting to get details straight and address any safety issues, etc. As for "reviewing the reviewers" I remember a Provider posting that there is such a section so maybe you can subscribe to that.

What grudge you have against BLM to address him with your post, idk. What is known from your rant is that you sure are lying about him. Again, I reference you to what Providers who have seen him BCD say about him. I'll lay $$$ that it is quite the opposite of what you say. And you should be adult enough to know that there are many keyboard warriors who have an online personality different than their RW one. BLM wouldn't be the first sweetheart (from what I hear ) member here.

And *me* personally, I can't stand any thread where people try to invoke their will in controlling the price of something. Lord knows there are enough guys whining about the price of pussy. Don't lower yourself to that level by stating that you hold the keys to the Kingdom. Yes, you are Queen of your domain. But don't go blindly into the trap that you control the Melange here. Two-fold.

Also, you should start a poll about Madam/Pimp question. That would be enlightening.
When I read this comment: “What a long chapter with insults, cheap shots and delusions!”
That’s a carbon copy of you!

These comments you guys are making ..... absolutely make no sense.
He's been around long enough? Hhhhmmm I don't remember him on ASPD.
That dude was probably just perusing Back Page during that time. Maybe that’s why people always say “I miss the ASPD days” ….
Because we weren’t exposed to his crap on that board.

He is the most legit and admired dude on the board? Give me a break. What dream world are you living in?
I've only seen one post by a provider saying BLM was decent BCD. Well, good for her.
Me personally, I wouldn't touch him with a 20 foot pole and I know LOTS of providers who say the same.

Needless to say ... his and your "ghetto talk" just shows your immaturity… like what ... you think you're popping with da Father?

So the dude says “My whores do it for the $, what you do it for?”
Well, that is something you will never know or experience. Obviously you’re clueless, so go on with your bad cold self.

This comment was quite entertaining … “ tricks run the show just like any consumer, that's like businesses telling consumers to STFU and take it up the ass,
you're Not Apple or have a iPhone quality pussy.”

Well, quality is key in my book…. It can be revealed in many ways. But to add to your thought, Neimans doesn’t sell Walmart products. And yes, they quietly say STFU and get outta the store! You get my point?

Always too much fun to participate in these threads.
Oh… and thanks for the Welcome Back, BLM. I missed you too ….
It’s nice to take a break every once in a while and come back with guns a-blazin!
If you’ve got the cash to allow a hiatus now and again …. Then do it …. It’s a healthy thing!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-16-2022, 06:54 PM
TT comparing yourself to anything high end is comical, I've never heard of a trailer park hooker thinking she's off the charts in quality, the granny fetish market is small in Dallas, but I understand where you came from, not having much, you feel like you've made it in life as a senior citizen whore

Bring in all these whores that won't see me that you speak of? I would love to see that line up, I see who I want without any second guessing, you lose again TT, you'll never be in the winning side and that sucks for you
Precious_b's Avatar
TT, you either have direct knowledge or second hand information.

You can post links for the former. The latter is not accepted anywhere (i.e. court room testimony, etc.)

I ain't here to praise him or to piss on him. Only to state what has already been said by others. As hobbyist are chided to do I will recommend to you: do your research.

Come back with some proof to back up your statements.

Otherwise, grow a spine. This is the internet. As I stated, keyboard personas usually are different than RW. Had that personal experience with RR, man most hated by staffers for the number of bans he was able to bypass. But a decent gent when I met him at a Social.

And if you think BLM is bad, go knock on Whispers door.
Grace Preston's Avatar

And if you think BLM is bad, go knock on Whispers door. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Don't summon it--- for the love of Tebow, don't summon it.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Oh ffs blm...Just take the L and go home. You, the pale monkey, the coyot...All you do is chase each others tails and cry, cry, cry......

Pathetic, sad and a flat out embarrassment to the male gender all together.

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-16-2022, 09:59 PM
Oh ffs blm...Just take the L and go home. You, the pale monkey, the coyot...All you do is chase each others tails and cry, cry, cry......

Pathetic, sad and a flat out embarrassment to the male gender all together.

L Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
You drinking again? You can't spell words or put a sentence together, you make no sense! What L would you want me to take? Simps like yourself practically a woman, you sporting panties tonight you sissy trick? I'm smelling a pussy, you remind me of that fat linebacker neck whore that runs OH2, is this you cunt?
Bald Bryan's Avatar
What L would you want me to take? Originally Posted by BLM69

The one stenciled on your forehead...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-16-2022, 10:41 PM
The one stenciled on your forehead... Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
Go sober up and think of some good comeback material chump, you've wasted my time responding to your nonsense
Bald Bryan's Avatar
you've wasted my time Originally Posted by BLM69

I've done nothing of the sort. You're going to have to own that one yourself.
As per Mr. Precious ..."TT, you either have direct knowledge or second hand information".
(Well, read on PB, the dude you admire so much is doing the same. Go figure.)

BLM - "TT comparing yourself to anything high end is comical, (happy to be here to entertain you little man).
I've never heard of a trailer park hooker thinking she's off the charts in quality"
(OK, and where is your first hand insight on that comment, did you do your due diligence)?

..."the granny fetish market is small in Dallas,
(So... what are all these Benjamins doing under my mattress)?

"but I understand where you came from, not having much, you feel like you've made it in life as a senior citizen whore.
(and I finally get my senior citizen discount at the gym...yay!
But your still spouting out uninformed comments.
At least I'm wise enough not to spend my precious and valuable time with cocky, unappreciative, sloppy, puck ass mafia wannabes.

... you lose again TT, you'll never be in the winning side and that sucks for you.
(Yeah, your right .... I guess I'll never get anywhere with these granny panties)

Precious B: ... I will recommend to you: do your research.
(Yo ... and I'm gonna waste my time on that piece of trash?)

Come back with some proof to back up your statements.
(And ... same to HIM. Bla Bla Bla ... you think he is going to be careful of what he says without proof? Very unlikely.)

Otherwise, grow a spine. This is the internet.
(My spine is quite strong thank you very much. No need to grow another one).

As I stated, keyboard personas usually are different than RW. Had that personal experience with RR, man most hated by staffers for the number of bans he was able to bypass. But a decent gent when I met him at a Social.
(Well, that's just weird. Why feel like you should have two personalities? Psycho or something?
It's no secret many people do this. Then there are those ... who are sane and present who they are online or RW.)

And if you think BLM is bad, go knock on Whispers door.[/QUOTE]
(I just might do that. But if your talking about the Whispers I know .... she wouldn't comply to one of the "my whores" comments.)

Anyways .... I'm getting board with this thread. Wait... what was it about? Oh ... Drama Queens on OH2 and how some orphans were booted or left out on that site.
There are reasons people navigated to that site .... and just as all competition is healthy .... We should all join hands and sing kumbaya ....
Finman22's Avatar
I’m just here for the comments, LOL. Although I’ve never seen her, I can say TT definitely can hold her own with the boys. (Sexy pic btw).
Brandofan's Avatar
Indeed, she was a sexy milf back when that Palaroid was taken! Ha cha cha!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Oh ffs blm...Just take the L and go home. You, the pale monkey, the coyot...All you do is chase each others tails and cry, cry, cry......

Pathetic, sad and a flat out embarrassment to the male gender all together.

L Originally Posted by Bald Bryan

Speaking of pathetic and embarrassment, why do you always have to mention my handle just about every time you post on Eccie? As far as being the sad girly boy you are, you need to give back your man card. All you can do is play keyboard warrior and insult others, posting things you would not dare do in person. While you follow guys around on whore boards so you can try to play holier than thou with them, those guys are out getting laid, like I did last night.

I think you need to stay over there on OH2 and gossip with the other OH2 whores. I can just imagine how much you post about me over there to your fellow ladies.

Get a fucking life!