do you think prices are to high?

travelling_man's Avatar
I have found GENERALLY speaking that the girls that are at a lower price tend to enjoy sex more and I enjoy the session more. Please don't come back here saying "well I really do like sex too". If a girl is charging a lot, that tells me she is in it only for the money and she doesn't really like what she's doing that much. This is especially true if a girl upcharges for certain services like greek. I am paying a girl for her time and time only, if she has to charge more for a certain service then I'm never going to pay it because by charging more that tells me she doesn't really like it. Why force a girl to do something she doesn't like?

The girls that are cheaper probably would do it for free if you met them in a bar on the right night, but they charge something because they still have bills to pay. They are not in it just for the money and maybe they could charge more, but they don't because they enjoy sex so much. I would rather be with a girl that really enjoys what she's doing rather than a girl that can't stand it and has to charge a lot in order to justify doing something she really doesn't like.
ANONONE's Avatar
The girls that are cheaper probably would do it for free if you met them in a bar on the right night. . . Originally Posted by travelling_man

"Hey, Louie!"

"Yeah, boss?"

"Would you do a pal a solid and play TM a little of that magic sleepy-time music?"

"Sure thing, boss. Just click your mouse over my trumpet below and I will play him a sweet lullaby."

ANONONE's Avatar
Randall Creed's Avatar
I wonder if some ladies use higher rates as a substitute for screening, figuring higher rates would scare off the so called riff raff.

On another note, reading that the OP loves greek was a real 'attention' getter.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I have found GENERALLY speaking that the girls that are at a lower price tend to enjoy sex more and I enjoy the session more. Please don't come back here saying "well I really do like sex too". If a girl is charging a lot, that tells me she is in it only for the money and she doesn't really like what she's doing that much. This is especially true if a girl upcharges for certain services like greek. I am paying a girl for her time and time only, if she has to charge more for a certain service then I'm never going to pay it because by charging more that tells me she doesn't really like it. Why force a girl to do something she doesn't like?

The girls that are cheaper probably would do it for free if you met them in a bar on the right night, but they charge something because they still have bills to pay. They are not in it just for the money and maybe they could charge more, but they don't because they enjoy sex so much. I would rather be with a girl that really enjoys what she's doing rather than a girl that can't stand it and has to charge a lot in order to justify doing something she really doesn't like. Originally Posted by travelling_man
Great post, reminds me of the old Stones tune, "Factory Girl". Back in my all too brief bachelorhood I had the best times with the blue collar gals despite being a "college boy."

I don't buy into the "something must be wrong" idea if rates are below $$ per hour. The main concern I have with lower rates is the security of the incall. Yet two of the three most secure incalls I've been to are ladies who charge less than $$ per hour.

But, of course, the ladies can charge what they will. It's not that what their able to charge is too high, just that what I'm able to pay is too low. I wish them all the best.
Randall Creed's Avatar
If she's a relative unknown or she's on BP and her rates are freakishly too good (no way a Playboy model lookalike should be charging $.80h, for examnple), then yeah, that's scary. But someone rather well known or better on this board has a really great special going on, I'm like or
daty/o's Avatar
Girls have a price that they charge and I have a price that I pay. When the stars align with a provider I would like to see, I'm in. I don't have a problem with 'sale' prices, as long as it isn't for loss-leader services. And as someone else mentioned, the less I have to pay, the more often I can play.
If a girl is charging a lot, that tells me she is in it only for the money and she doesn't really like what she's doing that much. Originally Posted by travelling_man
Conversely, if a lady charges very little to entice a higher volume of clients per day/week, you could assume she offers a rushed experience because she only cares about the money and getting you out the door as fast as possible, instead of trying to create a personal, intimate connection with each client.

But as you stated, that's not true for many of the ladies you've seen, and it wasn't true for me when my rates were more aligned with the typical Dallas market. Likewise, the higher-priced ladies and my current provider persona don't enjoy their jobs any less simply because they've opted to charge more.

Attitude, professionalism, and enjoyment of time with clients are too frequently independent of price point, so let's not make assumptions either way.
otrdriver's Avatar
+1 on all comments, with the economy going in the direction it is I to have had to slow my hobby visits. Additionally I have looked toward the massage side and settled for a good massage with some benefits. L1 L2 sometimes when cash is short. Have to save longer to satisify hobbing urges.
I look at the pictures(yea I'm a guy) and price then start doing my recon, if the lady offers extras that's cool but if it is something I prefer then I move on. All inclusive is als good marketing tool. I can go in knowing it s available and knowing that if she prefers the extra over the regular I will nt be upsold to take advantage.
Rates don't always equate to a good time. Too low of a rate has one perception (newbie, poorly reviewed, desperate, etc), while too high implies another (high class courtesan, low-volume, etc). Either may be right or wrong.

No matter how well someone is reviewed, or how poorly, the time you spend with a provider is unique to you and her. If the two of you click, then it was money well spent, regardless of the outcome. If you don't, it's the same, only conversely.

People are willing to pay thousands of dollars for shoes, jewelry, art work, automobiles, simply because either they can, or they perceive what they are paying for is worth the investment. Most everyone else makes do with the basics and splurges here and there for their enjoyment.

Charge what you want, what you can, and what the market will bear. Pay what you want, what you can, and as often or little as you feel like it. The rest will take care of itself.
$abastian's Avatar
Introuble…. You are correct,...
I see someone listed at $300 I am equally suspicious.....cocky, arrogant, my pussy is better than everyone elses.
Good example:

She may be awesome, but too high fo me.!
Previous to this year, the going rate was 2 bills for a top level experience. 2.5 or 3 bills for the tippy-top level, unless you wanted to venture into HDH territory. Nowadays, every newbie wants to charge 2.5 bills as an unknown quantity. I dunno, the hobby is a luxury driven activity, and with the economy stuck in the mud like it is, it kinda perplexes me how the going session rate has gone up while most folks disposable income level has gone down. This trend doesn't incourage me to Hobby on the same level as I have in the past.
flexywun's Avatar
i don't agree with the statement that the higher range provider probably doesn't like sex as much. the higher range ladies that i have been with seemed to enjoy it very much and i have never left dissatisfied. that being said the supply of worthy providers at the lower or mid range is going up so it makes it harder to see the higher range ladies as often as i would like. amount to spend stays pretty much the same but the places to spend it keep increasing.
I was just wondering about the prices now n days, when I started providing in 2007 prices and clientel was amazing no less than 300/hr + tips... of course the economy was better than it is now.. but do you hobbiests think we are still to high?? I offer all-inclusive 280 hr& half is that still to much?? I see some girls doing a hr for 120!! Is that appealing to you?
200/hr sounds reasonable to me for a really great time with a known high rated and reviewed provider .. but what do you think ?? maybe we should go down .. only thing is most providers (not me) if they go down on their prices they will try to upsell .. only thing to me that should be extra is a fetish (greek,facial,ect) and again is it a problem with the upsell for that should we all only offer all-inclusive?? and again becomes a problem with charging more for all-inclusive... im sitting at home and would love to hear your thoughts Originally Posted by SexyJazzy
First let me say that this is YOUR business and you run it the way you see fit, (and if i may add) you run it very well Sexy Jazzy. You always get great reviews & seem to have a full menu. I have had my eye on you for some time now and will be calling you soon.

with that said, let me answer your question: Not ALL Discounts & specials are best in Dollars. (Extra Time would be better) IMHO, Both Men & Women shop for specials, no matter what or where those specials might be. Example: I know that i would wait until the end of the year if i thought i could get 3k off a new car, or 25% off a 55 inch T.V. And i know women would travel an extra 50 miles if they thought they could get 25% off dress, shoes, or a Purse that they had their eye on. We are all human, we love discounts or specials. (sorry if those are bad examples)

I cannot speak for all Hobbyists but, IMHO i love the specials with more time. 90-min or 2-hours sessions are great for me since i am an older gent and like to EASE into a session rather than the 30-min. bang, bang, bang session. and of course i like the all inclusive session so, it takes more time to make my rounds complete. lol (did you ever wonder why there are so many hobbyists eager to have a 30-min. session? maybe it's the lack of time available or maybe it's the lack of dollars for the longer session.)

If i May Quote Ms Carrie Hillcrest: trying to create a personal, intimate connection with each client.

I have never had a BNG or 30-min. session because i believe i would have to rush her to the point of disrespect and self enjoyment only. I would rather have a drink, a song, and a smile from such a lovely flower.

Conversely, if a lady charges very little to entice a higher volume of clients per day/week, you could assume she offers a rushed experience because she only cares about the money and getting you out the door as fast as possible, instead of trying to create a personal, intimate connection with each client.

But as you stated, that's not true for many of the ladies you've seen, and it wasn't true for me when my rates were more aligned with the typical Dallas market. Likewise, the higher-priced ladies and my current provider persona don't enjoy their jobs any less simply because they've opted to charge more.

Attitude, professionalism, and enjoyment of time with clients are too frequently independent of price point, so let's not make assumptions either way. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Well said. Also I will add that I would rather have a nice incall that is secure...that cost more money and if the provider does not share the incall that is another expense. There is another factor about low volume providers...Analisa comes to mind...she gives it her all and a session with her is off the charts great...and she respects her body...she gives it time to recover...and after being with her I am convinced that a body could not give any more...lower volume means higher prices. While I am not on a rigid fixed budget...if I were on a fixed budget I would rather she a quality higher end provider fewer times than a lower cost provider more often...but then I am 54 and the need for immediate attention is less.