Paul Ryan booed at AARP conference

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 02:11 PM
CBJ7, you're another non-reading, Dim-witted, Kool Aid swilling Odumbo zombie. See @

. . . and @

Swindling our seniors: AARP shills for White House on Odumbocare

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

For most of last year, AARP was the White House's designated huckster with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to pass comprehensive health care reform legislation and cut Medicare by $500 billion. This calculated move by AARP, which will virtually destroy the popular Medicare Advantage program, will vastly increase the demand for medigap supplemental insurance - AARP's primary insurance product.

This was a cynical and calculated move for a non-profit organization that is supposed to be advocating for the elderly - not its own business interests.

Today, Odumbocare is the law of the land and AARP has moved on to become the White House's chosen shill with older Americans, hawking Odumbocare like some kind of midway carny to convince seniors that AARP and Odumbocare work for them. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Aug 2010 eh IB ?

youre dismissed ..
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Teapublican IDIOTS want to prop up their wealthy buddies by "privatizing" Social Security and Medicare.

Even an idiot knows that S.S. is NOT bankrupt and would self-fund for another 60 years if they would raise the ceiling and not stop the payroll withholding until you'd earned $250K.

EASY FIX unless you are a TEAPUNK like Rmoney and Pvt. Ryan or that thug, ISSA, who is trying to privatize the Postal Service after making them fund pensions out SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS! Not a company on the planet could afford to do that and make a profit. Yet the Postal Service is totally self-funding with stamps and a 10-20 year reserve for pensions!

Teapublican CROOKS!

Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Little Blind Boy the Tinkle-Toes speaks! Odumbo cut funding for Social Security further jeopardizing Social Security's solvency.

Odumbo Payroll Tax Cuts Seen Undermining Social Security

Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Some Democratic lawmakers say that, while President Barack Odumbo’s plan to cut payroll taxes may strengthen the U.S. economy, it may have some unintended fallout: weakening Social Security.

The president indicates that funding for the hallmark Democratic program is on the table. Is this the last straw?

By David Sirota
I B Hankering's Avatar
Aug 2010 eh IB ?

youre dismissed .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah, you're still a moron, CBJ7.
joe bloe's Avatar
AARP are a bunch of commie/pinkos; of course they booed.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 02:22 PM
AARP are a bunch of commie/pinkos; of course they booed. Originally Posted by joe bloe

agreed ...

Romney holds a lead in the commie pinko polls

read all about the commie pinko voters and their favorite commie pinko candidate ..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well I guess if he were in Florida talking about death panels he wouldn't be booed, eh?

for a bunch of God fearing whack jobs, Ryan and his peeps don't have any problem whatsoever with lying. I think that's one of the top 10.

Wait a minute. I forgot to call any poster by a fucked up handle. That's because I'm a ...
markroxny's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-24-2012, 02:28 PM
. You might be surprised at how well he does among older voters who consider themselves to be "students of the dollar".... he is also. Originally Posted by LexusLover

. He is a con man a two card monty.

If Ryan's Medicare plan is so good, why not start it now? Because it is not worth a shit.
What he is trying to sell seniors is that ''my plan will not fuck you, it will fuck the next generation of seniors''. It appears that they are smarter than what Ryan gave them credit for.

All of this is simple math. His does not add up.
I B Hankering's Avatar

All of this is simple math. His does not add up. Originally Posted by WTF
Odumbo's sure as hell does . . . UP, and UP and UP!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-24-2012, 02:32 PM
AARP are a bunch of commie/pinkos; of course they booed. Originally Posted by joe bloe

LOL, you boys keep insulting all the pinko's in this country that suck from the government tit and there will be no one left to insult.

Romney sucks from the taxpayers kindness with that 14% tax rate.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 02:48 PM
LOL, you boys keep insulting all the pinko's in this country that suck from the government tit and there will be no one left to insult.

Romney sucks from the taxpayers kindness with that 14% tax rate. Originally Posted by WTF

willard is a firm supporter of this Country

as long as its not with his money ..

Offshore accounts yanno .
joe bloe's Avatar
willard is a firm supporter of this Country

as long as its not with his money ..

Offshore accounts yanno . Originally Posted by CJ7
Keeping money in offshore accounts has no effect on taxes. Moron.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-24-2012, 02:54 PM
Keeping money in offshore accounts has no effect on taxes. Moron. Originally Posted by joe bloe
of course not ...

LexusLover's Avatar
The Teapublican IDIOTS want to prop up their wealthy buddies by "privatizing" Social Security and Medicare.

Even an idiot knows that S.S. is NOT bankrupt and would self-fund for another 60 years if they would raise the ceiling and not stop the payroll withholding until you'd earned $250K.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Yea, I guess Senator Moynihan was one of those "Teapublican IDIOTS," whatever that is ... after all he was one of those facsist "republican" conservatives.

Or are you too young to remember him?

Just to help you out a bit:

March 1998
"Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) last week announced a plan to change Social Security for the better by cutting the payroll tax and letting Americans use the money for private retirement accounts – or for whatever else they want." Washington Post.

One of the problems on this board and other boards is that there are some weak minded people who believe name calling and characterizing people with degrading comments makes them look superior, when in fact it reveals just how shallow and ignorant they actually are.

Moynihan forgot more about social security in 10 seconds than you, "LS," will know in your life time. Primarily because you speak before you learn.
LexusLover's Avatar
Romney sucks from the taxpayers kindness with that 14% tax rate. Originally Posted by WTF
Someone has to make up for all of those 0% tax rates who aren't voting for him!