More of my rambling. You dam right. It's partisan because it should be. I'm all for right and what the republicans did to Obama by obstruction and completely being derelict in duty is shameful and disgusting. They openly clamored for the country to fail. There is no sugar coating by trying to sound like you're a middle of the road guy and placing blame on both dems and reps. When blame needs to be shifted to dems then I will concede but on this point NO. Republicans fucked up this country and then drug the tea party out to yell and scream and blame Obama hoping that everyone's attention would be diverted away from their colossal fuck ups that tanked our economy. The tea-party folks are clueless pawns who simply didn't exist before 2008 and it's so obvious and so sad.You drink a lot don't you?
Obama tried to work with these folks but like petulant kids they wanted to burn the house down shut the government down and harm America even further. To sit here and act like this is an issue both sides need to be blamed for is to willfully turn a blind eye to reality. Republicans lie their asses off in support of their candidates all the time. They run on family values platforms and all kinds of crazy shit while doing the opposite and trying to shove their beliefs down others throats. I bet all the conservatives on this hooker site are religious until they get home to log in.
John Mccain was the only one who had a shred of decency in 2008 when a woman at a town hall tried to say Obama was Muslim. It's the problem with Republicans they remain quiet in the face of weirdo's and racist creeps in their party and are complicit by virtue of their silence. It's the same thing Muslims face with radical Islam. If you don't object then they will take over your religion / party.
It's in part why Republicans have ZERO credibility. They don't have a big tent and will pay the price in presidential elections for years to come. I always harken back to 2008 and all they did was scheme to stop the first black president because their base wanted it. It was shameless and chicken hearted and most of the Republican supporters on this site still carry that animus. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789