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Page IX. In October 2003, Ali Khameini issued an oral fatwa prohibiting production of any type of WMD. Originally Posted by timpage

What a crap link, no citations, parroting some supposed oral statement. No reference to when/how/where/under what circumstance, to what audience? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Sorry whirly, it's actually a very good link. It was published back in 2011 by a think tank that leans more right than left and has neocons like Richard Perle on the board. Llike Obama, you seem to be missing the big picture on fatwas – whether oral or written, they're not worth a flying fuck anyway. Here is a quote from the link's Executive Summary:

“Moreover, fatwas are issued in response to specific circumstances and can be altered in response to changing conditions... nothing would prevent Khamenei from modifying or supplanting his nuclear fatwa should circumstances dictate a change in policy.”

Sorry whirly, it's actually a very good link. It was published back in 2011 by a think tank that leans more right than left and has neocons like Richard Perle on the board. Llike Obama, you seem to be missing the big picture on fatwas – whether oral or written, they're not worth a flying fuck anyway. Here is a quote from the link's Executive Summary:

“Moreover, fatwas are issued in response to specific circumstances and can be altered in response to changing conditions... nothing would prevent Khamenei from modifying or supplanting his nuclear fatwa should circumstances dictate a change in policy.”

. Originally Posted by lustylad
This would have been my overarching point. They issued one or they didn't issue one, what's relevant is whether they could be trusted to follow it. I say no.
lustylad's Avatar
This would have been my overarching point. They issued one or they didn't issue one, what's relevant is whether they could be trusted to follow it. I say no. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Actually undercunt/wombhater, the overarching relevant question is whether anything YOU say can be trusted given the fact that you are still refusing to come clean on your prior handles.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
isn't there always the option of kicking their asses if they don't keep their promise?

you dipshits are already buying distilled water and canned tuna fish.

Hunker down... The bomb is coming to a neighborhood near you!
Actually undercunt/wombhater, the overarching relevant question is whether anything YOU say can be trusted given the fact that you are still refusing to come clean on your prior handles. Originally Posted by lustylad
Look at what you've done here. I'm agreeing with your point. But you are so obsessed and convinced that I'm someone else that you are bypassing my agreement in order to once again double down on stupid. I cannot come clean on something that has no merit. And why do you persist with the stupid names. It only serves to make you look childish. We're obviously grown men here. And you wouldn't dare address me in that manner in the street. But behind a computer screen, you feel a big man, don't you.
Sorry whirly, it's actually a very good link. It was published back in 2011 by a think tank that leans more right than left and has neocons like Richard Perle on the board. Llike Obama, you seem to be missing the big picture on fatwas – whether oral or written, they're not worth a flying fuck anyway. Here is a quote from the link's Executive Summary:

“Moreover, fatwas are issued in response to specific circumstances and can be altered in response to changing conditions... nothing would prevent Khamenei from modifying or supplanting his nuclear fatwa should circumstances dictate a change in policy.”

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Agree. Fatwa's evolve and change and are largely matters of convenience. I think it was the linked article that discusses how Iran was reluctant to utilize chemical weapons during the Iran/Iraq war because of the mullah's belief that they were contrary to Islamic principles. However, once Iraq started using chemical weapons, the attitude changed.

The point here is that there is a significant amount of evidence that the fatwa referenced by Obama did, or does, in fact exist. Welchaway just doesn't want to pay his debts. Douchebag.
Has anyone collected the $100. yet?
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Big spender...
lustylad's Avatar
Look at what you've done here. I'm agreeing with your point. But you are so obsessed and convinced that I'm someone else that you are bypassing my agreement in order to once again double down on stupid. I cannot come clean on something that has no merit. And why do you persist with the stupid names. It only serves to make you look childish. We're obviously grown men here. And you wouldn't dare address me in that manner in the street. But behind a computer screen, you feel a big man, don't you. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Listen up, undercunt/wombhater. I'm agreeing with timpage, not you. At least he's a stand-up guy. You're not. You're nothing but a spineless fraud. I call you names because you earn them. I would address you exactly the same way if I saw you on the street or panhandling under the Junction Bridge. I'm the same person whether I'm behind a computer screen or out in public. You're the dipshit who hides behind multiple handles and always pretends to be someone different.

Listen up, undercunt/wombhater. I'm agreeing with timpage, not you. At least he's a stand-up guy. You're not. You're nothing but a spineless fraud. I call you names because you earn them. I would address you exactly the same way if I saw you on the street or panhandling under the Junction Bridge. I'm the same person whether I'm behind a computer screen or out in public. You're the dipshit who hides behind multiple handles and always pretends to be someone different.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Listen Up!

Firstly, no you wouldn't. That, I can guarantee. Seen too many of you internet tough talkers out in the real world and you curl right up into a little ball like a goddamn pansy. You call me names because you're defective. Too many loose wires. You act like this because you're a pussy. You're not the same person here as you are out in public. If you were this much of an asshole in public, you'd constantly be walking around with a busted mouth for being a cunt. You keep on bringing it on though. I need a good laugh every now and again.
  • shanm
  • 04-09-2015, 10:45 PM
At least he's a stand-up guy. Originally Posted by lustylad
And you're about the farthest thing from a "stand-up guy", you chickenshit worm.

but I guess opposites do attract!
lustylad's Avatar
And you're about the farthest thing from a "stand-up guy", you chickenshit worm. Originally Posted by shanm

That's rich coming from you, shamfucker. What would you or undercunt possibly know about being a stand-up guy? You're both on your knees 24/7 sucking dick!

Good. More dick for me. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I do love a good ding dong. Mmmmm Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
That's rich coming from you, shamfucker. What would you or undercunt possibly know about being a stand-up guy? You're both on your knees 24/7 sucking dick! Originally Posted by lustylad
Says the guy who goes around contributing nothing but name calling and other shit. Quit turning it around on others. You are not a strand up guy. You're not an honest guy either. I've told you countless times that I'm not this other person. You refuse to take me at my word even though you have no proof. You're obsessed and I can't figure out why but it's fucking disturbing. Don't you get that? You look like an absolute fool chasing me around. Doesn't it say something that you're the only one? No one else is following you down this rabbit hole. Because they see what you don't ; its nuts and borderline psycho.
lustylad's Avatar
You are not a strand up guy. You're not an honest guy either. I've told you countless times that I'm not this other person. You refuse to take me at my word even though you have no proof. You're obsessed and I can't figure out why but it's fucking disturbing. Don't you get that? You look like an absolute fool chasing me around. Doesn't it say something that you're the only one? No one else is following you down this rabbit hole. Because they see what you don't; its nuts and borderline psycho. Originally Posted by WombRaider
No, I'm not a STRAND-UP guy. I am a STAND-UP guy, unlike you or your sidekick shammytard.

What's "disturbing" and "borderline psycho" is your own behavior. Is it something in the water down in Little Rock? As you know, I've dished out a ton of proof of your multiple handles. Lots of people have told you to cut the crap and come clean about it. You're in a hole and you won't stop digging. But hey, keep playing dumb, undercunt. I will re-direct folks to this thread every time:

UnderConstruction = WombRaider


No, I'm not a STRAND-UP guy, but unlike you, I am a STAND-UP guy. What's "disturbing" and "borderline psycho" is your behavior. Must be something in the water down there in Little Rock. I've dished out a ton of proof of your multiple handles. Lots of people have told you to cut the crap and come clean about it. You're in a hole and you won't stop digging. But hey, keep playing dumb, undercunt. I will re-direct folks to this thread every time:

UnderConstruction = WombRaider


. Originally Posted by lustylad
A ton of proof? Is that like the 'bucket full of proof' you claimed you had when referencing the Iranians involvement in the attempted assassination of the Saudi ambassador? No one but you has told me to cut the crap. No one but you seems to even care about this crazy mission you're on. I come on here and make a few posts and I'm immediately accosted by a lunatic (you) claiming I'm some other member and I'm a faggot and this and that. It's old and it's tired. I don't know what skin you have in this game, but I'm just going to keep telling you like I've told you a million times already; I don't know this person you're talking about. I do not have multiple handles. Ask a mod. This is my only handle and it's my first handle. I've never sent any pm messages to anyone about anything. I have received exactly ONE message and that was the welcome to eccie message. You are obviously mentally disturbed in some way.