ABD expects something for nothing!!!

ric's Avatar
  • ric
  • 09-17-2010, 12:18 PM

Why do you get personal?

"Note the disclaimer:
[the following are all speculation or fictional and for entertainment purposes only]"


". . . you may make up your own ending in this make believe story. All names and events are fictional and any coincidences are strictly your imagination or the lack of it.
Hope you enjoyed this as much as I have.
[the above is for entertainment purposes only and is entirely fictional. No comments or suggestions will be accepted as I am just letting IT go.

especially the fictional part. Also, note that I did not use real names. You can read what you want into this but you used my name specifically and it is not proper.

What is this to you? Why are you jumping into this when I tried to let IT go? I can't when you and enderwiggin are biting me. I have better things to do but direct hits like this needs to be handled.

Let's be civil and reasonable here and have some fun. That was all I tried to do with both threads.

Chill . . . Originally Posted by Just4Hobby
You said make up your ownending to the story, so I did.

Personal? Real names? Pls re-read what I wrote, I didn't use real names unless your real name is White Horse or your real initials are J4H. If so, blame your self.

Funny the most frequent poster in this thread is the person trying to let it go
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
A cat name dearhunter that bits and "when I 'bite', you will know it". hmmmm . . . Let me think . . .

Originally Posted by Just4Hobby
It's not him you have to worry about ... he distracts you while his damn Chihuahua sneaks up behind you and bites you on the ankle...
dental work is healing just fine so hell yea you can get a bbbj !!!!!
Killersalt's Avatar
I will go as soon as I am able. I have two ???? biting me and now you. Let go of me and I'll leave.

Chill . . . Originally Posted by Just4Hobby
You guys need a lay off J4H, he's just sticking up for a provider that has been good to him and has ended up in a hornets nest full of drama.

I can say I have had a ton of fun with Sara and I have never had any issues beyond minor scheduling problems. When you see her, she goes out of her way to please.

Sometimes there are just bad misunderstandings and circumstances that lead to problems and this kind of drama. I'm sure BOTH of their stories have some merit, but time to move on.

Sara, just keep working and provide a good service and you will have no problems. One bad review or misunderstanding won't hurt you as long as you have several good reviews. Just if you offer a freebie or discount, be clear about the terms. I wouldn't offer a freebie just as a matter of practice, unless the circumstances were exceptional.
Just4Hobby's Avatar
That is really funny! And I thought they are wolves.



It's not him you have to worry about ... he distracts you while his damn Chihuahua sneaks up behind you and bites you on the ankle... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
proper's Avatar
Wow! Never mind. Shaking my head.

TMFT loved the analogy!
The funny thing is that I do not see any posting from abd anywhere in this thread saying what is and what not. I only see his WKs in attack mode..... what's up with that?

I now give the mic to abd....
Killersalt's Avatar
The funny thing is that I do not see any posting from abd anywhere in this thread saying what is and what not. I only see his WKs in attack mode..... what's up with that?

I now give the mic to abd.... Originally Posted by futile
Who knows if he is even aware of this thread? Not everyone checks the co-ed section dailey.
Just4Hobby's Avatar
That is really funny: "I only see his WKs in attack mode" [emphasis added]. You are not suggesting . . . nah

The funny thing is that I do not see any posting from abd anywhere in this thread saying what is and what not. I only see his WKs in attack mode..... what's up with that?

I now give the mic to abd.... Originally Posted by futile
Just4Hobby's Avatar
I posted a link to this thread in the review thread after enderwiggin blasted me when I was trying to leave with some joking around and walking backwards so as not to get shot in the back.

So, the reviewer should be able to pick this thread up.

Who knows if he is even aware of this thread? Not everyone checks the co-ed section dailey. Originally Posted by Killersalt
Just4Hobby's Avatar
You said:

J4H: I am Just4Hobby and I am an unemployed playwright
Originally Posted by ric
abdclub's Avatar
I just saw this thread and thought about leaving it alone as do not wish anyone any harm and especially not a provider! It is a funny thread even though I have been the butt of some of it! However, just to set some members straight, I did NOT request a freebie ... she offered it!
(Who amongst you would have turned that down?!)
From a PM she sent me :

This also confirmed in a text message from her which I found and showed her that day!
I DID request that she came to my side of town (because if I ended up with yet another NC/NS, at least I would not be driving as far!), and that despite everything, I did not want her to be out of pocket, so I would get the room and give her some gas money.
I did exactly what I said I would!
I am no-one's WK (nor, as far I am aware, do I have any!), nor do I wish to ruin anyone's reputation. I simply state the truth as I know it!
As for futile's claims ... well, they're futile, LOL. He didn't know the all the details and ran a fallacious argument which had utterly no merit, based on nothing but assumptions.
Well done, sir ... NOT!!!
We now return to our scheduled program "Living your lives" ... already in progress

AKA Joe Friday "Just the facts, ma'am" LOL
Just4Hobby's Avatar
Ladies and gentleman, heeeeere's abd . . .
Raphael's Avatar
does not mean "you are getting it for free" it means, "you're free, you have free time" so call me for another appointment.
abdclub's Avatar
Raphael ... you're just an hooktard!! OUT!
