A Question for the Ladies - Just how is it that YOU look out for a guys safety?

Fancy and Sophia,

Thank you both for having the class and taking the time to respond to a thread many men are watching.

All of the ladies who feel the need to simply post "I will not feed the trolls" probably don't realize just how much those one line posts will hurt business. Whispers is asking a legitimate question and you simply want to avoid answering the questions because you don't have an answer. This makes it seem like you are among the many ladies out there whom collect as much information as they can - personally, I truly appreciate knowing that so that I can know a few more ladies to avoid. Originally Posted by AustinBusinessTraveler
dead wrong...i do not and never have collected info on any gent. and 'do not feed the trolls' has nothing to do with not having an answer.

the original poster actually quoted me from another thread, so i will tell you what i meant by the remark since no one has the slightest clue...

if a person, ANY person in this hobby, which comes with built in risk on both sides, increases the risks by having absolutely NO standard of screening or getting a vouch that the person they are about meet isn't LE, hasn't ripped someone off and isn't a danger as far as they know, i think there is, for me, the assumption that that person cares very little for their own well being.

i also assume that ANY person who is willing to put themselves at greater risk is careless and dangerous. and i have the right to that assumption.

i NEVER said, nor did i imply that screening a gent was actually for THEIR protection. it is for mine. but what i do think is that if you are a lady and you don't screen the chances of something going terribly wrong go up exponentially.

and i also believe that any one who doesn't care enough about their own safety, cares NOT A DAMN about your safety, or your privacy or anything else that you have at risk. why would they?

so as sophia noted, and i have said in the past about this very thing...i don't even know nor do i ask for last names much less any other personal information and you may check that yourself...i am well known and trusted by enough people who will let you know exactly how wrong you are to even imply that i or any one else collects info just because you didn't like what we said in a post...

and my business is just fine, BTW.
sixxbach's Avatar
ABT and whispers, i agree with you............... PERIOD!!!
Are you all crazy or living in a dreamland? Have you never heard the saying "Paranoia is not just for the people that think people are out to get them, its for people who have a reason to worry if people *MIGHT* be out to get them?" Honestly, unless you have nothing to fear (and don't we all for one reason or another, work, home, family, etc...) than why don't you invest in a hobby phone, a good on-line personality with a built-in back story, and learn to follow the simple rule..."SILENCE IS GOLDEN"??

It is a 2-way street...if the hobbiest is dumb enough to give the provider information that hangs him, how is that the provider's fault? Especially given that every email sent is saved for years, every txt msg sent is save for years, every address search history is saved for years...blah, blah blah... Cover YOUR OWN TRACKS is rule #1!!!
Besides... in this day and age you can't hide from anything. All of our information is out there in some form or fashion. Why the hell would you want to see a provider that didn't ask any type of screening information? That seems like a more appropriate question. If she doesn't screen, you can bet LE is not far behind. Not to mention even darker things.
Solutions people! What is the point of bitching about something if you offer no "sane" solutions?
For those of you with SO's/Wives...separate bank accounts! Hobby Phones!
Good back stories!
Tear away clothing to keep any other scent unexpected off you..,
Stop being morons or mentally challenged...YOU WILL GET CAUGHT unless you wake up every day aware of that fact and act like YOU DON"T HOBBY
....Get a job that requires odd/weird hours from you...

For you single/no-SO guys....Don't invite them to your house or use your work Blackberry...

*DUH* is it that hard to define PERSONAL SECURITY? If not, please pm me with your social security #, bank accounts, and your atm password.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Fancy and Sophia,

Thank you both for having the class and taking the time to respond to a thread many men are watching.

All of the ladies who feel the need to simply post "I will not feed the trolls" probably don't realize just how much those one line posts will hurt business. Whispers is asking a legitimate question and you simply want to avoid answering the questions because you don't have an answer. This makes it seem like you are among the many ladies out there whom collect as much information as they can - personally, I truly appreciate knowing that so that I can know a few more ladies to avoid. Originally Posted by AustinBusinessTraveler
I feel the need to clarify that I was not responding to the question posted by the OP -- nor will I respond to any question posted by the OP.

I was simply responding to a side comment by another hobbyist on a slightly different but related topic.

While I normally appreciate a compliment, I'll have to turn this one down. Posting in this thread does not make me any better than Wicked Heather or Sexy Roxanne who both have stellar reputations -- or any of the countless other women with stellar reputations who have avoided this thread because they refuse to feed the trolls.
Whispers's Avatar
the original poster actually quoted me from another thread Originally Posted by WickedHeather

Yes yours was the most recent example but it's a comment heard often....
dead wrong...i do not and never have collected info on any gent. and 'do not feed the trolls' has nothing to do with not having an answer.

the original poster actually quoted me from another thread, so i will tell you what i meant by the remark since no one has the slightest clue...

if a person, ANY person in this hobby, which comes with built in risk on both sides, increases the risks by having absolutely NO standard of screening or getting a vouch that the person they are about meet isn't LE, hasn't ripped someone off and isn't a danger as far as they know, i think there is, for me, the assumption that that person cares very little for their own well being.

i also assume that ANY person who is willing to put themselves at greater risk is careless and dangerous. and i have the right to that assumption.

i NEVER said, nor did i imply that screening a gent was actually for THEIR protection. it is for mine. but what i do think is that if you are a lady and you don't screen the chances of something going terribly wrong go up exponentially.

and i also believe that any one who doesn't care enough about their own safety, cares NOT A DAMN about your safety, or your privacy or anything else that you have at risk. why would they?

so as sophia noted, and i have said in the past about this very thing...i don't even know nor do i ask for last names much less any other personal information and you may check that yourself...i am well known and trusted by enough people who will let you know exactly how wrong you are to even imply that i or any one else collects info just because you didn't like what we said in a post...

and my business is just fine, BTW. Originally Posted by WickedHeather
I agree with Heather!

If a Provider is making the effort to screen there is less of a chance for her being abused by a client (if you don't think this happens just look at the Alert section), BUT, if I may add it also helps keep them from being arrested by the LE. Like anything in life nothing is 100%, but doing Nothing like not screening just ups the odds that provider will have problems. That puts All of the providers customers at risk of being dragged into the mess. So YES screening does help protect the clients!

It amazes me that this question even came up!

Screening is so elementary, basic and just plan down right Common Sense, that if you cannot understand how screening protects EVERYONE then maybe you should not be in the Hobby in the first place. You are more of a Danger to everyone here then even the ladies who do minimal or no screening.
But I do believe the question was written not so much as a question, but rather another way of trying to cause confrontation and flaming more then anything else. Unfortunately some people thrive on this as has been proven over and over again here and on other sites. And then again some people only care about themselves and don't give a Damn what happens to anyone else as long as they get what they want!

I know I am doing exactly what I should not do, in that I am feeding the TROLLS and their WHITE KNIGHTS! But this has gotten so ridicules I could not help myself.

Guest062010's Avatar
I agree with Heather!

If a Provider is making the effort to screen there is less of a chance for her being abused by a client (if you don't think this happens just look at the Alert section), BUT, if I may add it also helps keep them from being arrested by the LE. Like anything in life nothing is 100%, but doing Nothing like not screening just ups the odds that provider will have problems. That puts All of the providers customers at risk of being dragged into the mess. So YES screening does help protect the clients!

It amazes me that this question even came up!

Screening is so elementary, basic and just plan down right Common Sense, that if you cannot understand how screening protects EVERYONE then maybe you should not be in the Hobby in the first place. You are more of a Danger to everyone here then even the ladies who do minimal or no screening.
But I do believe the question was written not so much as a question, but rather another way of trying to cause confrontation and flaming more then anything else. Unfortunately some people thrive on this as has been proven over and over again here and on other sites. And then again some people only care about themselves and don't give a Damn what happens to anyone else as long as they get what they want!

I know I am doing exactly what I should not do, in that I am feeding the TROLLS and their WHITE KNIGHTS! But this has gotten so ridicules I could not help myself.

Hobbie Originally Posted by hobbie
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
I agree with Heather!

If a Provider is making the effort to screen there is less of a chance for her being abused by a client (if you don't think this happens just look at the Alert section), BUT, if I may add it also helps keep them from being arrested by the LE. Like anything in life nothing is 100%, but doing Nothing like not screening just ups the odds that provider will have problems. That puts All of the providers customers at risk of being dragged into the mess. So YES screening does help protect the clients!

It amazes me that this question even came up!

Screening is so elementary, basic and just plan down right Common Sense, that if you cannot understand how screening protects EVERYONE then maybe you should not be in the Hobby in the first place. You are more of a Danger to everyone here then even the ladies who do minimal or no screening.
But I do believe the question was written not so much as a question, but rather another way of trying to cause confrontation and flaming more then anything else. Unfortunately some people thrive on this as has been proven over and over again here and on other sites. And then again some people only care about themselves and don't give a Damn what happens to anyone else as long as they get what they want!

I know I am doing exactly what I should not do, in that I am feeding the TROLLS and their WHITE KNIGHTS! But this has gotten so ridicules I could not help myself.

Hobbie Originally Posted by hobbie
Wow Hobbie,

You may need a crowbar to get your lips off from kissing ass.

This has nothing to do with whether you screen or how you screen, so get down off of your high horse. I love how quickly these threads get twisted into "how dare you question screening". Not one post I see here has questioned whether screening should happen, although I understand why some ladies want to change it to that - it's easier to vent about trolls rather than answer a legitimate question.

Yet again, what are you doing to protect your clients? How do you take down information - digitally or with pen and paper?

If digitally, do you have an encryption system on your computer? Do you have a browser set to automatically clear your history and cache so that you aren't leaving footprints all over the net and your PC? How do you erase the information (i.e. are you using a scrubber program)? Do you keep any information in some form of database? If you don't have answers to this or, worse, don't know what this means then you simply do not care about your clients safety or your own for that matter.

If you are writing things down on pen and paper, how long do you keep information? Where do you keep it - a safe, lockbox, desk drawer, just sitting out? How do you throw out the information - shred, burn, throw it in the trash?

Are you using a hobby phone yourself (or are you really using your own personal phone that traces directly back to your name)? Are you using a shared computer? Are you using a shared internet connection?

This is what Whispers means by what are you doing to protect your clients. For all those ladies who feel that is trolling, thank you for answering the question by not answering. I know that I take privacy (both mine and the ladies I see) very seriously and feel that what I listed here is the most basic set of answers that one could ask for.

If you don't have any answers for this, think about getting some. I respect the ladies and companies that have legitimate answers for all of these questions. Much of this has some cost involved... but that cost is a business expense and there is no excuse for not spending the money to protect yourself and your clients.
Whispers's Avatar
It amazes me that this question even came up! Originally Posted by hobbie


It amazes you that as a hobbiest a guy might want to know just what a lady is supposedly doing to protect HIS safety while screening him?

Dude.... You have a brown stain around your lips... better check the mirror......

Lets address one item brought up..... I've heard that ladies screen to filter out LE..... Really? LE is capable of infiltrating the Mafia... Drug Cartels.... Street Gangs... Motorcycle Gangs...... etc..etc etc....

But Lil Suzie Q with a couple of references tied to name and phone number is going to shut them out?

How unrealistic and idiotic is that presumption? If Vice wants to see a lady vice will get in to see a lady...... If Vice wants a P411 account Vice will have a P411 account....

Recently Vice wanted to attend an ASPD Social and people Blindly accepted that Vouching and Screening would prevent what happened from ever happening.... VICE was at the Houston ASPD Social and guys and Gals were both arrested.....

Come On Guys... It's one thing for you to accept that you have to shell out a few bucks for a ladies company..... Why do you sell your soul and sacrifice your manhood along the way as well?

It is idiotic to blindly provide your information to a lady or any screening service without fully understanding the implications......

Suppose the lady has already been compromised by LE?.... Busted a few weeks ago and LE wants to dig deeper into her circle of friends and maybe orchestrate a sting on her clientele looking for some big shot politician or business owner or sports figure because they need the media Attention...... You don't think they would allow her to continue to operate, continue to screen, continue to gather all that information and use it to round a few dozen people up for the media sensation it would cause?

Or would you believe that all the ladies you give your personal information to would rather keep their mouth shut and ignore the offer of a deal?....

Lastly for KARMA ......who so excitedly applauds your willingness to play the roll of a lamb being lead to slaughter......

People that steal other people's identities should be banned.

People that falsely accuse others should be banned.
it's clear that no matter what the ladies say or how many of us have repeated that we don't take or keep your info, we are wrong and you are right.

and god forbid that another man agree with us...whatever. if anything is being twisted it's by you guys.

screen, don't screen...argue it till you turn blue. if you don't have the refs, oh well. that's all i ask for EVER. how you get there i don't give a shit.

thank you hobbie for being one of the nice guys, as always.

and for you other guys, why is it you just can't accept that EVERYONE doesn't have to agree with you and NOT be an ass kisser as well? you don't want to be attacked on the board but you sure as hell don't mind being the first to be insulting.

so lets hear it? how DO we screen you then. since you seem to have all the answers tell me. cause over and over all you do is bitch about it but i haven't once heard you suggest anything that would make you happy and finally shut up about this and make the provider feel secure as well...
Whispers's Avatar
it's clear that no matter what the ladies say or how many of us have repeated that we don't take or keep your info, we are wrong and you are right.

and god forbid that another man agree with us...whatever. if anything is being twisted it's by you guys. Originally Posted by WickedHeather
A question was asked.... Where is anything getting twisted?

screen, don't screen...argue it till you turn blue. if you don't have the refs, oh well. that's all i ask for EVER. how you get there i don't give a shit.

thank you hobbie for being one of the nice guys, as always.

and for you other guys, why is it you just can't accept that EVERYONE doesn't have to agree with you and NOT be an ass kisser as well? you don't want to be attacked on the board but you sure as hell don't mind being the first to be insulting.
personally.... I could care less about getting "attacked" on the board..... so long as people are not allowed to make false statements as part of the attack. i.e. KARMA who lies through her teeth, fabricating stories when she cannot successfully make her point....

personally.... I try not to be insulting... to paraphrase YOU.... and for you other girls, why is it you just can't accept that EVERYONE doesn't have to agree with you and NOT be insulting or attacking you?

so lets hear it? how DO we screen you then. since you seem to have all the answers tell me. cause over and over all you do is bitch about it but i haven't once heard you suggest anything that would make you happy and finally shut up about this and make the provider feel secure as well...
Tough question.... not honestly my concern as that is YOUR business.... But when some preach the need for screening you will hear me and a few others comment on the risks.... That provides balance as well as education.

I just highly recommend to guys that providing any personal information such as their name, address, telephone number, DL number, place of employment, etc is HIGHLY risky......

Can "Whispers" provide a lady with references from two local providers that will say he is safe and a gentleman? Sure... But how do you know the guy that knocks on your door is actually "Whispers".... In my case, from a physical standpoint it's not hard to know I am not LE.... too old and too round.....But for most guys that is not going to work and you will want some tie-in to who they actually are....

Parties, Social Events, meet and greets, Luncheons, sometimes a cocktail party or happy hour.... those used to be excellent opportunities for like minded individuals to come together and meet and get a feel for each other..... Somewhere along the line that got perverted into "must be vouched / screened" to get in process that proved to not keep anyone safe....

I won't admit to having any answers for your side of the fence....

I just know from my side there are many, many ways to get seen by ladies without the need to screen... Even ladies that preach the need to screen and claim they will not see you without being screened.....
your acting AS IF every time you see a lady that you have never seen before you have to give up your entire backgrround of personal information...MISLEADING AND UNTRUE.

that is the problem with you entire arguement. that isn't by most stantards the way it works. and we would know the gent by the description given...that isn't that hard to figure out, as far as if you are LE or dangerous, well maybe not fool proof but that is why we check with other ladies about how you bahaved. if she had no problem, then it's likely you are going to get your appointment. (well, not all of you)

and your right, there are ladies out there who don't screen, and i say more power to you. as for me, 2 provider refs, or p411 with okays or no deal. not negotialbe. and for the rather large group of ladies that i have gotten to know and work with, the same.

and you know what, i do accept that you don't agree with me. i am also not the one making remarks about 'BROWN SPOTS' or 'CROWBARS'. so i don't think you try all that hard to no be insulting. as a matter of fact, i haven't said one insulting thing to anyone no matter how they try to misquote, or make untrue assumptions about me collecting and keeping personal info.

if you had a valid question there would be no need for all the other bs. but for you to get on here and act as if we, the ladies, are doing something wrong or shady by screening is just plain weird. thread after thread you start or jump on and bitch and bitch, and yet after all this time you can't come up with one single idea that would help solve your little crisis...oh that's right, it's not your problem...it's just your right to bitch about it endlessly.