Why does everyone think Arkansas is bad for Providers

Hmmm, of the three providers I know that have been busted, the one busted in Dallas fared worst. She spent the night in jail. The two in LR received tickets and were released. Of course 3 damned sure is not a scientific or representative sample.
Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
In one word : DRAMA
Brass Balls's Avatar
The toothbrush was invented in Arkansas. Otherwise it would have been called a teethbrush.
christylynn's Avatar
arkansas isnt that bad
pyramider's Avatar
AR is a shoe optional state.
It's hard for an out of state provider to make good money in Arkansas because there's so many cousins for the local guys to already pick from...

Plus... what they all said (above)!

Does Ark still have P411 coverage? I think at one time it was taken away because LE had infultrated.
Pistol Man's Avatar
Actually, Arkansas, was a terrific place to be born and arrive at adulthood (which in those days was 21 years old). Both parents had college degrees. And all their children have college degrees. Yes, we lived on the family farm, and cousins lived across the farm - but that's as close as we got. It wasn't until the PC crowd came to power under the tutelage of Slick Willy that the state changed its motto from "The Land of Opportunity" to "The Natural State". It has been a downhill slide ever since! I know all the jokes; but remember these jokes can all be applied to anyone who is different than you. As my daddy used to say, "let them all think that way so they won't move here. We don't need the bastards coming here and making Arkansas as screwed up as where they came from".

The saddest part about Arkansas is this: for years we made the trek back home from Dallas to visit the folks on the old homestead for long holiday weekends. On the return trip driving southwest on I-30 out of Little Rock 90% of the cars had Texas plates. I determined that all my generation who could, escaped, and only return to visit.

God Bless Texas!!!!
Agree with the 1st cousin mention but expand it to M & F cousins, do I hear banjo music?
Guest042715's Avatar
Other than everything mentioned above it sounds like a great place to provide..........